Prologue; Your Journey's Goal; The Crystal Chalice - Nintendo Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Instruction Booklet

Nintendo final fantasy: user guide
Table of Contents



Seek the water of life.
Seek the water of life.
Seek the water of life.
Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very
Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very
Long ago, miasma swallowed the world. Its very
touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we
touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we
touch was fatal, and it claimed many lives. But we
have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.
have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.
have since discovered a way to hold it at bay.
Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now
Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now
Crystals protect us from miasma. Smaller crystals now
guard the villages of the world, while greater ones
guard the villages of the world, while greater ones
guard the villages of the world, while greater ones
guard the cities. We all live our lives within the
guard the cities. We all live our lives within the
guard the cities. We all live our lives within the
embrace of the crystals' blessing.
embrace of the crystals' blessing.
embrace of the crystals' blessing.
The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it
The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it
The power of the crystals is not limitless, however; it
gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle
gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle
gradually diminishes over time. We must rekindle
the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them
the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them
the crystals' radiance each year by purifying them
with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma
with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma
with myrrh. In turn, they protect us from the miasma
for another year.
for another year.
for another year.
But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must
But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must
But myrrh cannot be found just anywhere. We must
seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across
seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across
seek it in the dank depths of dungeons, across
forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.
forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.
forbidding mountains, even beyond the sea.
This task falls to groups of young men and women
This task falls to groups of young men and women
This task falls to groups of young men and women
sent off each year by every town the world over. It is
sent off each year by every town the world over. It is
sent off each year by every town the world over. It is
their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They
their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They
their duty to collect myrrh and bring it home. They
are known as the crystal caravans.
are known as the crystal caravans.
are known as the crystal caravans.
This is the tale of one such caravan and its
This is the tale of one such caravan and its
This is the tale of one such caravan and its

Your Journey's Goal

Join a crystal caravan to seek out myrrh trees and collect their
myrrh. Once you've filled your chalice, return home. By
purifying the crystal with myrrh, you will renew its power to
protect the village from miasma for another year.
Many dangers and mysteries lie along your journey. Your task is
not an easy one, but you are not alone. Join forces with your
fellow caravanners and make your mark together in the Crystal

The Crystal Chalice

Collect and carry myrrh in the crystal chalice. The crystal
shard attached to it protects the caravan from miasma.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents