BAC PCT Series Operation & Maintenance Manual page 5

Cooling towers
Table of Contents


• CAUTION: BAC units are typically installed immediately after shipment and many operate year round.
However, if the unit is to be stored for a prolonged period of time either before or after installation,
certain precautions should be observed. For instance, covering the unit with a clear plastic
tarpaulin during storage can trap heat inside the unit, potentially causing damage to the fill and
other components. If units must be covered during storage, an opaque, reflective tarp should be
used. For normal seasonal shutdowns, refer to the applicable section in this manual.
• CAUTION: All electrical, mechanical, and rotating machinery are potential hazards, particularly for
those not familiar with their design, construction, and operation. Accordingly, use appropriate
lockout procedures. Adequate safeguards (including the use of protective enclosures where
necessary) should be taken with this equipment both to safeguard the public from injury and to
prevent damage to the equipment, its associated system, and the premises.
• CAUTION: When reversing the direction of fan rotation, allow the fan to come to a complete stop
before restarting the motor.
• CAUTION: Do not use oils containing detergents for bearing lubrication. Detergent oils will remove the
graphite in the bearing sleeve and cause bearing failure. Also, do not disturb bearing alignment by
tightening the bearing cap adjustment on a new unit, as it is torque adjusted at the factory.
• CAUTION: Do not use steam or high pressure water to clean PVC eliminators or materials other than steel.
• CAUTION: This equipment should never be operated without all fan screens, access panels, and access
doors in place. For the protection of authorised service and maintenance personnel, install a lockable
disconnect switch located within sight of the unit on each fan motor associated with the equipment.
• CAUTION: Mechanical and operational methods must be employed to protect these products
against damage and/or reduced effectiveness due to possible freeze-up. Contact your local BAC
Representative for recommended protection alternatives.
• CAUTION: Pressure greater than 69 kPa may cause damage to the distribution system.
• CAUTION: Never use chloride or chlorine based solvents such as bleach or muriatic (hydrochloric)
acid to clean stainless steel. It is important to rinse the surface with warm water and wipe with a
dry cloth after cleaning.
General Maintenance Information
The services required to maintain a piece of evaporative cooling equipment are primarily a function of the
quality of the air and water in the locality of the installation:
• AIR: The most harmful atmospheric conditions are those with unusual quantities of industrial smoke,
chemical fumes, salt, or heavy dust. Such airborne impurities are carried into the equipment and
absorbed by the re-circulating water to form a corrosive solution.
• WATER: The most harmful conditions develop as water evaporates from the equipment, leaving behind the
dissolved solids originally contained in the make-up water. These dissolved solids may be either alkaline or
acidic and, as they are concentrated in the circulating water, can produce scaling or accelerated corrosion.
The extent of impurities in the air and water determines the frequency of most maintenance services and
also governs the extent of water treatment which can vary from a simple continuous bleed and biological
control to a sophisticated treatment system.


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