Remedy; Decommissioning; Temporary Decommissioning - HADEF 20/94AF-EX Installation, Operating And Maintenance Instruction

Monorail trolley
Table of Contents




Unit cannot be switched on
Motor runs in opposite direction
Motor does not run
Motor runs – trolley does not move
Motor hums and uses excessive current
Motor does not brake or has excessive afterrunning.
(Optional) brake does not release
Fuses burnt out or motor contactor is triggered
Trolley runs very slowly or not at all
*) as far as applicable


It is essential that the following points are observed in order to prevent damage to the equipment or critical
injury when the device is being decommissioned:
It is mandatory that all steps for decommissioning the machine are carried out in the indicated sequence:
 First secure the working area for decommissioning, leaving plenty of space.
 Read the chapter "Safety instructions".
 Disassembly is carried out in reverse order to the assembly.
 Please make sure that all operating material is disposed of in accordance with environmental regulations.

Temporary decommissioning

 Measures are as above.
 Also read the chapter "Transport and storage".
No main power
Electric trolley
Phase sequence not correct (with low voltage control)
Phase sequence / rotating field wrong
Electric trolley
(with three-phase direct control)
Fuse burnt out
Defective switching unit in the control button switch
Interruption in the control cable
Defect of capacitor (only for one-phase alternating
Electric trolley
Overheat protection has tripped*
Defective coil - mechanic or electric overload
Operation pressure / quantity of air is too low
After prolonged standstill
Motor driven
No or incorrect power transmission
Defective coil
Rotor is rubbing
(Optional) brake does not release
Defect of capacitor
Electric trolley
(only for one-phase alternating current)
Defect of starter relay
(only for one-phase alternating current)
Phase failure (only three-phase direct control)
Electric trolley
Switching error after intervention in the electric circuit
Brake linings are worn or dirty.
Motor driven
Air gap is too large
Brake rectifier defective
Brake current relay defective
Electric trolley
Brake coil is defective
Permissibe air gap is exceeded due to worn out brake
Power drop in the mains power line > 10%
Operation pressure / quantity of air is too low
Short circuit in component
Motor has a short circuit in the body or windings
Electric trolley
Motor is switched incorrectly
Wrong type of fuse
All trolleys
Driving pinion dirty or blocked.
Hand geared
Hand chain is twisted or blocked
Check connection to mains supply
Exchange 2 phases
(see wiring note at the plug)
Exchange 2 phases
(see wiring note at the plug)
Replace the fuse
Replace the switching unit
Check control cable and replace if necessary.
Replace the capacitor
Allow engine to cool
Motor must be repaired by a specialist
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Check connection to mains supply
See maintenance - pneumatic motor
Check driving pinion and repair if necessary,
check condition of trolley wheels / contact to main
beam surface and repair / adjust if necessary
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, please
clarify with the manufacturer what to do!*
Motor must be repaired by a specialist
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
See problem "(Optional) brake does not release"
Replace the capacitor
Replace the starter relay
Find the cause and repair
Check the electric connection of the brake acc. to
the wiring diagram
Brake lining carrier must be changed completely
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Re-adjust the air gap
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Replace the brake rectifier
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Replace the brake current relay
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Replace the brake coil
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Re-adjust the air gap and exchange the brake lining
if necessary
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Provide correct power supply voltage
Check connection to mains supply
Eliminate the short circuit
Correct the problem by a specialist
If the unit is suitable for explosive atmospheres, the
motor must be returned to the manufacturer for repair!*
Correct the switching
Replace the fuse with correct one
Clean the driving pinion and lubricate it, if necessary,
exchange worn parts
Place the hand chain correctly


Table of Contents

Table of Contents