1056 Card Reader; Controls - IBM 1050 Reference Manual

Data communication system
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Documents must be fed singly, except for specified
fanfold documents, which can be fed in continuous
form. Document size limits (for single documents) are
4.0 inches for minimum length (feeding edge) and 16.0
inches for maximum length. Document width can be a
minimum of 2 inches and a maximum of 12 inches, but
cannot exceed its length.
Note: This feature does not preclude interspersed use of paper
1056 Card Reader
Controls (Figure 26)
Pressing this button on the card reader causes any card
in the card path to automatically eject to the stacker.
With the Model 1 card reader, the preceding opera-
tion will also cause a card from the hopper to move to
the read station. During ejection, no reading takes
place from program tape or from card, and an EOB is
not generated.
With the 1056 feed and hopper empty, pressing the
eject button causes the program tape to home at read-
ing speed until the 12-track punch is sensed, then it
Figure 26.
1056 Model 1, Controls
continues at high speed (60 cps) to column one. If a
card is in the card path, pressing the eject button
causes the program tape to home at high speed and
the card to eject to the stacker.
Feed (Model 1 Only)
Pressing this button feeds a card into reading position
from the 1056 hopper. This button is not active during
the time the 1056 is operating (reading, feeding, or
ejecting). Also, it is not active when the stacker is full.
Auto EOB (On-Off)
This two-position switch permits automatic generation
of an EOB code from the trailing edge of the card,
when on. When off, this switch inhibits the generation
of this automatic EOB. The inhibit function exercised
by this switch, is effective for both home-loop and line-
loop operations. When off, this switch permits
number of cards to be read without the generation of
an automatic EOB. The EOB is placed in the last card
to properly end the record.
Program Tape, On-Off (Special Feature)
This two-position switch is associated with the card-
reader-program special feature, and when on, permits
normal program tape operation. When off, the program
tape is not effective. Refer to Figure 26 for the location
of this switch on the 1056 Model I. The 1056, Model 2,
has this switch located inside the right-side cover.
The 1056 contains several interlocks to check for proper
operation. The most significant of these are:
Card Lever 2. When this lever is activated, it indicates
that a card is positioned at the reading station. If
this lever is inactive, a negative response occurs
when the 1056 is polled.
Card Lever 3. When this lever is active, it indicates
that the card contains the proper corner-cut (C-1)
to permit its being read by the 1056. All cards are
placed in the hopper of the 1056, face-down column-
one edge first.
Note: A card containing an improper corner-cut is removed
from the 1056 by pressing the eject button.
Right-Side Cover Switch. This switch is active when
the right-side cover is fully closed. When inactive,
this switch prevents the 1056 from operating while
the program tape is being changed or adjusted.


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