Operation - NJD Electronics Q-PEDAL Manual

Table of Contents


User Guide
(500W per channel), or 600W into 8W (300W per channel).
The sound input requires a signal of at least 1.5V rms before
it will start to operate (about ½W into 4W). This means that the
sound-chase may not operate at low levels. (½W is about
96dB(A) on an average pair of PA speakers)
When first switched on,the Q-Pedal will be in blackout mode,
with the Blue LED lit. The chaser will be running (as shown on the
green LEDs to the right of the panel) but will not be connected to
the outputs.
Pressing the Flood switch will switch all four channels on to
give a floodlight effect. The yellow LED illuminates to show that
FLOOD has been selected. The Q-Pedal has internal mains current
monitoring, so that if the mains current exceeds 13A (or 20A
depending on the setting of the internal Max. Current switch) the
fourth channel will be switched off to keep the current within
operating limits.
Pressing the blackout switch turns all four channels off. The
blue LED illuminates to show that BLACKOUT has been selected.
The chaser continues to run although not connected to the
output, so that a new pattern can be selected whilst the outputs
are off.
Press the chase button twice to select chase. The chase
speed will be determined by the time between the two switch
presses. (Press twice in quick succession for a fast chase). The
CHASE LED illuminates green whilst it is waiting for the second
switch press, then red when in chase mode. The slowest chase
speed is 2.5 seconds between changes.
The pattern switch selects the next chase pattern from a
choice of 12. The pattern may be changed at any time. The four
pattern LEDs show the selected pattern, so that patterns can be
© NJD Electronics 2003


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents