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For More Information - HP NR3600 White Paper

Rugged notebook/ rugged tablet pc


Table 2. Additional HP nr3600 Rugged Notebook tests (unit in vehicle cradle)
As can be seen in the detailed test descriptions, HP testing standards provide for outstanding
ruggedness verification. By conducting such rigorous qualification tests for its rugged systems, HP is
driving industry standards to best ensure that the needs of this special class of customers are met.

For more information
© Copyright 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information
contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP
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errors or omissions contained herein.
5982-5747EN, August 2004
Test name
Vehicle vibration
ASTM 4169-99
Truck Assurance
Level II, Schedule E
Vehicle vibration
(contact continuity)
Method 514.5,
Procedure I,
Category 24
Vehicle shock
SAE J1455 Pothole
(contact continuity)
Shock (
Vehicle crash
SAEJ1455, Crash
Shock (
Test description
Unit is subjected to vibration for 90 minutes across each of the 3 axes
described in the earlier Vibration test.
Unit is operating, accessing disk.
Unit is subjected to 2 tests across 3 axes: 1 hour per axis and 30 minutes
per axis.
Unit is nonoperating.
Unit is mounted in a vehicle and subjected to a total of 18 shocks of a
20-millisecond duration, such as might be encountered by sudden
acceleration, braking, or turning.
Unit is subjected to 4 lengthwise 30-mph vehicle crash simulations in each of
4 orientations for a force of 20G and duration of 120 milliseconds with one



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