Overview; Key Benefits; Xdasv2 Server Architecture - Novell XDASV2 - ADMINISTRATION GUIDE V1 Administration Manual

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The XDASv2 specification provides a standardized classification for audit events. It defines a set of
generic events at a global distributed system level. XDASv2 provides a common portable audit
record format to facilitate the merging and analysis of audit information from multiple components
at the distributed system level. The XDASv2 events are encapsulated within a hierarchical
notational system that helps to extend the standard or existing event identifier set.The XDASv2
taxonomy defines a set of fields, of these the primary fields are observer, initiator and target.
XDASv2 events helps you easily understand the audit trails of heterogeneous applications
Section 1.1, "Key Benefits," on page 9
Section 1.2, "XDASv2 Server Architecture," on page 9

1.1 Key Benefits

Provides secured audit services for a distributed system.
Defines a set of generic events at a global distributed system level.
Defines a common portable audit record format to help merge and analyse the audit
information from multiple components of a distributed system.
Defines a common format for audit events that analysis applications can use.
Records XDASv2 audit trail.
Configures event preselection criteria and event disposition actions.
Provides a common audit format regardless of the platform on which the XDASv2 service is
Supports heterogeneous environments without the necessity to reengineer the current operating
system or application-specific audit service implementations.
Supports adequate separation of duties for users.
Protects the audit log by making it accessible only to principals acting in specific
administrative or security roles.

1.2 XDASv2 Server Architecture



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