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Razer EDGE 5G BUNDLE Master Manual page 21


Special app access
Control how each or all apps can access your tablet's features, hardware, and/or data. To access
this area, from the Desktop, swipe up to show the Applications drawer, and then go to Settings >
Apps > Special app access.
Apps >
Apps >
Apps >
Special app access.
Special app access.
Special app access. You may then customize each app access below:
 All files access. Enable an app from reading, modifying, and deleting files on your tablet or
any connected storage device.
Device admin apps.
Device admin apps.
Device admin apps.
Device admin apps. View or deactivate apps on your tablet that have device administrator
Display over other apps. Enable an app to run over other apps.
Display over other apps.
Display over other apps.
Display over other apps.
Do Not Disturb access. . . . Permit an app to send out notifications even when Do Not Disturb
Do Not Disturb access
Do Not Disturb access
Do Not Disturb access
mode is active.
Media management apps.
Media management apps.
Media management apps.
Media management apps. Allow an app to manage media files including modifying and
deleting files created by other apps.
Modify system settings. Enable an app to modify system settings.
Modify system settings.
Modify system settings.
Modify system settings.
Device & app n
Device & app n
Device & app n
Device & app notification
Picture- - - - in in in in- - - - picture.
picture. Enable an app to create a Picture-in-picture window while the app is
open or after leaving it, allowing the app's window to display on top of other apps as you
use it.
Premium SMS access. Permit an app to have access on SMS.
Premium SMS access.
Premium SMS access.
Premium SMS access.
Unrestricted data.
Unrestricted data. Allow an app to have full access on network data even with Data Saver
Unrestricted data.
Unrestricted data.
Usage access. Enable an app to track what apps you're using and how often.
Usage access.
Usage access.
Usage access.
Install unknown apps.
Install unknown apps.
Install unknown apps.
Install unknown apps. Set an app as a trusted source when installing unknown apps.
Alarms & reminders.
Alarms & reminders.
Alarms & reminders. Allow an app to set alarms and schedule time-sensitive actions.
Alarms & reminders.
Usage access. Permit an app to track app usage and frequency of use.
Usage access.
Usage access.
Usage access.
VR helper services.
VR helper services. Enable an app to run in virtual reality mode.
VR helper services.
VR helper services.
Wi- - - - Fi control.
Fi control. Allow an app to turn on, connect to, add, remove, or start a network access.
Fi control.
Fi control.
View notifications and manage the behavior of the selected app's notifications.
Configuring each app's notifications
1. From the Desktop, swipe up to show the Applications drawer, and then go to Settings >
Notifications >
Notifications >
Notifications >
Notifications > App settings
2. Tap the app that you want to customize. You may configure any of the following:
On. Enable or disable all notifications from this app.
F O R G A M E R S . B Y G A M E R S .
otifications s s s . . . . Allow an app to show notifications.
App settings. . . .
App settings
App settings
Settings >
Settings >
Settings >
Settings >
Settings >
Settings >

