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KING PAW Series Instructions page 2

Squirrel cage electric space heater


Figure 2
Selecting A Location For Your Heater:
DO NOT inst all less t han 6" (15cm) f rom vert ical side
walls or open edge of door. This heat er must have an
unrest rict ed airf low. DO NOT select a locat ion where it
is likely t o be blocked by f urnit ure, curt ains, et c. Be
sure t he locat ion select ed allows suf f icient space f or t he
heat er as shown by Table 1. DO NOT locat e t his heat er
in an area where combust ible vapors, gases liquids, or
excessive lint , dust or moist ure is present .
Minimum Clearances for heater:
36 in
12 in
0. 9 m
30. 5 cm
10. 2 cm
Zero clearance t o insulat ion.
The wire and breaker sizing chart will give a general rule
of inst allat ion size. Consult an elect rician if you are not
knowledgeable about wiring codes.
Wire and Breaker Sizing:
Minimum AWG. Wire
Total Amps
Size (Copper
0 t hru 12
12. 1 t hru 16
16. 1 t hru 24
WIRING: Branch Circuit Connection
Connect heat er only t o t he volt age, amperage and
f requency specif ied on t he nameplat e.
Wiring procedures and connect ions shall be in ac-
cordance wit h all Nat ional and local codes having
j urisdict ion.
Set t he bag cont aining t he grille and packet wit h
t wo (2) grille screws aside.
Loosen mount ing screw and remove squirrel cage
heat er assembly.
A knockout of 1/ 2 inch conduit size (7/ 8 inch /
2. 2cm) is provided in t he back and side of t he heat er
f or power t o ent er. Provide proper st rain relief con-
nect ors f or your wire ent ering t he wallbox.
Turn OFF all electrical power
to install heater
Table 1
4 in
6 in
15. 2 cm
Table 2
Circuit Breaker or
Fuse Size
15 amp
20 amp
30 amp
Inst all
wallbox a
of 6"
f rom
vert ical
sidewalls and 4" above f loor. The front edge of
wall can MUST extend 1/ 2" beyond finished wall
Secure wallbox t o t he 2 x 4 st uds using t he t wo (2)
holes on t he side of t he wallbox. Secure t o wall st ud
on opposit e side if required.
Connect supply wires, at t ach ground f eed wire t o
t he green ground wire wit h wire nut s.
Figure 3
Reinst all heat er assembly int o wallbox wit h screw at
t op of int erior.
10. Inst all grille securely wit h screws provided in pack-
et . Do not over t ight en.
11. Test unit by t urning t hermost at up past room t em-
perat ure. You will see a puf f of smoke as t he ele-
ment s are energized and t he f an t urns on. This is a
normal burn of f of manuf act uring lubricant s and will
dissipat e in 5 minut es.
12. Heat er will cont inue t o run unt il t he room t empera-
t ure you set is reached and t hen t urn it self of f unt il
t he t emperat ure drops again.
CAUTION - High temperature. Risk of fire , keep
elect rical cords, drapery, f urnishings, and ot her combus-
t ibles at least 3 f eet (0. 9 m) f rom t he f ront of t he heat -
er as well as away f rom t he side and rear. To reduce t he
risk of f ire, do not st ore or use gasoline or ot her f lam-
mable vapors and liquids in t he vicinit y of t he heat er.
Figure 4
Wiring Diagram
Rating Label Location
Note: label under location
Figure 5

