Intec CV40 Instruction Manual page 16

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If your TA gets below 50ppm, then your pH will bounce. This means that you do not
have enough alkalinity in your pool to maintain a constant pH. The pH may test differently in
different parts of the pool
When your TA reduces to 50ppm add one pound of baking soda for each 5,000 gallons
in your pool. Baking soda is available at Wal-Mart in all sizes.
5.3 Copper Ions and Treatment
The ideal level for copper ions is 0.5ppm. Levels in the range of 0.4 to 0.6 are
acceptable. Once the copper has reached the desired level of 0.5ppm, you only have to run the
electronic unit about one time a week during the day. Test as needed.
NOTE: When you test your pool's water for copper ions, you look down through the top of the
test tube as you hold it ½ inch above the white area of the color comparator.
The first time you test, wait for three (3) minutes before you compare the test tube to
the color chart provided with the kit. Then wait for seven (7) additional minutes and compare
to the color chart once again. If you get a higher reading, then use a waiting time of ten (10)
minutes for future pool water tests.
NOTE: Make sure your pH is in the 7.0 – 7.4 range. If your pH is higher, your copper ion test
will not be accurate. It will not show all the copper ions you have in your water.
5.4 Calcium Hardness(CH) and Treatment
The purer the water molecule is, the more aggressively it tries to contaminate itself.
Calcium chloride reduces the aggressiveness of the water molecule, which in turn, will make
the water easier to treat and helping prevent damage to the pool's surface. One could consider
this being an insurance policy against owner negligence. For example, the damaging effects of
low pH water would slightly be negated with calcium being present in the water.
Calcium Hardness (CH) is treated with calcium chloride. This is available at most stores that
carry pool supplies. Please see Table 2 for treatment instructions.


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