x-odos xo one Owner's Manual page 35

Music server
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The grey area at the upper edge of the screen contains the control symbols for music playback:
»Previous title«
»Play / Pause«
»Next title«
»Progress bar«
»Shuffl e«
Progress bar
Skips to the previous title in the queue.
Stops the playback. Double-tap to delete the queue.
Starts or pauses playback.
Skips to the next title in the queue.
Repeats the queue.
Shows the playback progress. On the left you can read the past
playback time, on the right the duration of the current title is
shown. Move the white point to navigate within the title.
Above the progress bar the name of the current title is shown,
below the name of the artist and the album.
Plays a random title from the queue.
This lettering hides some settings and information which are
described in detail within the previous chapter. »Start« links to the
home page which is also available under http://xo-one/index.php.
»Backup« allows for access to the backup and restore options.
»Rip status« shows information on the current CD import.
Shuffl e
Page 35


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