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Waveshare 10451 User Manual page 3

1.3inch oled


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1.3inch OLED User Manual
4-wire SPI and I2C interfaces of SH1106 OLED
The 8080-Parallel Interface, 6800-Parallel Interface, Serial Interface (SPI) or I2C Interface can be
selected by different selections of IM0~2 as shown in Table 3:
Table 3: Different selections of IM0~2
(SH1106_V2.3.pdf Chap. Functional Description)
Note1: When Serial Interface (SPI) or I2C Interface is selected, D7~D2 is Hz. D7~ D2 is recommended
to connect the VDD1 or VSS. It is also allowed to leave D7~ D2 unconnected.
SH1106 provides 5 kinds of driver interfaces, however the OLED board just provides 3 kinds of driver
interfaces settling (3-wire SPI, 4-wire SPI and I2C. the IM2 pin is set to "1" by hardware). BS0, BS1
correspond to IM0, IM1 respectively. We introduce 4-wire SPI and I2C interfaces here. Please read
SH1106_V2.3.pdf for more details.
3.1. 4 Wire Ser ial Inter face (4 -wir e SPI )
The serial interface consists of serial clock SCL, serial data SI, A0 and CS . SI is shifted into an 8-bit shift
register on every rising edge of SCL in the order of D7, D6, ... and D0. A0 is sampled on every eighth
clock and the data byte in the shift register is written to the display data RAM (A0=1) or command
register (A0=0) in the same clock. See Figure 2:
Table 4: SPI interface setting
(SH1106_V2.3.pdf Chap. 4 Wire Serial Interface)
Note: "-" pin must always be HIGH or LOW. D7~ D2 is recommended to connect the VDD1 or VSS. It is
also allowed to leave D7~ D2 unconnected.
Rev 2.4, May 15

