Introduction - IBM 1050 Reference Manual

Data communication system
Table of Contents


1050 Data Communication System is a multi-
purpose, data recording and data transmission system.
This Tele-processing system (Figure 1) provides a high
degree of input-output flexibility due to the various
input-output media available and the numerous sys-
tem configurations possible. Data is entered into this
system by manual keying, by punched cards, by
punched paper tapes, and by edge-punched docu-
ments. While output from the system is in printed
form, in punched cards, in punched paper tape, and in
edge-punched documents. The system is capable of
simultaneous home-loop operation (local operation be-
tween units of the same terminal) and line-loop opera-
tion (over communication lines to another 1050 or cen-
tral processing unit-cpu).
1050 meets the unique requirements of a
wide range of businesses, large and small. The system
configurations available range from the receive-only
line-loop printer (see Figure 3A) to the more complex
and versatile configuration of a home-loop and trans-
mit-receive line-loop system (see Figure 5).
Operating over communication lines, the
provides rapid, dependable communication between
remote locations and a central data processing location.
The communication lines can be either leased private,
common-carrier switched telephone networks, or pri-
vately owned networks. Transmission can be either di-
rectly between locations, through switching centers, or
through message exchanges.
Transmission is half-duplex (two ways alternately).
Point-to-point operation can be accomplished with this
system, or communication can be between a central
terminal and remote multidrop terminals.
Operation over communications lines can be per-
formed simultaneously with independent home-loop
operations. Any combination of the input-output com-
ponents of the system, not being used for communica-
tion line operation, is available for independent home-
loop operation. Records can be composed from any
combination of input media. As records are composed,
the data can be transmitted simultaneously (using a
keyboard and a monitor printer) or can be stored in
machine readable media (paper tape and cards) for
later transmission.
IBM 1050 Data Communication System
In local home-loop operations or line-loop operations
over communications lines, the 1050 can perform such
functions as:
Source recording,
Media converting,
Document writing,
Automatic typing,
Printing of transmitted data, and
Preparing machine readable media for transmission.
System Components
1050 Data Communication System is available
with various component combinations in numerous sys-
tem configurations (see Figures 3A, 3B, 4 and 5). These
modular control, input, and output components are:
1051 Control Unit (Models 1, 2 and Nl)
1052 Printer-Keyboard
1053 Printer
1054 Paper-Tape Reader
1055 Paper-Tape Punch
1056 Card Reader (Models 1and2)
1057 /1058 Card Punch or Printing Card Punch
1092 and 1093 Programmed Keyboards
Thus, the organization of the terminal is truly modular
and the components can operate in a variety of com-
binations with complete flexibility. The control unit is
essential to each configuration and provides the con-
trols for the components, in addition to home-loop and
line-loop operations. All components are electrically
connected through the control unit.
The printer and keyboard, unlike a standard type-
writer, are only electrically, not mechanically, con-
nected. They are cable-connected to the control unit
so that they can be operated independently.
Configurations are available with a maximum of two
machine-readable inputs, one of which can be a card
reader and with a maximum of two machine-readable
outputs, of which one, or both, can be card punches.
Each reader can be replaced by a programmed key-
board, if desired.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents