1051 Control Unit-Special Features - IBM 1050 Reference Manual

Data communication system
Table of Contents


2. the bypass operation is terminated and the printer
is returned to a print status.
3. All function codes except prefixed functions and
the reader stop code are punched. All function
codes, without exception, perform their function.
Restore-Duplicate Mode (Prog-Dup Switch Set to
In this mode, input data is recorded by all se-
lected punches and printers. All coded functions are
punched, but not acted upon, except for EOB and
EOT codes, which eject a card from the punch or
Note: The punching of function codes in the 1057/1058 de-
pends on wiring of either the function panel or operator
panel in the punch.
Receive Interlocks
If a receive interlock occurs when transmitting to
tape or card punches from a reader or the keyboard
(1052), the interlocked receive component(s) stop, but
the sending unit (reader or keyboard) is not inter-
locked, and continues to operate. All home-loop pll'int-
ers continue to operate after the paper presence contact
is activated.
When a polled terminal is transmitting to remote re-
ceive components and an interlock occurs at the receiv-
ing terminal, the data check and receive alarm hghts
turn on. If the interlock is momentary and is relieved
by the time an EOB code is received, the receive alarm
light automatically turns off, but the EOB answer is
If the interlock condition continues, the receive
alarm light is automatically turned off when the inter-
lock is manually relieved. The resend light at the trans-
mitting terminal is on awaiting an EOB answer, and
this terminal responds negatively to a poll until the
resend light is manually turned off.
The EOB answer is inhibited when a momentary or
continued interlock occurs at addressed receive-com-
ponents. If the interlock continues, the terminal re-
sponds negatively to an address until the interlock
condition is manually corrected.
If a remote receive component is initially recognized
by its recognition code and
is not ready or is not
installed, the EOB answer is inhibited. If the initially
recognized component is ready and a second recog-
nized component is not ready or present, the EOB
answer is inhibited.
1050 Detailed Information
1051 Control
Unit - Special features
Auto Fill-Character Generation (Models 1 and N 1)
Home Loop Only
During the home-loop preparation of punched paper-
tape, printer functions CR/LF, TAB, LF interlock the
reader for the duration of the function. During this
time, the 1055 punches feed holes and idle characters
in the tape. (With the operator panel special feature
installed and the auto-fill switch on, the 1057 /1058
also punches idle characters for printer functions, pro-
viding the panel is so wired.) The auto-fill switch on
the 1052 is included in this special feature and must
be on for this action to occur.
In a later transmission of the tape, the idle characters
provide the time required for a receiving printer to
complete the functions when operating without a moni-
tor printer at the sending terminal. A monitor printer
(sending terminal) operating with a tape reader or
card-reader interlocks the reader for _sufficient time to
permit the remote printer (receiving terminal) to exe-
cute CR/LF, LF or TAB functions.
Note: Idle characters are also punched into tape (only) for
the card punch functions of dup, skip and release.
When paper tape is punched in home-loop from a
keyboard (1052) with the auto-fill switch on and an
error occurs, the print element must be manually tabed
to the end of the longest print line for that format.
Then the correct button is pressed to cause automatic
deletion of the error record in paper tape. This pro-
cedure prevents a remote printer from printing on-the-
fly when this same tape is later transmitted. Also, if
during this home-loop tape punching operation a short
line should precede a long line, the print element must
be manually tabed to the maximum line length. This
provides sufficient idle characters in the tape to pre··
vent printing on-the-fly if rereading and retransmission
(line correction special feature installed) of a long line
is required during a later transmission of this tape to a
remote printer. Refer to Timing Considerations in the
Appendix for the number of fill characters required for
various printer and punch functions.
Automatic Ribbon Shift and Line Feed Select
(Models 1, 2, and N 1)
This special feature recognizes certain two-character
function codes originated by the key board or readers
and placed on the home-loop or communications line
data channel. These function codes consist of the prefix
code followed by an alphabetic character which ini-
tiates a specific printer function.
The codes are originated by holding down the
alternate-coding key while operating the prefix key (8).


Table of Contents

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