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KING PAW Series Instructions page 4

Squirrel cage electric space heater


Maint enance & Cleaning: Basic maint enance is list ed below and should be perf ormed annually. When necessary, any
required servicing should be perf ormed by qualif ied service personnel. Your heat er will give you years of service and
comf ort wit h only minimum care. To assure ef f icient operat ion f ollow t he simple inst ruct ions below.
Figure 2
Bef ore removing grille, t urn t he elect rical power OFF. Circuit breakers are of t en not marked correct ly and t urn-
ing t he wrong breaker of f could mean elect ricit y is f lowing t o t he heat er, even if t he heat er does not appear t o
be working. If you are uncomf ort able working wit h elect rical appliances, unable t o f ollow t hese guidelines, or do
not have t he necessary equipment , consult a qualif ied elect rician. Once you verif y t he power is of f complet ely,
proceed t o t he next st ep.
Remove screws and t ake of f grille. Wash grille wit h hot soapy wat er and dry immediat ely
Using a hair dryer or vacuum on blow cycle, hold t he squirrel cage in place t o prevent it f rom t urning and blow
debris back t hrough t he element . Do not t ouch element . Vacuum or use a sof t brist le brush such as a paint brush
t o wipe away lose debris wit hout t ouching t he element s.
Replace grille and secure wit h screws.
Turn t hermost at t o desired set t ing.
Turn power back ON at t he elect rical panel board.
Figure 6
Connect ion Diagram f or Wall Mount ed Single Pole Thermost at
Red t hermost at wire t o black power supply wire.
Black t hermost at wire t o black heat er wire.
Whit e power supply wire t o whit e heat er wire.
Connect all bare ground wires t oget her.
King Elect rical Manuf act uring Company will repair or replace, wit hout charge t o t he original owner, any W Series heat er f ound
t o be def ect ive or malf unct ioning wit hin 1 year of inst allat ion. This warrant y requires t he owner or his agent inst all t he equip-
ment in accordance wit h t he Nat ional Elect rical Code, any ot her applicable heat ing or elect rical codes, and t he manuf act ur-
er' s inst allat ion inst ruct ions. It f urt her requires t hat reasonable and necessary maint enance be perf ormed on t he unit . Failure
t o properly maint ain t he unit will result in t he warrant y being voided. The company is not liable f or abuse or misuse of prod-
uct as may be f inally det ermined by t he company. The cust omer shall be responsible f or all cost s incurred in t he removal or
reinst allat ion of product s, including labor cost s and shipping cost s incurred t o ret urn product s t o King Manuf act uring. King
Manuf act uring will repair or replace, at our opt ion, at no charge t o t he cust omer wit h ret urn f reight paid by King. King Manu-
f act uring shall not be liable f or consequent ial damages arising wit h respect t o t he product , whet her based upon negligence,
t ort , st rict liabilit y or cont ract . No ot her writ t en or oral warrant y applies, nor any warrant ies by represent at ives dealers, em-
ployees of King, or any ot her person. All ret urns require a King Ret urn Goods Aut horizat ion (RGA); Unaut horized ret urns will
be ref used. Do not ret urn malf unct i oning/ def ect ive product s t o st ore.
King Elect rical Mf g. Co. 9131 10t h Ave So. Seat t le, WA 98108 206-762-0400 www. king-elect ric. com
Maint enance & Warrant y
Before cleaning this heater, the heating element of the heater must be cool.
Remot e Wall Thermost at
Warrant y Inf ormat ion
Connect ion Diagram f or Wall Mount ed Double Pole Thermost at
Connect t he t wo red t hermost at wires t o t he black
and whit e power supply wires.
Connect t he t wo black t hermost at wires t o t he black
and whit e heat er wires.
Connect all t he bare ground wires t oget her.
paw_inst all_2012. pu

