General Maintenance For The Printer - IBM 1050 Reference Manual

Data communication system
Table of Contents


Automatic Disconnect Feature
With the 103A type data set, this optional feature auto-
matically disconnects both terminals from the commu-
nications line when the System, Dial Disc switch at
either 1050 terminal is operated. This feature is de-
signed to permit the disconnect operation for both sta-
tions to be manually initiated at either terminal. This
feature must be requested from the common-carrier
prior to installation of the data set.
Note: To be effective, this feature requires that both data sets
have the "initiate Disconnect" and the "Respond to Disconnect
Maintenance for
(Figures 21 and 36)
Print Element Replacement
The removal and replacement of a printing element
requires only seconds. To accomplish this:
1. ChC:ck the printer to ensure that it is in lower-case
When in lower-case shift, the arrow on the
print element points toward the platen. If in upper
case shift, press the shift key.
Figure 36.
1052 and 1053 Printing Mechanism
2. Turn the mainline switch off.
3. Raise the top cover.
4. Press the spring levers (on top of print element, see
Figure 36).
5. Lift the print element off the element post.
6. Press the spring levers (of the replacement print ele-
ment) together firmly and place on the element post.
The arrow on the print element must point toward
the platen.
7. Release the spring levers. They will click when in
proper position. The print element is now locked in
position for printing.
Ribbon Replacement
Ribbon Cartridge permits quick,
clean ribbon changing in a matter of seconds. To re-
move and replace a ribbon:
1. Turn mainline switch on and tab or space the car-
rier to the center of the line.
2. Turn the mainline switch off, lift the top cover, and
tilt the hinged switch panel toward the operator
3. Move the ribbon change lever to the extreme right
to raise the ribbon guide.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents