Craftsman 77246 - 158cc 4 Cycle Gas Edger 49 State Operator's Manual

Craftsman 77246 - 158cc 4 Cycle Gas Edger 49 State Operator's Manual



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Model No. 247.772460
Before using this
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rules and operating
o ESPArqOL R 31
Sears Brands Management
IL 60179, U.S.A.
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(November 8 , 2010)


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Craftsman 77246 - 158cc 4 Cycle Gas Edger 49 State

  • Page 1 CAUTION: Before using this PARTS LIST product, read this manual and o ESPArqOL R 31 follow all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Visit our website: FormNo.769-04617C (November 8 , 2010)
  • Page 2 FORTWO YEARSfrom the dateof purchase,this productis warrantedagainstanydefectsin materialor workmanship. D efectiveproductwill receivefree repairor free replacementifrepairisunavailable. For warranty coverage details to obtain repair or replacement, visit the web site: This warranty covers ONLYdefects in material and workmanship. Warranty coverage does NOT include: •...
  • Page 3: California Proposition

    This machinewas built to be operatedaccordingto the safe opera- This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesin this manual.As with any type of powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthe personalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessor error on the part of the operatorcan resultin yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual seriousinjury.This machineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands, beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith toes and feet and throwingdebris.
  • Page 4: Operation

    • Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesand other sourcesof • Alwaysoperatemachinefrom behindthe handlesand position ignition. yourselfwherethe direct lineof sight to cuttingbladeis blocked by guards. • Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevapors will accumulate in the area. • Alwaysstopenginewhenedging or trimmingis delayedor when transportingmachinefrom one locationto another. • Neverremovegas capor add fuel whileengineis hotor running. Allowengineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.
  • Page 5: Spark Arrestor

    NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS • After strikinga foreignobject, stopthe engine,disconnectthe sparkplug wireand groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughly Engineswhich are certifiedtocomplywith Californiaand federal inspectthe lawnedger for anydamage.Repairthe damage EPAemissionregulations for SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment) are beforestartingand operatingthe lawnedger. certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and mayinclude Neverattemptto makea wheeladjustment w hilethe engine is the followingemissioncontrol systems:EngineModification (EM), running.
  • Page 6 SAFETY SYMBOLS This pagedepictsand describessafetysymbolsthat mayappear on this product. Read,understand,and followall instructionson the machine before attempting to assemble and operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read,understand,andfollow all instructionsin the manual(s)beforeattemptingto assembleand operate WARNING m ROTATING BLADES Keephandsand feet awayfrom rotatingblade. • ®...
  • Page 7 ReguiationsTo Fire Prevention Requirements.
  • Page 8 NOTE:This machineis shippedWITHOUTGASOLINE or OIL. After settingup the edger,servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil as instructed. NOTE:Reference to rightor left hand sideof the edger is observed fromthe operatingposition. ASSEMBLY Handle Removeand discard anypackagingcardboardthat maybe present betweenthe upper handleand the lowerhandle. Pivotthe upper handleupwarduntilit snapsinto place.See Figure1.
  • Page 9 ,pth Control Lever Recoil Starter Curb Height Adjustment Lever Primer Figure4 BLADE DEPTH CONTROL LEVER The bladedepthcontrol leveris locatedon the rightside of the upper Be familiarwith all the controlsand their properoperation.Knowhow handle.It is usedto controlthe depthof the cut.The furtherforward to stopthe machineand disengageit quickly. the blade depthcontrolleveris moved,the deeperintothe soil the edger bladewill cut.
  • Page 10 GAS AND OiL FILL-UP "_ IMPORTANT: T his unit isshippedwithoutgasolineor oil inthe engine. Be certain to serviceenginewithgasolineand oil as instructed inthis sectionbeforestartingor runningyourmachine. Oil (one 18 ounce bottle shipped with unit) FirstTime Use Removeoil fill dipstick (G). See Figure5. Withthe moweron levelground,emptyentirecontentsof oil bottle providedintothe engineoil fill (H).
  • Page 11: Starting The Engine

    STARTING THE ENGINE Movethe bladedepthcontrol leverbackto the STARTpositionin the adjacent(top) notch. Whenstartingthe enginefor the firsttime, pushprimerfive times. Forall futurestarts,pushthe primerthreetimes.Wait about two secondsbetweeneachpush. See Figure6. Donot primeto restarta warmengine. Standingbehindthe edger,depressthe bladecontrolbail and hold it againstthe upper handlewith yourleft hand. With yourrighthand,graspthe recoilstarterhandleand slowly pull the rope outwarduntilenginereachesthe startof its com- pressioncycle (the ropewill pull slightlyharderat this point).
  • Page 12 Edging Along A Curb Trenching The right,rear wheelof the edgercan be loweredintoone of five You canutilizethe edger'soptionaltrenchingfeaturein orderto create positionsto easethe taskof edging alonga curb.To adjustthe height a widercuttingpathfor such thingsas layingwirefor landscape of curbwheel, proceedas follows: lighting. Lowerthe right, rear wheelby movingthe curb heightadjustment leverslightlyto the left.
  • Page 13: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.This chart describes serviceguidelinesonly.Use the ServiceLog columnto keeptrackof Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all completedmaintenance tasks.To locate the nearest Sears Service controlsandstoptheengine. W aituntilall movingpartshavecometo Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSearsat a completestop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainst t he 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. enginetoprevent u nintended starting. Each Use Check Engineoil level...
  • Page 14: Engine Maintenance

    Alwaysstopengine,disconnectspark plugwire, and groundagainst enginebeforeperformingany type of maintenance on yourmachine. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperformingany maintenance. • Thewarrantyon this edger/trencher d oes not coveritemsthat havebeen subjectedto operatorabuseor negligence. T o receive fullvalue fromwarranty,operatormustmaintainthe equipmentas instructedhere. • Changingof engine-governed speedwill voidenginewarranty. • All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat least onceeach season.
  • Page 15 Change Engine Oil "" '" Gasolineand its vaporsare extremelyflammableand explosive. Fireor explosioncancause severeburnsor death. Changeengineoil afterthe first five hoursof operation,and every fifty hoursor once a seasonthereafter. Whenyou drain theoil fromthe top oil fill tube,the fuel tank mustbe I emptyor fuel can leakoutand resultin a fire or explosion.Toempty Ithe fuel tank, runthe engine untilit stopsfrom lack of fuel.
  • Page 16 LUBRiCATiON EDGER BLADE CARE Wheels Lubricatethe wheelsand bearingsat least oncea seasonwith a light oil.Also if the wheelsare removed for any reason,lubricatethe surface blade. of the axle boltand the inner surfaceof the wheelwith lightoil. Usetwo wrenches(one wrenchto preventthe hexbolt headfrom Pivot Points spinningand the otherto removethe flangenut)to removethe Lubricatethe pivot pointson the blade controlbail,blade depthcontrol edger blade.Referto Figure16.
  • Page 17: Belt Replacement

    BELT REPLACEMENT Removethe spindlesheavesbelt guardby removingthe two self-tappingscrewswhich secureit to the blade plateassembly. NOTE:Toaid in reassembly, n otethe orientationof the drivebelton See Figure18. the two idlerpulleysand theengineflywheelpulleypriorto performing the followingsteps. Referto Figure17. SpindleSheave Theedger drivebelt is subjectto wearand shouldbe replacedif any signsof cracking,shreddingor rottingare present.Toreplacethe belt, proceedas follows: Workingin front of theedger,loosentheflangelock nut on top of...
  • Page 18 Neverstoreedger with fuelin tank indoorsor in poorlyventilated areaswherefuelfumes mayreachan open flame,spark,or pilot lightas on a furnace,water heater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance. PREPARING THE ENGINE PREPARING THE EDGER Forenginesstoredover30 days: • Cleanand lubricateedgerthoroughlyas describedin the lubrica- tion instructions. Topreventgum from formingin fuel systemor on carburetor parts,run engine untilit stopsfrom lack of fuel or add a gasoline •...
  • Page 19: Need More Help

    Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controlsandstopthe engine.Waituntilall moving partshavecometo a complete stop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainst t he engine to Iprevent u nintended starting. A lways wearsafetyglassesduringoperation orwhileperforming anyadjustments o r [repairs. Enginefails to start Bladecontroldisengaged. Engagebladecontrol. Sparkplug bootdisconnected. Connectwire to spark boot. Fueltank emptyor stale fuel.
  • Page 20 Craftsman Edger/Trencher B IViodel No. 247.772460 \\5o...
  • Page 21 Craftsman Edger/Trencher -- Model No. 247.772460 Ref, I Ref, Description Part No, Description Part Wheel 8 x 1.75T-Tread 687-02022 734-1268 Curb Height Adjustment Lever Flat Washer 1/2x 1.25x .10 936-0179 687-02125A Curb Height Adjuster Plate Wave Washer .531 x .781 x .013...
  • Page 22 Craftsman Engine Model No. 10T802=0711=B1 For Craftsman Edger/Trencher Model No. 247.772460 842 ,_ ,_ 287 _z 524 <}_? ..718 1 8'70 II869 I I-b_...
  • Page 23 Craftsman Engine Model No. 10T802-0711-B1 For Craftsman Edger/Trencher Model No. 247.772460 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 163 _ =_z_' 524 *_) 842 _ 45_,X 868 _ 40 _ 1095 VALVE GASKET 4o_;_ 868 -_'_...
  • Page 24 Craftsman Engine Model No. 10T802=0711-B1 For Craftsman Edger/Trencher Model No. 247.772460 97 0_ 633 d _ 13941 . __. ,- __%::-..334 @' ..:__. s_,_ _.._ <',J ?,_ ) 745A L( _22 9 _...
  • Page 25 Craftsman Engine Model No. lOT802=O711=B1 For Craftsman Edger/Trencher Model No. 247.772460 [ 1036 EMISSIONS LABEL /--- ..1211 1210 dr ..= '_' _?) r__ _ _i_{ 'Y'_":_...
  • Page 26 Craftsman Engine Model No. 10T802=0711=B1 For Craftsman Edger/Trencher Model No. 247.772460 692144 Housing-Rewind Starter 699650 CylinderAssembly 697316 Rope-Starter 399269 Kit-Bushing/Seal ( MagnetoSide) 691915 Grip-StarterRope 299819s Seal-Oil(MagnetoSide)• 690837 Screw(RewindStarter) 698691 Sump-Engine 699850 Screen-Rotating 790169 Head-Cylinder 692198 Screw(FlywheelGuard) 698747 Gasket-Cylinder H ead,+...
  • Page 27 Craftsman Engine IViodel No. 10T802=0711=B1 For Craftsman Edger/Trencher IViodel No. 247.772460 Emissions Label 691876 Seal-Dipstick Tube 1058 691320 Tube-Dipstick 277038 Operator'sManual 692189 Grommet 1095 498526 GasketSet-Valve 1210 691417 Screw(Air Cleaner) 499901 Pulley/Spring Assembly(Pulley) 698369 Filter-AirCleanerFoam 1211 499901 Pulley/Spring Assembly(Spring) 698472...
  • Page 28 (Thispage applicablein the U.S.A.and Canadaonly.) Sears Brands Management Corporation (Sears), the California Air Resources Board (CARD) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations) EMISSIONCONTROL WARRANTY COVERAGEISAPPLICABLE TO CERTI- YEAR 1997AND LATERENGINES WHICHARE PURCHASED AND USED FIEDENGINESPURCHASEDIN CALIFORNIAIN 1995ANDTHEREAF- ELSEWHERE IN THE UNITEDSTATES (ANDAFTERJANUARY1,2001 IN...
  • Page 29 Look For Relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air index information On Your Engine Emissions Label Engines that are certified to meet the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Tier 2 Emission Standards must display information regarding the Emissions Durability Period and the Air Index. Sears Brands Management Corporation makes this information available to the consumer on our emission...
  • Page 30 Congratulations onmaking asmart purchase. Your new Craftsman@ Onceyou purchasethe Agreement,a simplephonecall is all that it product isdesigned and manufactured foryears ofdependable opera- takesfor youto scheduleservice.Youcan call anytimedayor night,or tion. But l ike allproducts, itmay require repair from time totime. That's schedulea serviceappointmentonline.
  • Page 31 Los productosdefectuososser_.n reparadossin costoo reemplazados sin costosi la reparaci6nno est,. disponible. Paraobtener informaci6n sobre el alcance de la garantiay solicitar la reparaci6no el reemplazo, v isite el sitio Web: Esta garantiacubre0NICAMENTElos defectos en los materiales y en la mano de obra. Esta garantiaNOcubre: •...
  • Page 32 Esta m_.quina fueconstruidapara seroperadade acuerdocon La presenciade este simboloindicaque se trata de instrucciones las reglasde seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AI igualque importantes de seguridadque sedeben respetarparaevitar con cualquiertipo de equipomotorizado, u n descuidoo error por poneren peligrosu seguridadpersonaly/o materialy la de otras partedel operadorpuede producirlesionesgraves.Estam_.quina personas,Leay sigatodas las instrucciones de este manualantes es capazde amputarmanosy piesy de arrojarobjetoscon gran...
  • Page 33 • Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoen contactoconel horde del • Nuncaintentesacarmaterialdel protectorde la cuchillasi el dep6sitode combustibleo con la aberturadel recipiente en todo motorest,.en funcionarniento. Apagueel motor,desconecteel rnornento, h astaterrninarla carga. No utiliceun dispositivode cablede la bujiay p6ngalode rnaneraque hagarnasacontrael boquillade apertura/cierre. motorparaevitar que se enciendaaccidentalrnente.
  • Page 34 iVlANTENllVllENTO Y ALIVlACENAMIENTO NO iVlODIFIQUE EL MOTOR • Nuncaenciendael motoren espacioscerradoso en una zona Paraevitarlesionesgraveso la muerte,no modifiqueel motorbajo con pocaventilaci6n.El escapedel motorcontienemon6xidode ningunacircunstancia. S i cambiala configuracbndel reguladorel carbono,un gasinodoro y letal. motor puededescontrolarse y operara velocidadesinseguras. Nunca cambiela configuraci6nde f_.brica del reguladordel motor. •...
  • Page 35 SilVIBOLOS DE SEGURIDAD Esta p&ginarepresenta y describela seguridadlos simbolosque puedenpareceren este producto.Lea,comprenda,y sigatodas instrucciones en la m_quinaantesprocurarpara reuniry operar. LEA EL MANUAL(S) DEL OPERADOR Lea, comprenda, y siga todas instrucciones en el manual (manuales) antes procurar para reunir y operar ADVERTENCIA-- CUCHILLAS ROTATIVAS Mantegna...
  • Page 36 NOTA: Estaunidad se entregaSIN GASOLINAni ACEITE.Despuesde armar la unidad,realicelacarga de gasolinadel motorsegQnlasinstrucciones. NOTA: L asreferencias al ladoderecho o izquierdo d e la bordeadora se observan desdelaposici6n deloperador. iVIONTAJE Barra Retirey desechecualquiercart6nde empaqueque pudierehaber entrela barrasuperiory la barrainferior. Pivotela barrasuperiorhaciearriba hastaque calce en su lugar. Wase la Figura1.
  • Page 37 Controlde cuchilla control de la cuchilla Tap6n de aceite Palanca de ajuste de aitura del bordillo Cebador Figura4 PALANCA DE CONTROL DE LA CUCHILLA La palancade controlde profundidadde la cuchilla seencuentradel Familiaricese con todos los controlesy conel uso adecuadode los ladoderechode la barrasuperior.Se usapara controlarla profundidad mismos.Sepac6mo detenerla m_.quina y desactivarlos controles del corte.Cuantom_.s haciaadelantesemuevala palancade control...
  • Page 38 LLENADO DE GASOLINA Y ACEITE Aceite (se envia una botella junto con la unidad) Primer uso Saque la varilla del nivel de aceite (G). Con la cortadora de cesped ubicada en suelo nivelado, vierta el aceite bntamente pot dentro del tubo de Ilenadode aceite del motor (H) hasta la marca de limite alto en la varilla medidora del nivel de aceite (J).
  • Page 39: Para Encender

    PARA ENCENDER EL MOTOR Muevala palancade controlde profundidadde la cuchillapara atr_.s a la posici6nINICIOde la rnuesca adyacente(superior). Comenzando e l motorpotprimeravez,empujeel cebadorcinco veces.Paratodaslasfuturasventajas, e mpujeel cebadortres veces.Espereaproximadamente dossegundos entrecadapresi6n. Veala Figura6. Nocebeel motorcaiiente parareiniciarlo luegode unadetenci6n breve. Paradodetr_.sde la unidad,presionela palancade controlde la cuchillay sost_ngalocontra la barra superiorcon la rnano izquierda.
  • Page 40 Recorte a Io largo de un bordillo Zanjado Larueda p osterior derecha delabordeadora sepuede bajar auna Se puedeutilizarla caracteristica de zanjadoopcionalde la bordea- decinco p osiciones para f acilitar latarea d erecorte aIolargo d eun dora, paracrearun senderode corte rn_.s anchopara cosastales bordillo.
  • Page 41 PROGRAIVlA DE iVlANTENIMIENTO Siga el cronograma de mantenimientoque se presenta a continuaci6n. Esta tabla s61odescribe pautas de servicio. Utiiice ia columna Registro Antesde realizarcualquiertipo de mantenimientoo servicio,desenganche de Servicio para hacer ei seguimiento de ias tareas de mantenimiento todos loscontrolesy detengael motor.Esperea que se detengancomple- completadas.
  • Page 42: Mantenimiento

    Detenga siempre el motor,desconecte el cablede la bujiay hagamasa contrael motorantesde reaiizar c uaiquier t areade mantenimiento a su mfiquina. RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES • Respete siemprelasreglasde seguridad cuandorealicetareasde mantenimiento. • La garanfiade estacortadora nocubreelementos quehan estadosujetosal malusoo la negligencia deloperador. P ara recibirel reembolso totalde la garantia, e i operador d eberfidar mantenimiento a i equipotaly comoseindicaen estemanual.
  • Page 43 Cambiar el aceite del motor La gasolinay sus vaporessonextrernadarnente inflarnables y explosivos.Unincendioo una explosi6npuedencausargraves quernaduras o la rnuerte. Carnbieel aceitedel motordespu_sde las prirnerascincohorasde operaci6n,y cadacincuentahoraso una vez a la ternporadadespu_s. Si drena el aceitedesdeel tubo superiorde Ilenadode aceite,el tanquede combustible debe estar vado o de Io contrariopodria presentarseuna fugade combustible que podriaocasionarun incendioo una explosi6n.Paradesocuparel tanquede combustible, opereel motor hasta que se detengapor la falta de combustible.
  • Page 44 LUBRICACI6N EL BORDE DE LA BORDEADORA Ruedas Lubriquelas ruedasy cojinetespor Iomenos unavez por temporada El hordede la bordeadora es filoso.P6ngaseguantesde trabajode con un aceite Nviano. Adem_.s, s i sequitanlas ruedaspor cualquier cueropara protegerselas rnanoscuandotrabajacercade la cuchilla motivo,lubriquela superficiedel pernodel eje y la superficieinterna de la bordeadora.
  • Page 45 REEIVIPLAZODE CORREA Retirela guardade la correade las poleasdel husillosacandolos dos tornillosautoroscantes que la sujetanal rnontajede la placa NOTA:Paraayudara arrnarnuevarnente, observela orientaci6nde la de la cuchilla.Vea la Figura18. correade transrnisi6nsobrelasdos poleasIocasy la poleavolantedel motorantesde realizarlos siguientespasos.Vea la Figura17. Husilloroldana La correade transrnisi6nde la bordeadora esta sujetaa desgastey se deberiacarnbiarsi se presentansignosde agrietarniento, desin- tegraci6no descornposici6n.
  • Page 46 Nunca almacene la bordeadora de cesped con combustible en el tanque en un espacio cerrado o en a.reascon poca ventilaci6n, donde los gases dei combustible puedan aicanzar el fuego, chispas o una luz piloto como ia que tienen aigunos homos, calentadores de agua, secadores de ropa o algQnotto dispositivo a gas.
  • Page 47 Antesde realizar c ualquier t ipode mantenimiento o servicio, d esenganche todosloscontroles y detengael motor.Espere a quesedetengan completamente t odaslaspiezasm6viles. D esconecte el cablede la bujfay p6ngalo haciendo masacontra el motorparaevitarque seencienda accidentalmente. Utilicesiempre anteojos [de segurdaddurantee funconamentoo mentrasajustao repara esteequpc. El motor no arranca Control de ia cuchilla desenganchado.
  • Page 48 (Esta p_.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada.). Sears Brands Management Corporation, el Consejo de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos (EPA) Declaraci6n de garantia del sistema de control de emisiones (derechos y obligaciones de la garanfia de defectos del propi= etario)
  • Page 49 Busque el periodo de duraci6n de emisiones importantes yla informaci6n de clasificaci6n de aire en la etiqueta de emisiones de su motor Los motores cuyo cumpiimiento con los estAndares de emisi6n Tier 2 de la Comisi6n de Recursos Ambientales de California (CARB) est6 certificado deben exhibir la informaci6n relacionada con el periodo de duraci6n de ias emisiones y la clasificaci6n de aire.
  • Page 50 Felicitaciones por haberrealizadouna adquisici6ninteligente.El Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo,puedeprograrnar el serviciocon productoCraftsman@ que ha adquiridoest_ dise_adoy fabricado tan s61orealizaruna Ilarnadatelef6nica.PuedeIlarnaren cualquier para brindarrnuchosa_osde funcionarniento confiable.Perocorno mornento del dia o de la nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea. todoslos productosa vecespuederequerirde reparaciones.Esen El Acuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es una cornprasin riesgo. esernornentocuandoel disponerde un Acuerdode protecci6npara Si ustedanula por alguna raz6nduranteel periodode garantiade reparaciones le puedeahorrardineroy problernas.
  • Page 52 Your Home For troubleshooting, product manuals and expert advice: managernylife For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself.

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