:34 Solutions to Common Problems
Before you call.°°
If you experience
a problem
with your refrigerator
or notice a product behavior
or condition
that you do not
you can usually avoid a call to your service
by referring
to this section
for an answer.
wroththe following
table, this information
and suggested
Automatic Ice Maker
Ice makeris not making
any ice,
Ice makeris not making
enough ice,
Freezericemakerwill not
stop making ice.
Ice cubesare freezing
Ice Dispenser
Dispenserwill not
dispense ice.
Ice dispenseris jammed.
Potential Cause
Common Solution
• Ice maker is turned off,
* Turnon icemaker. For the fresh food icemaker,press
Refrigeratoris not connectedto water line or
water valveis not open.
Thewater supply line is kinked.
Thewater filter is not seatedproperly.
Thewaternitermaybeclogged withforeignmaterial.
Saddlevalveon cold water pipe is clogged or
restricted by foreign material.
tce maker is producing tess icethan you expect.
* Thewaterfilter maybeclogged withforeignmaterial.
* Thewater supply line is kinked,
, Saddlevalveon cold water pipe is clogged or
restricted by foreign material.
Ice makerwire signal arm is being held down
by some packageinthe freezerthat hasfallen
againstthe ice maker.
Ice cubesare not being usedfrequently enough.
and hold the "ice Off" buttonfor 4 seconds until the
indicatorturns off. For the freezerice maker,lower the
wire signal arm.
- Connectthe unit to the householdwater supply and
ensurethe supply valveis open.
Ensurethatthe supply linedoes not kink when the refrig-
erator is pushedinto placeagainstthe wall.
* Removeand re-installthe water filter. Be sure to pushthe
filter firmly so that you hear it locksolidly into position.
If water dispensesslowly or not at all,or if the filter is six
(6) monthsold or older, it should be replaced.
, Turnoff householdwater linevalve. Removevalve.
Ensurethat valveis not a self-piercing saddlevalve. Clean
valve, Replacevalveif necessary.
* Thefresh food andfreezer icemakerswill eachproduce
approximately2.5 poundsof iceevery 24 hours
dependingon usageconditions.
- If water dispensesslower than normal, or if the filter is six
(6) monthsold or older, it should be replaced.
, Ensurethatthe supply linedoes not kink when the refrig-
erator is pushedinto placeagainstthe wall.
o Turnoff householdwater linevalve. Removevalve.
Ensurethat valveis not a self-piercing saddlevalve. Clean
valve. Replacevalveif necessary.
, Move the item and releasewire signal arm. Removeany
ice cubesthat may havefrozentogetherover the wire
signal arm.
- Remove icecontainer and discard ice. The ice makerwill
produce fresh supply, Ice should be usedat leasttwice
weeklyto keepthe cubesseparated.
, This generallyoccurswhen the ice makerdoes not get
enough water, This is usuallythe resultof a clogged water
filter. Replacethe water filter.
Ice cubesare hollow (shells of icewith water
inside). The hollow cubesbreak open in the bin
and leaktheir water onto existing ice,which
causesit to freezetogether.
Potential Cause
,, Watersupply is not connected.
o Ice storage bin is empty.
,, Householdwater line valveis not open.
,, FreshFooddoor is not closed.
,, Icedispensing paddle hasbeen heldinfor
morethanfourto (4-5) minutes.
,, Ice has meltedand frozen around augerdueto
infrequent use, temperaturefluctuations, and/or
power outages.
• Ice cubesare frozentogether.
,, Ice cubes aresmaller than normal.
, Connect w ater supply(seeConnecting TheWaterSupply
• Ensureice makeris turned on. When the first supply of
iceis dropped into the bin, the dispenser should operate.
,, Openhouseholdwater line valve.Allow sufficient time
for the iceto be made.When iceis made,the dispenser
should operate.
,, EnsureFreshFooddoor is closed. (See Problem Section,
Opening/Closing of Doors/Drawers)
,, Motoris overloaded. M otoroverloadprotectorwill resetin
approximately three(3) minutes.Icecanthen bedispensed.
,, Removeicebin, thaw, and emptythe contents.Clean bin,
wipe dry, and replacein proper position.When new ice is
made,dispensershould operate.
,, Usethe dispenser oftenso thatcubesdo not freezetogether.
,, The ice & water filter cartridge could be clogged.Replace
the filter cartridge. Dispensingsystem operatesbest at
30-100 psi water pressure.Well water pressuresshould
fall within this range,