A specially instructed person should do servicing operation of the apparatus. Laser diode characteristics Wave length: DVD:660 nm to 670 nm CD:780 nm to 800 nm Maximum output: DVD : 1.27 mW(Emitting period :9 sec.) CD : 6.26 mW(Emitting period : unlimited) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 3
CAUTION Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replaced only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacture. Discord used batteries according to the manufacture's instructions. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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To protect products from damages or failures during transit, the shipping mode should be set or the shipping screws should be installed before shipment. Please be sure to follow this method especially if it is specified in this manual. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
11.3 SUB KEYBOARD UNIT ........................203 11.4 DVD CORE UNIT..........................204 11.5 COMPOUND UNIT(A), COMPOUND UNIT(B)..................208 11.6 DRIVE UNIT ............................209 11.7 MONITOR UNIT ...........................210 11.8 POWER SUPPLY UNIT ........................214 11.9 AMP UNIT.............................216 11.10 TUNER SELECTOR UNIT ........................220 12. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST .........................224 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
H/U independent operation Short here Operation becomes possible even if there is no H/A, when it does in this way. Since TUN is not connected, TUN sauce does not operate. Please operate sauce by DVD, AUX, etc. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 7
As shown in the picture below, assemble CAI1317 with the PCB beforehand. And insert the PCB into the grille by holding CAI1317 and CXC8061 so that they will not drop off. CXC8061 Assemble CAI1317 beforehand as shown in the picture. Insert into the grille while holding the parts. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 8
Compared with eutectic solders, lead-free solders have higher bond strengths but slower wetting times and higher melting temperatures (hard to melt/easy to harden). The following lead-free solders are available as service parts: • Parts numbers of lead-free solder: GYP1006 1.0 in dia. GYP1007 0.6 in dia. GYP1008 0.3 in dia. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Item to be checked regarding video Item to be checked regarding audio Block-noise Distortion Horizontal noise Noise Dot noise Volume too low Disturbed image (video jumpiness) Volume too high Too dark Volume fluctuating Too bright Sound interrupted Mottled color AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
3.2 PCB LOCATIONS Tuner Selector Unit Sub Keyboard Unit Amp Unit Main PCB Unit Monitor Unit (Service) Switch PCB Unit Keyboard Unit DVD Mother Unit Power Supply Unit Volume PCB Unit DVD Core Unit Compound Unit (B) Compound Unit (A) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Unit Name : Amp Unit Unit Number : CWN2491 Unit Name : Tuner Selector Unit Unit Number : YWX5004 Unit Name : DVD Core Unit Unit Number : CWX3154 Unit Name : Compound Unit(A) Unit Number : CWX3394 Unit Name : Compound Unit(B) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
3.3 JIG CONNECTION DIAGRAM GGF1483 GGF1494 GGD1366 GGD1321 GGF1567 GGD1123 GGF1567 GGD1284 GGD1321 Monitor Unit DVD Mechanism Module GGD1489 DVD Mother Unit AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Before shipping out the product, be sure to clean the following portions by using the prescribed cleaning tools: Portions to be cleaned Cleaning tools DVD pickup lenses Cleaning liquid : GEM1004 Cleaning paper : GED-008 Portions to be cleaned Cleaning tools Cleaning paper : GED-008 Fans AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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H : Normal H : Normal LSWVDD <- H Pin105 IC4001 Initial communication is started on a key microcomputer. IC7001 LSWVDD Pin105 L : Error IC4001 H : Normal Initial communication formation Sorce key ON SYSPW <- H IC102 Pin6 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
OK? Execute check 10. Go to FE section check. Repair the defective part. Go to FE section check. Normal? FE section check. Go to FE related Is FE section repair process. normal? Replace the unit. Normal? AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 42
<Check> Check the voltage at the "STANBY" test point while the power is on. Use the "DGND1" test point at the reference. Specification value Check point Module No. Unit STANBY-DGND1 VCC33V- 0.6 V or more Side A DGND1 STANBY Fig 1.1: STANBY check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Specification value Check point Module No. Unit 5.0 ± 0.4 VDD5_3 - DGND1 3.3 ± 0.15 VCC33_3 - DGND1 1.2 ± 0.12 VCC12_1 - DGND1 Side A VDD5_3 VCC33 DGND1 VCC12_1 Fig 2.2: VDD5, VCC33, VCC12 voltage check points AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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<Check> Check the voltage at the "XRES" test point while the power is on. Use the "DGND1" test point at the reference. Check point Module No. Specification value Unit 1 XRES-DGND1 VCC33 x 0.7 or more Side A DGND1 XRES Fig 3.1: RESET check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 45
<Check> Check the voltage at the "VSENS" test point while the power is on. Use the "DGND1" test point at the reference. Specification value Check point Module No. Unit VSENS - DGND1 VCC33 x 0.7 or more Side A DGND1 VSENS Fig 4.2: VSENS check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Specification value Check point Module No. Unit 27 MHz 2 IC1501 169pin ± 50 ppm Specification value Fig 5.2: Clock specification value Side A DGND1 IC1501 169pin Fig 5.3: 27 MHz check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Be careful as XCSM, XWE, XCAS, XRAS and XSCM of IC1481 are called differently in IC1501, namely NCSM, NWE, NCAS, NRAS, NCSM. IC1501 MA0~11 1481 DVD-LSI MDQ0~31 SDRAM XWE (NWE) XCAS (NCAS) XRAS (NRAS) XCSM (NCSM) DQM0 DQM1 DQM2 DQM3 Fig 6.1: SDRAM I/F AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Side B Check point 1 (IC1481) Side A Fig 6.2: SDRAM I/F check point Check point 2 (IC1501) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Use the "PGND3 and AGND1" test point at the reference. Check point Module No. Specification value Unit 8.0 ± 0.4 VD8_1 - PGND3 8.0 ± 0.4 VD - PGND3 5.0 ± 0.1 VCC5_1- AGND1 Side A VD8_1 AGND1 PGND3 VCC5_1 Fig 7.2: VD8, VCC5 voltage check points AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 51
Check with PGND and GNDAU being the reference. Check point Module No. Specification value Unit 8.0 ± 0.4 VD - PGND_3 5.0 ± 0.1 AVCC5 - GNDAU1 Side A PGND3 GNDAU AVCC5 Fig 8.2: VD8, AVCC5 voltage check points AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 52
33.868 8 MHz ± 300 ppm DACCK 2.0 V~VCC33V DGND~0.8 V Specification value 1 Specification Specification value 2 value 3 Fig 9.2: Clock specification value Side A Check point 2 (IC1501 172 pin) Check point 1 (stylus) Fig 9.3: 27 MHz, DACCLK check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 53
0.4 V or lower Waveform 2 LRCK VCC33V-0.6 V or higher 0.4 V or lower Waveform 3 Specification value 2 Specification value 1 Fig 10.2: Serial 3 lines specification value Side A SRCK LRCK ADOUT3 Fig 10.3: Serial 3 lines check points AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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1 400 ± 150 mV Waveform 4 1 400 ± 150 mV Waveform 4 Specification value is the root-mean-square value (rms). Fig 10.4: Analog audio out (LO, RO) specification value. Side A GNDAU1 Fig 10.5: Analog audio out check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Check 2pin cord after connecting it to a jig, etc. Specification value 2 Check point 1 (stylus) Specification value 1 Reference waveform 6 IEC VCC33V-0.6 V or higher 0.4 V or lower Waveform 5 Side A Fig 10.6: Digital audio signal (IECOUT) check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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ADOUT2 CLDCK AD3/DATA ADOUT3 DATA IEC/IPFLG IPFLG SBCK SBCK BMUTE BMUTE MCKENA High RIPP High EMPH EMPH EMPH Pins 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 are GNDD. Fig 10.7: 6ch digital out/Ripping circuit AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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0.4 V or lower DATA VCC33V-0.6 V or higher 0.4 V or lower SBCK VCC33V-0.6 V or higher 0.4 V or lower RIPP VCC33V x 0.3 V or lower Specification value 1 Specification value 2 Fig 10.8: 6ch digital out/Ripping specification value AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Side A SRCK LRCK ADOUT3 Side B ADOUT2 ADOUT1 ADOUT0 RIPP MCKENA SBCK Fig 10.9: 6ch digital out/Ripping check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Turn the volume (VR1671) to adjust the video level within the range of 1.0 ± 0.02 Vpp. The adjustment specification is 1.0 ± 0.02 Vpp. CN1901 AVCC5 HOST I/F IC1501 Q1701 Video buffer circuit Video Q1702 Video buffer circuit section Q1704 Video buffer circuit Fig 11.3: Video circuit (component) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Specification value BOTTOM PEAK Cb signal Specification value BOTTOM PEAK Cr signal Specification value BOTTOM 100% Color Bars signal Fig 11.4 Waveform for the case of component 100% Color Bars output Side A COMPO Fig 11.5: VIDEO signal check point AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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(Refer to the FE test mode for the method of displaying the LD energizing time.) 2.If the second digit from the left of the energizing time display is showing E, such as " E ", it means that the flash memory has reached its life. Example: 0E000BB8 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
*5 AWM (Audio WaterMark): Electronic watermark. Information on the copyright owner or CCI (copy control information) are recorded so that illegally copied discs can be identified. *6 Notice as an error status will not be given *7 CPRM(Content Protection for Recordable Media) : A copyright protection technique for digital contents used for re-writable DVD or memory card. (DVD-VR model only) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
15.VIDEO9V 24.EVOLCS2 16.PGND 25.GUIDE+ 17.VDCONT 26.GUIDE- 18.bsen 27.SY -> AM FRAGND 19.EEPROM 28.SY -> AM CAGND 20.SYSPW 29.NC 21.VDD54V 30.NC AUX/MIC IN Mini Mini JACK 1 A.ANT OPT IN 2 TELIN 3 ILM 4 ACC 5 B.U 6 GND AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
6.1 H/U INDEPENDENT OPERATION H/U independent operation Short here Operation becomes possible even if there is no H/A, when it does in this way. Since TUN is not connected, TUN sauce does not operate. Please operate sauce by DVD, AUX, etc. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
In order to F close after focus search (S character measurement mode), set to Power_OFF first then power on again FEMIN level before F close. ASMAX level ENVMAX level FE normalization coefficient Spindle gain coefficient TEMAX level indication TEMIN level indication AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 68
Designation of digit by command (1) and (2). UP/DOWN of numbers by command (3) and (4). Fix by command (5). Error occurrence at Power_OFF [Note] If an error occurs at Power_OFF, reset cannot be made. In such a case, it is necessary to turn the power off and start the test mode once again. Error display AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 69
[Note] If the power on time is 999999 hours or more, it is always reported as 999999 hours. [Note] If the power on time is "*E** ****", the value may not be correct due to the life of the flash memory. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Fig.1 Removing the Amp Unit and the Amp Unit Tuner Selector Unit (Fig.2) Straighten the tabs at six locations indicated. Remove the six screws and then remove the Amp Unit and the Tuner Selector Unit. Tuner Selector Unit Fig.2 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Holder. Remove the four screws and then remove the Bracket. Turn the Gear clockwise so that the Panel Unit can be seen. (Refer to Fig. 4) Upper Case Holder Fig.3 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Note) Be careful not to damage a screen. Bracket Lower Case Tilt the bracket toward the Upper Case. Disconnect the two connectors and then remove the DVD Mechanisum Module. Disconnect the two connectors. Upper Case DVD Mechanism Module (Bottom side) Fig.4 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 73
Cover. Push the tip of the Knob slightly toward the inner side as indicated by an arrow, and then remove the Lighting Cover Conductor. Refer to "1. SERVICE PRECAUTIONS" to Knob assemble. Front side. Lighting Conductor Rear side. Fig.6 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Disconnect the four connectors. Straighten the tabs at two locations indicated. Remove the screw and then remove the Monitor Unit. Note) When you remove a monitor unit, be careful of the hook of a circle portion. Monitor Unit Fig.7 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Therefore, assemble the monitor side drive mechanism and the Lower Case (mother side) with the mechanical unit being housed inside the Upper Case at least 5 cm or so. Fully extending out Monitor Lower Case Push in the Monitor at least 5 cm or so before assembling. Monitor Lower Case Fig.8 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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7. Disconnect the connector of the 8-12 detection flexible PCB from the PCB. Fig.10 Module PCB Short Connector Connector (8-12 detection flexible) (pick up flexible) Solder land (load motor, lead wire of the clamp SW.) Connector (SPDL flexible) Fig.11 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Furthermore, make sure to hang the main shaft holding spring permanently. Holding plate spring Main shaft PU unit Main shaft holding spring Sub shaft Fig 13 CRG chassis temporary hanging section Temporary hanging Permanent hanging AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Attention) surement device should be set to floating ground. • Test mode starting procedure Reset start while pressing the SOURCE and SETTING keys together. • Test mode stopping procedure Reset or ACC OFF-ON. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 79
Oscilloscope Symptom in case the adjustment is not adequate: Worsening of the error rate 10 (Normally 10 or less.) Large RF jitter RF waveform distortion Tracking drawing/Unstable servo * Caution: Do not look into the laser light during adjustment. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 80
11. Turn the power OFF in the test mode, and after confirming that the disc has stopped, eject the disc. 12. Apply adhesive for fixing the SKEW and lock the screw. Refer to the illustration below for the adhesion points. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 81
Cross section of R-SKEW adhesive locations. * Caution: Make a cross link to both the resin section and the sheet metal section. Adhesive application locations * Caution: Make a cross link to both the case section and the sheet metal section. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 82
Precautions in handling the PU. * Caution: Do not touch the shaded section in the drawing below. RF level adjustment section Do not touch the optical parts. Do not touch the springs. Hologram (be careful for the static electricity) GRT adjustment section AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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75 Ω. *2 : In (75 Ω output) and a certain case, an incoming signal should be set to an input level in the state at the column of an incoming signal. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Fig.1 Component Y signal 100% color bar Fig.2 Component Pb signal 100% color bar Fig.3 Component Pr signal 100% color bar AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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The cursor color will stay red (blue → red → red) even if the key is released. Note) When a value is changed continuously, the cursor color may change blue → red → red → ... → blue. But it is not an error. (The red color continues for the convenience of the display cycle.) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 93
0110 0001 0000 (TYP) 11111 1001 1000 (MIN) [Main Y contrast, sub Y contrast] Displayed value (=adjusted value) E2PROM written value Double window IC register value (DEC) (DEC) (BIN) 011111 (MAX) 011110 000001 000000 (TYP) 111111 100001 100000 (MIN) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Main horizontal enhancer gain(SA10[D13-12]) M H LIMIT Main horizontal enhancer limiter(SA10[D11-10]) M H F0 Main horizontal enhancer f0(SA10[D8]) M V GAIN Main vertical enhancer gain(SA10[D7-6]) M V ORI Main vertical enhancer return(SA10[D5-4]) M V CORE Main vertical enhancer corering(SA10[D3-2]) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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100001 100000 (MIN) [Line adjustment 7 menu] [Setting content] Setting item Adjustment range Initial value Content Displayed character string Main PLL0(SA24[D15-8]) MAIN PLL0 0-255 Main PLL1(SA24[D7-0]) MAIN PLL1 0-255 Main PLL2(SA25[D15-8]) MAIN PLL2 0-255 Main PLL3(SA25[D7-0]) MAIN PLL3 0-255 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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During DTV, main PLL3(SA25[D7-0]) MAIN_H_PLL3_DTV 0-255 During DTV, main PLL3 gain down(SA46[D11]) MAIN_PLL3_GAIN_DTV During DTV, main SYNC IN sampling(SA47[D9-8]) MAIN_SYNC_IN_DTV During D.RGB, main PLL3(SA25[D7-0]) MAIN_H_PLL3_DRGB 0-255 MAIN_PLL3_GAIN_DRGB During D.RGB, main PLL3 gain down(SA46[D11]) During D.RGB, main SYNC IN sampling(SA47[D9-8]) MAIN_SYNC_IN_DRGB AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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[Operational specifications] Operational description Main unit key Remote controller key To top menu A.MENU/ENTER MENU_ENTER Selection cursor upward movement ↓ ↓ Selection cursor downward movement ← ← Item content adjustment → → Item content adjustment AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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ITEMS SPECIFICATIONS NOTE APPLICATION -8.9 ± 0.4 V Output voltage 80 mA Frequency 370 ± 5 kHz Frequency DDCCTL : LOW Frequency 425 ± 10 kHz Frequency DDCCTL : HIGH No filter Output noise level -30 dBs or less AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
I Select a menu desired to be adjusted by using the key allocated for "selected cursor up/down movement", and enter the selected menu by using the key allocated for "menu enter". There is no condition for the menu entering. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 101
A/D correction are displayed. G "before" (red frame) indicates the outermost circumference value stored in the EEPROM. "after" (blue frame) indicates the MIN/MAX value of the outermost circumference value (A/D value) currently captured and the reference value for A/D correction. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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I When terminated normally. I When the obtained value is outside of the allowable range. [Key operation specifications] Operational description Main unit key Remote controller key Inspection completed/To top menu WIDE MENU_ENTER AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Refer to "calibration point" for the cursor displayed locations. [Display specifications] I 16 points adjustment in process (Order of display of the locations to be pressed.) This point is intended to end the calibration inspection, and therefore, the corrected value of this point is not obtained. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
Page 104
I When terminated normally. (After pressing the 17th point.) I Forced termination by ENTER key. The screen will proceed to the top menu. [Key operation specifications] Operational description Main unit key Remote controller key Forced termination/To top menu WIDE MENU_ENTER AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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G 16 calibration points are displayed in white. [Key operation specifications] Operational description Main unit key Remote controller key To top menu WIDE MENU_ENTER ↓ Cursor up movement BAND/ESC ↓ Cursor down movement ← Cursor left movement → Cursor right movement DISP AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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When your finger is released from the touch panel, the cross cursor will continue to be displayed at the location where the finger pressed last. [Key operation specifications] Operational description Main unit key Remote controller key To top menu WIDE MENU_ENTER AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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• When the EEPROM has been initialized. [Key operation specifications] Operational description Main unit key Remote controller key Determination of initializing item V.ADJ BACK ↓ Selected cursor up movement DISP ↓ Selected cursor down movement To top menu WIDE MENU_ENTER AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
The clock signal is output from the CLKOUT(IC102 Pin 86). The clock signal should be 18.874 368 MHz ± 754 Hz. If the clock signal is out of the range, the X'tal (X101) should be replaced with new one. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
• Screw adjacent to mark on the product are used for disassembly. • For the applying amount of lubricants or glue, follow the instructions in this manual. (In the case of no amount instructions,apply as you think it appropriate.) 9.1 PACKING AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Screw BMZ50P060FTC Screw(M4 x 3) CBA1870 Protector CHP3276 Protector CHP3364 Screw CMZ50P060FTC (2) CONTRAST TABLE "AVH-P7950DVD/RC, AVH-P7950DVD/RD, AVH-P7950DVD/RI and AVH-P7950DVD/CN5 are constructed the same except for the following:" Mark Description Owner's Manual CRB2413 CRB2413 CRB2413 Not used Owner's Manual CRB2414...
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CBA1872 Sheet CNN1525 Screw IMS20P050FTB Holder CND3222 Sheet CNN1781 Sheet CNN1071 (2) CONTRAST TABLE "AVH-P7950DVD/RC, AVH-P7950DVD/RD, AVH-P7950DVD/RI and AVH-P7950DVD/CN5 are constructed the same except for the following:" Mark Description DVD Mother Unit CWN2477 CWN2478 CWN2479 CWN2480 Cover Unit CXC8057 CXC8058...
9.4 EXTERIOR(3) The application position of grease is referred to Page 120. 18%X110%X110 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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Screw(M2 x 2) CBA1872 Spring CBH2953 Cushion CNN1259 Connector CKS5503 Lighting Conductor CNV8959 (2) CONTRAST TABLE "AVH-P7950DVD/RC, AVH-P7950DVD/RD, AVH-P7950DVD/RI and AVH-P7950DVD/CN5 are constructed the same except for the following:" Mark Description Grille Unit CXC8063 CXC8064 CXC8064 CXC8064 Grille Assy CXC7695...
Page 125
Remote Control Assy CXC6273 Cover CZN7062 Resistor RSV2PMF102J Panel See Contrast table(2) Resistor RS1/2PMF102J Screw BMZ20P030FTB (2) CONTRAST TABLE "AVH-P7950DVD/RC, AVH-P7950DVD/RD, AVH-P7950DVD/RI and AVH-P7950DVD/CN5 are constructed the same except for the following:" Mark Description Panel CNS8691 CNS8689 CNS8689 CNS8689 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
10. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 10.1 DVD MOTHER UNIT(SYSTEM)(GUIDE PAGE) Note: When ordering service parts, be sure to refer to " EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST" or "ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST". Large size SCH diagram Guide page Detailed page AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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The > mark found on some component parts indicates : The power supply is shown with the marked box. the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
CN9451 For further information for respective destinations, be sure to check with the schematic dia- gram. CORD ASSY 2.Viewpoint of PCB diagrams OPT IN Capacitor Connector SIDE A SIDE B Chip Part P.C.Board CN7551 CN1901 CN1851 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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SIDE A CN8601 CN101 CN5601 CN5602 FRONT AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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DVD MOTHER UNIT TP451 TP571 TP572 TP574 TP573 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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SIDE B TP451 TP731 TP733 TP734 TP735 NSCLS NSOPEN CN7401 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
VR101 IC104 C110 IC102 S101 C109 Angle R109 CN102 C105 sense Angle C103 R117 C107 C104 Angle motor Slide motor CN103 VOLUME PCB UNIT CN102 SIDE B MAIN PCB UNIT(SERVICE) VOLUME PCB UNIT CN103 IC103 IC105 H I J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
: Tuner Selector Unit IC 854 (B,46,63) IC NJM4558V IC 871 (B,105,118) IC BA6288FS IC 3001 (A,137,35) IC PEG361A IC 3002 (B,134,33) IC S-80827CNNB-B8M IC 3101 (A,74,48) IC AK5381VT IC 3151 (A,64,16) IC TC74VHC08FTS1 IC 3152 (A,71,33) IC AK4113VF AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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CTF1473 (A,104,88) Fuse 2 A CEK1284 >FU651 L 3201 (B,26,135) Inductor CTF1473 (B,26,20) Fuse 250 mA CEK1276 >FU652 (A,22,7) Fuse 400 mA CEK1250 L 3251 (A,78,33) Inductor CTF1473 >FU751 L 3252 (A,78,39) Inductor CTF1473 (A,50,133) Fuse 3 A CEK1286 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 210 (A,151,68) RS1/16S102J R 144 (A,130,53) RS1/16S471J R 212 (A,151,67) RS1/16S473J R 145 (B,127,80) RS1/16S471J R 213 (A,154,66) RS1/16S473J R 146 (A,132,53) RS1/16S471J R 214 (A,151,65) RS1/16S473J R 147 (B,131,64) RS1/16S473J R 215 (A,154,64) RS1/16S102J R 148 (B,127,83) RS1/16S471J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 278 (A,122,53) RS1/16S0R0J R 458 (A,56,104) RS1/16S1001D R 279 (B,122,87) RS1/16S472J R 459 (A,72,111) RS1/16S101J R 280 (B,120,87) RS1/16S472J R 460 (A,73,105) RS1/16S101J R 281 (A,47,66) RS1/16S153J R 461 (A,73,116) RS1/16S101J R 282 (A,155,83) RS1/16S102J R 476 (B,49,83) RS1/16S0R0J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 590 (B,108,111) RAB4CQ121J R 691 (B,24,8) RS1/16S0R0J R 591 (B,104,111) RS1/16S472J R 701 (A,55,26) RS1/16S151J R 702 (A,55,24) RS1/16S0R0J R 592 (A,109,75) RS1/16S103J R 593 (A,107,74) RS1/16S103J R 703 (A,55,23) RS1/16S151J R 594 (A,100,87) RS1/16S0R0J R 704 (A,55,21) RS1/16S151J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 864 (B,48,62) RS1/16S223J R 3036 (B,132,41) RS1/16SS473J R 865 (B,46,57) RS1/16S223J R 3037 (B,131,41) RS1/16SS473J R 866 (B,41,57) RS1/16S223J R 3038 (B,130,41) RS1/16SS473J R 867 (B,43,59) RS1/16S223J R 3039 (A,126,42) RS1/16S102J R 868 (B,42,59) RS1/16S223J R 3040 (B,131,33) RS1/16S104J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 3253 (A,84,30) RS1/16S0R0J R 3512 (A,53,114) RS1/16S151J R 3254 (A,82,36) RS1/16S0R0J R 3513 (B,55,127) RS1/16S151J R 3301 (A,112,6) RS1/16SS221J R 3514 (B,57,127) RS1/16S151J R 3302 (A,105,8) RS1/16SS221J R 3515 (B,52,121) RS1/16S151J R 3303 (A,109,6) RS1/16SS221J R 3551 (A,89,41) RS1/16S0R0J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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CKSRYB105K10 C 103 (A,119,69) CCSRCH5R0C50 C 312 (A,47,63) CKSRYB105K10 C 104 (A,119,72) CCSRCH5R0C50 C 313 (B,55,61) CKSSYB102K50 C 105 (A,117,81) CKSRYB104K25 C 314 (B,56,61) CKSSYB102K50 C 106 (A,118,81) CKSRYB102K50 C 391 (A,23,69) 10 µF CCG1171 C 107 (B,93,66) CKSRYB105K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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(A,106,142) 2 200 µF/16 V CCH1405(P35) C 3301 (B,101,7) CKSSYB104K10 C 631 (B,110,72) CKSRYB104K25 C 3302 (B,98,7) CKSSYB104K10 C 632 (B,100,75) CKSRYB104K25 C 3303 (B,96,7) CKSSYB104K10 C 651 (B,22,20) CEVLW100M16 C 3304 (B,94,7) CKSSYB104K10 C 652 (B,14,14) CKSRYB104K25 C 3305 (B,92,7) CKSSYB104K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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(A,26,20) LED CL-196HR-CD(AB) C 3506 (A,115,43) 10 µF CCG1171 C 3507 (A,111,51) 10 µF CCG1171 D 7208 (A,26,18) LED NHSW046-5779 D 7251 (A,123,18) LED NHSW046-5779 C 3508 (A,108,53) 10 µF CCG1171 D 7252 (A,123,5) LED NHSW046-5779 C 3509 (A,106,52) CKSSYB104K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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RS1/16S1501D R 7101 (B,13,8) RS1/16S0R0J C 7008 (B,114,14) CKSSYB104K10 R 7102 (B,4,8) RS1/16S0R0J C 7009 (B,114,13) CKSSYB104K10 R 7103 (A,116,10) RS1/16SS822J C 7010 (A,33,8) 10 µF CCG1171 R 7104 (A,134,4) RS1/16SS122J R 7105 (A,141,5) RS1/16SS122J R 7106 (A,139,20) RS1/16SS182J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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D 4507 (B,123,10) LED CL-196HR-CD(AB) D 4701 (A,46,115) Diode 1SS355 Unit Number : CWN2483 D 4702 (A,39,110) Diode UDZS5R6(B) Unit Name : Monitor Unit D 4703 (A,41,110) Diode UDZS5R6(B) D 4704 (A,43,110) Diode UDZS5R6(B) D 4705 (A,45,110) Diode UDZS5R6(B) AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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L 5106 (A,107,61) Inductor CTF1306 L 5174 (A,114,65) Inductor CTF1635 L 5107 (A,78,65) Inductor CTF1306 L 5175 (A,115,89) Inductor CTF1635 L 5108 (A,110,64) Inductor CTF1306 L 5201 (A,113,99) Inductor CTF1306 L 5109 (A,111,68) Inductor CTF1306 L 5202 (A,62,84) Inductor LCKAW101J2520 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 4088 (A,52,74) RS1/16SS0R0J R 4022 (A,56,82) RS1/16SS471J R 4089 (A,47,73) RS1/16SS0R0J R 4023 (A,56,83) RS1/16SS470J R 4090 (A,48,73) RS1/16SS0R0J R 4024 (A,58,82) RS1/16SS470J R 4091 (A,49,73) RS1/16SS0R0J R 4025 (A,28,84) RAB4CQ221J R 4092 (A,44,102) RS1/16SS102J R 4026 (A,56,85) RS1/16SS221J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 4337 (A,27,74) RS1/16SS470J R 4816 (A,133,102) RS1/16SS0R0J R 4338 (A,22,40) RAB4CQ560J R 4817 (A,129,101) RS1/16SS0R0J R 4339 (A,21,72) RS1/16SS473J R 5001 (A,56,113) RS1/16SS102J R 4340 (A,22,72) RS1/16SS473J R 5002 (A,142,52) RS1/16SS474J R 4341 (A,20,72) RS1/16SS473J R 5003 (A,123,97) RS1/16SS684J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 5126 (A,72,70) RS1/16SS473J R 5422 (A,63,74) RS1/16SS0R0J R 5127 (A,72,72) RS1/16SS473J R 5423 (A,70,62) RS1/16SS0R0J R 5128 (A,72,73) RS1/16SS473J R 5501 (A,63,22) RS1/16SS103J R 5129 (A,72,74) RS1/16SS473J R 5502 (A,64,23) RS1/16SS104J R 5130 (A,86,96) RAB4CQ151J R 5503 (A,67,23) RS1/16SS473J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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C 5004 (A,58,109) CKSRYB103K50 C 4201 (A,40,35) CCSSCH560J50 C 5005 (A,137,33) CKSRYB104K25 C 4202 (A,47,34) CSZSC101M10 C 5006 (A,140,50) CKSRYB104K25 C 4203 (A,34,35) CKSSYB104K10 C 5008 (A,123,95) CKSRYB104K25 C 4204 (A,28,30) CKSSYB104K10 C 5009 (A,136,30) CSZSR101M6R3 C 4205 (A,39,30) CKSSYB104K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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CKSQYB105K16 C 5162 (A,92,91) CKSSYB104K10 C 5069 (A,120,77) CKSQYF105Z25 C 5163 (A,95,91) CKSSYB104K10 C 5101 (A,85,59) CCSSCH8R0D50 C 5164 (A,102,91) CKSSYB104K10 C 5102 (A,93,53) 10 µF CCG1171 C 5165 (A,82,91) CKSSYB104K10 C 5103 (A,87,59) CCSSCH8R0D50 C 5166 (A,99,91) CKSSYB104K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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CCSSCH680J50 C 5418 (A,63,61) CCSSCH680J50 R 116 RS1/16S102J C 5419 (A,68,62) CCSSCH680J50 R 117 RS1/16S472J C 5420 (A,65,73) CCSSCH680J50 CAPACITORS C 5421 (A,59,72) CCSSCH680J50 C 5501 (A,85,31) 10 µF CCG1223 C 101 CKSYB475K16 C 5502 (A,85,35) 10 µF CCG1223 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 7756 (B,17,51) RS1/16S102J D 7701 (B,29,15) Diode RSX201L-30 R 7801 (B,36,64) RS1/16S471J D 7702 (B,38,15) Diode RSX201L-30 D 7704 (B,66,27) Diode RSX201L-30 R 7802 (A,32,58) RS1/16S2R2J R 7803 (A,35,58) RS1/16S2R2J D 7705 (B,70,27) Diode RSX201L-30 R 7804 (A,32,56) RS1/16S2R2J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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L 9407 (B,32,17) Inductor CTF1473 IC 9102 (A,36,28) IC OPA2134UA L 9408 (B,24,17) Inductor CTF1473 IC 9151 (A,36,38) IC OPA2134UA L 9441 (B,17,17) Inductor CTF1473 IC 9171 (A,21,38) IC OPA2134UA L 9442 (A,80,21) Inductor CTF1487 IC 9181 (A,55,28) IC OPA2134UA AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 9188 (A,49,27) RS1/16S472J R 9112 (B,38,27) RS1/16S682J R 9189 (A,48,29) RS1/16S153J R 9113 (B,25,28) RS1/16S682J R 9202 (B,17,66) RS1/16S223J R 9114 (B,41,28) RS1/16S682J R 9204 (A,16,64) RS1/16S393J R 9115 (B,15,28) RS1/16S682J R 9205 (B,17,71) RS1/16S0R0J R 9116 (B,31,28) RS1/16S682J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 9435 (B,61,14) RS1/16S223J C 9125 (A,26,32) CKSYB106K6R3 R 9436 (B,53,14) RS1/16S223J C 9126 (A,39,32) CKSYB106K6R3 R 9437 (B,47,14) RS1/16S223J C 9141 (B,23,57) CKSYB106K6R3 R 9438 (B,34,13) RS1/16S223J C 9142 (B,27,52) CKSYB106K6R3 R 9439 (B,30,13) RS1/16S223J C 9145 (B,26,43) CCSRCH221J50 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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C 9322 (B,48,40) CKSYB475K16 IC 8502 (B,164,54) IC NJM2391DL1-33 C 9323 (B,42,40) CKSYB475K16 IC 8504 (A,124,100) IC NJM2388F84 IC 8601 (A,118,141) IC NJM2505AF C 9324 (B,49,62) CKSRYB104K25 IC 8651 (A,129,135) IC TPD1018F C 9325 (A,29,87) 3 300 µF/16 V CCH1583 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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D 8102 (B,153,92) Diode DAP202U D 8802 (B,122,89) Diode DAN202U D 8201 (A,161,151) Diode UDZS5R6(B) D 8803 (B,126,84) Diode DAN202U D 8202 (A,168,151) Diode UDZS5R6(B) D 8804 (B,115,90) Diode DAN202U D 8203 (A,158,150) Diode UDZS5R6(B) D 8806 (A,111,51) Diode DAP202K AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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(A,98,65) RS1/16S474J RESISTORS R 8115 (A,95,65) RS1/16S474J R 8116 (A,98,70) RS1/16S622J R 8001 (B,42,76) RS1/16S473J R 8117 (B,84,91) RS1/16S102J R 8004 (B,26,86) RS1/16S471J R 8118 (A,91,65) RS1/16S474J R 8005 (B,43,87) RS1/16S473J R 8119 (A,95,70) RS1/16S622J R 8006 (B,46,85) RS1/16S473J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 8314 (B,106,33) RS1/16S473J R 8508 (B,174,105) RS1/16S123J R 8315 (B,152,25) RS1/16S473J R 8510 (B,184,68) RS1/16S681J R 8316 (B,160,24) RS1/16S473J R 8511 (B,181,100) RS1/16S222J R 8317 (B,101,20) RS1/16S473J R 8512 (B,184,69) RS1/16S681J R 8318 (B,107,20) RS1/16S473J R 8514 (B,182,61) RS1/16S471J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 8649 (A,94,133) RS1/16S102J R 8770 (B,92,32) RS1/16S152J R 8650 (A,120,143) RS1/16SS101J R 8771 (A,86,30) RS1/16S681J R 8651 (A,129,130) RS1/16S103J R 8772 (A,82,26) RS1/16S223J R 8701 (A,128,53) RS1/16S0R0J R 8773 (A,84,26) RS1/16S223J R 8702 (A,148,102) RS1/16S103J R 8774 (B,92,37) RS1/16S681J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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C 8219 (A,157,134) CEVW220M16 C 8010 (A,20,97) CEVW470M6R3 C 8251 (B,129,16) CKSRYB105K10 C 8011 (B,18,91) CKSRYB102K50 C 8252 (B,137,25) CKSRYB105K10 C 8012 (A,17,80) CKSRYB102K50 C 8253 (B,128,19) CKSRYB105K10 C 8013 (A,11,84) CCSRCH100D50 C 8254 (B,141,27) CKSRYB105K10 C 8014 (A,11,87) CCSRCH100D50 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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CKSRYB104K25 C 8722 (A,149,134) CEVW470M16 C 8455 (A,40,22) CKSRYB104K25 C 8723 (B,143,136) CKSRYB103K50 C 8504 (B,186,111) CKSRYB332K50 C 8751 (A,102,46) CEVW221M4 C 8506 (B,186,92) CKSRYB103K50 C 8752 (A,94,46) CEVW221M4 C 8507 (B,181,83) CKSRYB103K50 C 8753 (A,94,31) 47 µF CCG1181 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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DTL1106 MISCELLANEOUS EF1502 (A,61,44) EMI Filter DTL1106 IC 1003 (B,72,42) IC S-80859CNNB-B9K EF1901 (A,87,74) EMI Filter DTF1106 IC 1004 (B,75,48) Regulator IC NJM2880U1-05 EF1903 (A,91,64) EMI Filter DTL1106 IC 1005 (B,61,58) IC S-L2980A50MC-C7J IC 1007 (B,82,54) IC NJM2885DL1-33 RESISTORS AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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R 1405 (B,48,10) RS1/16SS221J R 1571 (B,57,22) RAB4CQ560J R 1406 (B,25,4) RS1/16SS104J R 1573 (B,63,19) RS1/16SS560J R 1407 (B,25,6) RS1/16SS104J R 1582 (A,81,25) RS1/16SS103J R 1410 (B,47,31) RS1/16SS104J R 1583 (A,81,27) RS1/16SS103J R 1501 (B,71,3) RAB4CQ560J R 1584 (A,77,28) RS1/16SS103J AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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C 1498 (B,77,26) CKSSYB102K50 C 1025 (B,64,58) CKSRYB105K10 C 1499 (B,49,4) CKSSYB102K50 C 1026 (B,12,19) CKSSYB104K10 C 1501 (A,68,44) CKSQYB106K6R3 C 1027 (A,90,53) CCSSCH101J50 C 1502 (A,58,43) CKSQYB106K6R3 C 1028 (B,89,56) CKSRYB105K10 C 1503 (A,55,3) CKSSYB104K10 C 1029 (B,89,52) CKSQYB225K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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CKSSYB104K10 Motor(SPINDLE) CXM1362 C 1621 (A,50,38) CKSSYB104K10 C 1622 (A,52,38) CKSSYB104K10 C 1623 (A,52,39) CKSSYB104K10 C 1624 (A,43,27) CKSSYB103K16 C 1625 (A,56,36) CKSSYB104K10 C 1626 (A,41,31) CKSRYB105K10 C 1627 (A,43,23) CKSSYB104K10 C 1628 (A,54,36) CKSSYB104K10 C 1629 (A,49,36) CKSSYB104K10 AVH-P7950DVD/RC...
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