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Da Vinci Hypermax OXYGEN Instruction Manual page 20


You are now ready to begin your first HyperMax Oxygen session! Start your aerobic
workout, achieve a slightly elevated heart rate, and simply breathe in the 93% oxygen
purity delivered by the HyperMax Oxygen system during your exercise session.
Required workout time: Ideally, you should breathe in the entire 900 liters of Oxygen
from the Oxygen Cylinder in every session. So your workout should end when your
HyperMax Oxygen cylinder is fully deflated. This usually takes about 15-20 minutes.
DESIRED EXERCISE INTENSITY: With your mask on and hose attached, you are
ready to start exercising. Remember, your goal is to achieve the strongest cardio
intensity you can, while making sure to exercise safely and within the parameters of
your doctor's recommendations, (if needed). For best results, maintain a strong and
steady aerobic pace that you are comfortable with and accustomed to during your
entire workout.
PLEASE NOTE: You should never exceed your maximum heart rate while exercising.
You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. For
example, if you're 70 years old, subtract 70 from 220 to get a maximum heart rate of
150. This is the average MAXIMUM number of times your heart should beat per minute
during exercise.

