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SeaRAQ™ I/O Modules
© Sealevel Systems, Inc.
SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for SeaLevel SeaRAQ 6510

  • Page 1 SeaRAQ I/O Modules ™ User Manual | SeaRAQ™ I/O Modules © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    SEARAQ™ HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ......................10 APPENDIX A - TEMPERATURE EQUATIONS ....................49 APPENDIX B – HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS ..................... 51 APPENDIX C – HOW TO GET ASSISTANCE ..................... 52 WARRANTY ................................ 53 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 3: Introduction

    Introduction Sealevel SeaRAQ™ modules offer powerful data acquisition solutions that are perfect for a wide range of applications. SeaRAQ™ modules are available in various digital, analog, and serial I/O configurations. Each SeaRAQ model is designed for maximum flexibility and easy field wiring.
  • Page 4: Before You Get Started

    Form A Relay Outputs o Form C Relay Outputs o Isolated Analog A/D & D/A o Thermocouple and RTD inputs Field Removable Terminal Block Connectors • • Extended Temperature Range (-40°C to +85°C) © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 5: Installing Searaq™ Modules

    Slide the card down the card guide and then seat into the connector in the rear of the slot, then tighten the thumbscrews into the chassis. Backplane may also be powered down via Sealevel Talos software. © Sealevel Systems, Inc.
  • Page 6 1. Loosen screws to blank plate: © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 7: General Wiring Guidelines

    Green or green with stripe – Ground  Black – Primary AC  Red – Secondary AC  Blue – DC  White – Common or neutral  © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 8: Searaq™ Module Common Features

    SeaRAQ™ Module Common Features Most SeaRAQ™ modules include the same connectors and are designed for the Sealevel R3 and R4 systems. You can remove the terminal block from the module in order to wire it, if desired. Then, when you are finished wiring it, you can easily reinstall it on the module.
  • Page 9 Output modules designed with negative logic characteristics sink current from the loads to the user common or negative power bus. The load is connected between the positive power bus and the output terminal. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 10: Searaq™ Hardware Description

    <0.1 Seconds (all points on card) Resolution 5 µA Impedance 250 Ohms Maximum Error (Accuracy) 0.05% Full scale (0.01ma) Linearity 0.02% Full Scale Isolation (Field Side to Logic) 1500 VAC RMS © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 11 4-20mA Mode – This jumper is a digital input to the microcontroller to enable it to “0” out 4 – 20mA mode should that be desirable from the controller side. A 4mA input with the circuit scaling will produce nominally 10, 879 counts. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 12 Low Byte of Register 1 High Byte of Register 2 Low Byte of Register 2 High Byte of Register 3 Low Byte of Register 3 High Byte of Register 4 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 13  (for serial SeaI/O modules only). SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID  SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info  SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 14 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 15 Maximum Error 0.05% Full scale Linearity 0.02% Full scale Isolation 1500 VAC RMS Common Mode Rejection RTD >60 dB DC and 50 or 60 Hz Maximum Sustained Overvoltage +/- 35 Volts © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 16 Low Byte of Register 1 High Byte of Register 2 Low Byte of Register 2 High Byte of Register 3 Low Byte of Register 3 High Byte of Register 4 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 17 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and parity.  SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID  SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info  SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle  WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 18 Maximum Error 0.05% Full Scale Linearity 0.02% Full Scale Isolation 1500 VAC RMS Common Mode Rejection T/C >100 dB DC and 50 or 60 Hz Maximum Sustained Overvoltage +/- 35 Volts © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 19 High Byte of Register 1 Low Byte of Register 1 High Byte of Register 2 Low Byte of Register 2 High Byte of Register 3 Low Byte of Register 3 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 20 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and  parity. SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID  SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info  SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle  WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 21 Isolation (Field Side to Logic) 1500 VAC RMS Common Mode Voltage 500 VAC RMS, +/- 500 VDC Common Mode Rejection > 70 dB, DC and 60 Hz Analog Input Filter Response 1KHz © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 22 +/-10 VDC 1.0000 +/-5 VDC 0.5025 +/-1 VDC 0.1000 +/-0.5 VDC 0.0502 +/-0.15 VDC 0.01531 Ideal Transfer Function (Current) Iin = ((5.0 * 1000) / 2 / 200.5) * DATA [mA] © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 23 Low Byte of Register 5 High Byte of Register 6 Low Byte of Register 6 High Byte of Register 7 Low Byte of Register 7 Low Byte of CRC High Byte of CRC © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 24 (for serial SeaI/O modules only). • SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info • SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX handle • WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 25 (DAC communications, Vloop tolerance, etc.) the output is automatically driven to the alarm current of 3.2 mA. Ideal Transfer Function Iloop = (16.0 mA / 216) * DATA + 4.0mA © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 26 Channel 3 - Channel 7 - Shield Shield Channel 4 + Channel 8 + Channel 4 - Channel 8 - Configuration There are no software configurable options with this card. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 27 Low Byte of Starting Address 0x00 High Byte of Number of Registers to Write 0x08 Low Byte of Number of Registers to Write Low Byte of CRC High Byte of CRC © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 28 SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID  SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info  SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle  SM_WriteAnalogOutputs(): Write digital-to-analog outputs  WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 29 18-32 VDC User Load 850 Ohms (Minimum load resistance) Update Rate <0.1 Seconds (all points on card) Resolution 2 µA Load Impedance < 1100 Ohms @ 24 VDC Loop Power © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 30 Low Byte of Number of Registers to Write 0x10 Byte count of register data High Byte of Register 0 Low Byte of Register 0 High Byte of Register 1 Low Byte of Register 1 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 31 SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID  SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info  SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX handle  SM_WriteAnalogOutputs(): Write digital-to-analog outputs  © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 32 WIRING DIAGRAM 8510 – 16 Channel Isolated Digital Inputs The SeaRAQ™ 8510 provides 16 optically isolated digital input channels that allow you to input the logic signal from 3 to 30VDC. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 33 Channel 5 Channel 15 Channel 6 Channel 16 Channel 7 No Connect Channel 8 No Connect Channel 9 No Connect Configuration There are no software configurable options with this card. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 34 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and parity. • SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID • SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info • SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle • © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 35 The SeaRAQ™ 8511 provides isolated AC digital input for AC voltages up to 132 VAC. You can use the board to isolate the computer from large common-mode voltages, ground loops, and voltage spikes that often occur in industrial environments. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 36 Channel 6 Channel 16 Channel 7 No Connect Channel 8 No Connect Channel 9 AC Input Neutral Channel 10 No Connect Configuration There are no software configurable options with this card. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 37 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and parity. • SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID • SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info • SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX handle  © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 38 The SeaRAQ™ 8512 provides isolated digital input for DC voltages up to 30 VDC. You can use the board to isolate the computer from large common-mode voltages, ground loops, and voltage spikes that often occur in industrial environments. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 39 0-60 VDC Max. Switching Power 60 W Isolation (Field Side to Logic) 1500 VAC RMS Maximum Load Minimum Load 10 mA Maximum Inrush Response Time 15 Milliseconds (On or Off) Maximum © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 40 High Byte of Starting Address 0x00 Low Byte of Starting Address 0x00 High Byte of Number of Inputs 0x10 Low Byte of Number of Inputs Low Byte of CRC High Byte of CRC © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 41 0x00 Low Byte of Starting Address 0x00 High Byte of Number of Outputs Written 0x04 Low Byte of Number of Outputs Written Low Byte of CRC High Byte of CRC © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 42 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and parity. • SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID • SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info • SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle • WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 43 High voltages will be present on the 8520 when high voltage is connected. Never handle the printed circuit board when high voltage signals are connected to the board. Note that the mounting bracket is colored red to indicate the possibility of dangerous voltages. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 44 0x00 Low Byte of Starting Address 0x00 High Byte of Number of Outputs Written 0x10 Low Byte of Number of Outputs Written Low Byte of CRC High Byte of CRC © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 45 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and parity. • SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID • SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info • SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle • WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 46 High voltages will be present on the 8521 when high voltage is connected. Never handle the printed circuit board when high voltage signals are connected to the board. Note that the mounting bracket is colored red to indicate the possibility of dangerous voltages. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 47 0x00 Low Byte of Starting Address 0x00 High Byte of Number of Outputs Written 0x08 Low Byte of Number of Outputs Written Low Byte of CRC High Byte of CRC © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 48 SM_ConfigureSerialConnection(): Configures the local PC's serial port baud rate and parity. • SM_SelectDevice(): Target a particular Modbus Slave ID • SM_GetDeviceConfig(): Query the SeaI/O module for model and communications info • SM_Close(): Close the SeaMAX™ handle • WIRING DIAGRAM © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 49: Appendix A - Temperature Equations

    17189.453 19873.15 24152.11 -282639.9 -218615 67233.42 12695340 11569200 2210341 -4.49E+08 -2.6E+08 -8.6E+08 1.11E+10 2.02E+09 4.84E+10 -1.77E+11 -1.18E+12 1.72E+12 1.39E+13 -9.19E+12 -6.34E+13 2.06E+13 Measured Temperatures Below 0C for J and K © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 50 = 0.00111082356 / x input reading (Ch1 to Ch6) b = 7.5176306832 / x input reading (Ch1 to Ch6) c = (1,923.504 / x input reading (Ch1 to Ch6) ) – 1 © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 51: Appendix B - Handling Instructions

    10. Keep work area free of non-conductive materials such as ordinary plastic assembly aids and Styrofoam. 11. Use field service tools such as cutters, screwdrivers, and vacuum cleaners that are conductive. © Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaRAQ Modules Manual | SL9253 5/2023...
  • Page 52: Appendix C - How To Get Assistance

    If possible, please have the adapter installed on a computer ready to run diagnostics. Sealevel Systems provides an FAQ section on its web site. Please refer to this to answer many common questions. This section can be found at
  • Page 53: Warranty

    Sealevel's commitment to providing the best I/O solutions is reflected in the Lifetime Warranty that is standard on all Sealevel manufactured I/O products. We are able to offer this warranty due to our control of manufacturing quality and the historically high reliability of our products in the field. Sealevel products are designed and manufactured at its Liberty, South Carolina facility, allowing direct control over product development, production, burn-in and testing.

Table of Contents