Table of Contents


There are two modes for 'REM' measurement: 'Input TH' and
'without TH'. You can select 'Input TH' mode when you need the
altitude from ground to target, otherwise 'without TH' when you need
the altitude from any reference point to target. "Input T.H" Mode

Select "1. Input T.H" to enter the interface of "Height of
Ins.&Tar." To input instrument height and target height, then press
[ENT] to enter the interface of "REM-Prism";
Aim at prism, then press [Meas] to measure the horizontal
distance between target point and instrument. Press [Enter] to enter
the interface of "REM-Ground to target";
Then, turn the telescope up and down to aim at the target point.
The VD column displays the elevation difference from the ground to
the target point.
After measurement, you may choose from three opts:
[T.H] :to alter the target height;
[Hdist] :to re-measure horizontal distance;


Table of Contents

Table of Contents