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Safety Notes - ONE MK-F13 User Manual



Safety Notes:

please read the following Safety Notes carefully before working with the
product.The notes include important safety information about installation,usage
and maintenance
*Always connect the product to a grounder circuit to avoid the risk of
*Always disconnect the products from the power source before cleaning
*Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged
*Never disconnect the product from power cord by pulling or tugging on the
*Make sure there are no flammable surface(Linoleum, carpet, wood, paper,
carton, plastic,etc)
*The product's nozzle is very hot during operation and it remains hot for a long
time after operation as stopped
*The CO2 Exits the nozzle at very high temperature. Keep a minimum
distance of the 6.5ft(2m) from the nozzle to the nearest object .
*Do not use the product as a space heater
*Do not handle dry ice with bare hands,Thick gloves must be worn
*Do not swallow dry ice. It may lead to severe internal injuries
*Before breaking the dry ice. It may lead to severe internal injuries
*Before breaking the dry ice, cover it with pieces of cloth or place the block in
a cloth bag. Eye protection must be worn
*Do not use in a confined space. Make sure the room is well ventilated
before beginning usage
-For safety reasons,we don't not recommend mounting the product in any
capacity. Operate the products while it is on the ground only

