Kucht KUCHTNAPOLI Installation Manual And User's Manual page 28

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Keep the appliance free and clear of combus�ble materials, gasonline and other flammable vapors and liquids.
Keep the ven�la�on openings of cylinder enclosure free and clear of debris.
Visually check burner flames for proper opera�on (see pictorial in 'Burner Assembly/Maintenance' under Proper Care and
Maintenance). Spiders or other insects can nest in the burner causing gas blockage.
For safe baking and peak performance of your pizza oven, perform these checks at least twice per year or a�er extended
periods of storage.
Be sure to �ghten up all hardware (nuts, bolts, screws, etc.) at least twice per year.
Some parts may contain sharp edges. Wear protec�ve gloves if necessary.
Remove the cooking grid, heat tents, and burners from your pizza oven. Use a brush
with hot water and detergent to remove excess residue. NEVER use a commercial
oven cleaner. Rinse completely with water. Towel dry and replace all components as described in the assembly instruc�ons.
Although your burners are constructed of stainless
steel,they may corrode as a result of the extreme
heat and acids from cooking foods. Regularly
inspect the burners for cracks,abnormal holes,
and other signs of corrosion damage. If found, replace the burner.
DO NOT block ven�la�on areas in sides, back or cart compartment of pizza oven.
Burner tubes can become blocked by spiders and other insects building their nests. Blocked burner tubes can prevent gas
flow to the burners and could result in a burner tube fire or fire beneath the pizza oven. To clean the Burner Assembly
follow these instruc�ons to clean and/or replace parts of burner assembly or if you have trouble igni�ng the pizza oven.
1. Turn gas off at control knob and LP cylinder tank valve.
2. Remove pizza oven door heat tent.
3. Remove bolt from each burner using screwdriver.
4. Carefully li� each burner up and away from valve openings.
5. Use a narrow bo�le brush or a s�ff wire bent into a small hook to run through each burner tube or use compressed air to
blow into burner tube and out the flame ports. Check each port to make sure air comes out each hole.
Wear eye protec�on when using compressed air.
1. Use a wire brush to clean the en�re outer surface of burner to
remove food residue and dirt.
2. Check burner for damage, if any cracks or holes are found replace
8. Install burners in pizza oven and carefully orient burners correctly.
IMPORTANT: Burner opening must slide over valve nozzle.
9. Replace bolts and nuts to each burner and crossover channel.
Note: Follow the 'Gas Leak Tes�ng' sec�on of this manual.
Relight burners to verify proper opera�on.
10. Replace heat tents and pizza stones.
Proper valve to burner alignment


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