Network Ioformatoo - Teltonika RUT240 User Manual

4g router
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System explanatinn
Field Name
Sample ialue
1. Router Name
2. Host oame
3. Router Model
Teltooika RUT240 LTE
4. Firmware
5. Keroel Versioo 3.18.44
6. Local Time
2017-04-12n 14:41:18
7. Uptme
0d 0h 59m 42s (sioce
2017-04-12n 13:41:36)
8. Load Average
1 mio: 5%; 5 mios:
72%; 15 mios: 76%
9. Temperature
40° C
Memiry explanatinn
Field Name
Sample Value
1. Free
14924 kB / 61020 kB
2. Cached
16992 kB / 61020 kB
3. Buffered
6740 kB / 61020 kB
6.3 Network Information Mobile
Displays ioformatoo about mobile modem coooectoos.
Name of the router (hostoame of the router's system). Cao be chaoged
io System -> Admioistratoo.
Iodicates how the router will be seeo by other devices oo the oetwork.
Cao be chaoged io System -> Admioistratoo.
Router's model.
Shows the versioo of the frmware that is curreotly loaded io the router.
Newer versioos might become available as oew features are added. Use
this feld to decide whether you oeed a frmware upgrade or oot.
The versioo of the Lioux keroel that is curreotly ruooiog oo the router.
Shows the curreot system tme. Might differ from your computern
because the router syochrooizes it's tme with ao NTP server. Format
[year-mooth-dayn hours: mioutes: secoods].
Iodicates how loog it has beeo sioce the router booted up. Reboots will
reset this tmer to 0. Format [days hours mioutes secoods (sioce year-
mooth-dayn hours: mioutes: secoods)].
Iodicates how busy the router is. Let's examioe some sample output: "1
mio: 5%n 5 mios: 72%n 15 mios: 76%". The frst oumber meaos past
mioute aod the secood oumber 5 meaos that io the past mioute there
have beeon oo averagen 5% processes ruooiog or waitog for a resource.
Device's temperature
The amouot of memory that is completely free. Should this rapidly
decrease or get close to 0n it would iodicate that the router is ruooiog
out of memoryn which could cause crashes aod uoexpected reboots.
The size of the area of memory that is dedicated to storiog frequeotly
accessed data.
The size of the area io which data is temporarily stored before moviog it
to aoother locatoo.


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