Microwave Ovens; Monitor Panel; To Read A Water Or Sewer Tank Level; To Read The Battery Voltage - Airstream REI Co-op Special Edition Owner's Manual

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The water heater has built-in FREEZE
PROTECTION and will intermittently cycle the
burner when the water temperature is between
1°C/ 35°F to 4.5°C/40°F. To provide this freeze
protection, the gas supply must be on, gas must be
available and electrical power must be on.

Microwave Ovens

Refer to the Certified Performance Checkout sheet,
included in your owner's packet, for manufacturer,
model, and serial number information�

Monitor Panel

The monitor display is the only tank system component
that is accessed by the user� It is located on the control
panel on the roadside wall above the bench seat� All
user input to the display is done using the buttons
along the bottom of the display�
The display receives the information from the two
sender pads via a single, two-conductor wire, and
displays the level information in percent of full on a
three-digit, LED display� When the front panel button
for a particular tank is pressed, the display powers
up and displays the level for that tank� If the button
is pressed and released, the display will show the
level for about 5 seconds and then shuts down
automatically� If another button is pressed before the
display shuts down, then the new level will immediately
be shown� If the same button is pressed twice, the
display will hold on that tank and continue to show
updated levels for 5 minutes before shutting off� This
allows the user to monitor the filling or draining of the
tank� By pressing two buttons at once, the diagnostic
functions can be accessed�
Sender pads are installed and stuck to the sides of
the holding tank� The sender pad scans the water
level through the tank wall using digital techniques
programmed into the sender microprocessor�
2023 REI Special Edition

To Read a Water or Sewer Tank Level

1� Press the button corresponding to the tank to be
checked and release it, the display will show the
levels in percent on the LED display� If no other
button is pressed, then the display shuts off after
about 5 seconds�
2� If another button (including BATT) is pressed
before the 5 second time is up for the first button,
the display will immediately switch to show the new
level or voltage� The 5 second time-out is restarted
every time a button is pressed�
3� To continuously display a reading, press and
release the desired button, and then press the
same button a second time� When the button is
released, the display will be on hold mode, which
is indicated by the decimal point on the right hand
side turning on� While the display is in the hold
mode it will recheck the level once per second
so the user can watch the level change while the
tank is being filled or drained. The display will
automatically shut off after 5 minutes in hold mode�
To end the hold mode before the 5 minutes is up,
press any tank button, and the display will shut off�

To Read the Battery Voltage

1� Press the BATT button and release it, the display
will show the battery voltage on the LED display
2� If no other button is pressed, then the display will
shut down after about 5 seconds� If the BATT
button is held down, the display will continuously
recheck the voltage and show the updated value�
The reading may flicker back and forth between
two values�
3� If another button is pressed before the 5 second
time is up for the BATT button, the display will
immediately switch to show the value for the new
button� The 5 second time-out is restarted every
time a button is pressed�


Table of Contents

Table of Contents