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Operation - MFJ -1886 Instruction Manual

Receive loop antenna


View from top side of loop
Inside or outside the operation of the antenna is basically the same.
Rotation of the
antenna is important so turning it by hand or with a rotator will increase the effectiveness
of receiving distant stations.
Two null points on the antenna will allow directional receiving. This means
noise or other interference can be reduced by placing the noise source in the
direction of the null point. It is not necessary for you to know which direction the antenna
is pointed,
simply rotate the antenna until you hear the noise go away or it is greatly reduced.
You may not be able to null close or very strong stations because their signal may be coming
from multiple directions ( bouncing around ). When you null a station, it allows you to
hear other signals that are on or close to the same frequency as the nulled station. You
may be able to hear stations that you were not able to hear before.

