Operation; Voltage Mode; Current Mode - Hagerman Audio Labs FRYBABY3 Quick Start Manual

Compact burn-in generator
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FRYBABY3 Compact Burn-in Generator


The FryBaby3's control knob sets the mode of operation. MC selects an output level
suitable for driving moving coil phonostage inputs (-60dB), MM for moving magnet
phonostages (-40dB), and ON for everything else (line level). The internal LED blinks at
the rate of signal modulation, which is continuously speeding up and slowing down.
There are two modes of cable burn-in, voltage and current. Both are required for
maximum effectiveness.

Voltage Mode

In voltage mode the cable dielectric is excited by electric fields. Leave far end of the
cable open-circuited (see diagrams in following section).

Current Mode

In current mode, the cable is short circuited, and conductors are exercised via magnetic
fields. Short-circuit the far end of the cable or form a loop by returning the cable to the
other FryBaby3 output. Current mode is not applicable when burning in amplifiers.
It is best to do a voltage burn for 24 hours followed by a current burn for 48 hours.
Note: silver conductors typically take twice as long!


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