Moving The Tractor Manually; Setting The Cruise Control; Engaging The Blades; Using The Deck Lift Lever - MTD 13AX615H730 Operator's Manual

Hydrostatic lawn tractor
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You r LaWn
To help avoid blade
contact or a thrown
object injury, keep
-bystanders, helpers,
children and pets at
least 75 feet from the
machine while it is in
operation. Stop ma-
chine if anyone enters
the area.
Plan your mowing pat-
tern to avoid discharge
of materials toward
roads, sidewalks, by=
standers and the like.
Also, avoid discharging
material against a wall
or obstruction which
may cause discharged
material to ricochet
back toward the
Moving the Tractor
Yourtractor'stransmission isequippedwitha reliefvalve
foroccasions whenitisnecessary to movethetractor
manually. A ctivating this valveforcesthetransmission
fluidto bypassitsnormalroute,allowingthe reartires
to "freewheel." T oengagethe reliefvalve,proceedas
Locatethe hydrostaticbypassrod in the rear of
the tractor.See Fig.4-5
Hydrostatic Bypass
Figure 4=5
Pull the hydrostaticbypassrodoutward,then
down,to lock it in place.
NOTE: Thetransmissionwill NOTengagewhenthe
hydrostaticbypassrod is pulledout. Returnthe rodto its
normalpositionpriorto operatingthetractor.
IMPORTANT:Neverattemptto movethetractormanu-
allywithoutfirstengaging the reliefvalve.Doingso may
damagethe tractor'stransmission.
The Cruise
NOTE:The cruisecontrol featureshouldonly be utilized
whiletravelingin the forwarddirection.
• Slowlypressthe upper portionof thedrive pedaluntil
thedesiredspeedis achieved.
• Lightlypress thecruise controllever.
• Whilecontinuingto hold the cruiseleverdown,lift
yourfoot from the drivepedal(you shouldfeel the
cruise latchengage).
• Onceengaged,the cruisecontrolleverand the drive
pedalwill lock in the "down"position,and the tractor
will maintainthe sameforwardspeed.
NOTE:Cruisecontrolcan notbe engagedat the
tractor'sfastestgroundspeed. If the operatorshould
attemptto do so, the tractorwill automatically decelerate
to the fastestoptimal mowinggroundspeed.
Disengagethecruise controlusingone of the following
1. Depressthe brakepedalto disengagethecruise
controland stop the tractor.
2. Lightlydepressthe drivepedal.
Tochangethe directionof travelto reversewhen
operatingwith cruisecontrol,depressthe brakepedal
to disengagethe cruise controland bring thetractorto a
completestop.Thenslowlydepressthe rearportionof the
drivepedalwith the ballof yourfoot to travelin reverse.
the Blades
Engagingthe PTO(Blade Engage)transferspowerto the
cuttingdeckor other(separatelyavailable)attachments.
Toengagethe blades,proceedas follows:
1. Movethe throttlecontrolleverto the FAST(rabbit)
Models with Manual PTO
2. a. Graspthe PTO(BladeEngage)leverand pivotit all
the wayforwardinto theengaged(ON) position.
Models with Electric
b. Pull the PTO(Blade Engage)knoboutwardintothe
3. Keepthe throttleleverin the FAST(rabbit)position
for the mostefficientuseof the cuttingdeck or other
IMPORTANT: T he engine(on modelswith a manualPTO)
or electric PTOclutch(on modelswith an electricPTO)
will automatically shut off if the PTOis engagedwith the
drivepedal in positionfor reversetravelwith the ignition
key in the NORMALMOWINGposition.Referto Safety
InterlockSwitchesearlierin this section.
Using the Deck Lift Lever
Toraisethe cuttingdeck,movethe deck lift leverto the
left, thenplaceit in the notch best suitedforyour applica-
tion. Referto SettingThe CuttingHeightearlierin this

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Series 610

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