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Bachmann MR 1532 (1P) Owner's Information

Bachmann MR 1532 (1P) Owner's Information

Tank locomotive


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Many thanks for purchasing one of our Bachmann Branchline MR 1532 (1P) Tank Locomotives. A lot of care was
taken producing your model and we hope you enjoy it for many years to come.
Please note: This model has been designed to run on curves of no less than 2nd Radius (438mm). We recommend
that you don't use anything smaller as this may result in the model derailing.
For analogue use we recommend using a controller with a smoothed output. If you have any doubts please
consult the controller manufacturer before operating this model. Do not use with Electronic Track Cleaners.
1. Locomotive Information
Motor Type: Coreless
DCC Compatibility: Next18 Decoder socket in Body (SOUND FITTED models come pre-fitted with Sound Decoder)
Recommended Decoder: Bachmann 36-567 Next18 DCC Decoder
Speaker: Factory Fitted to all models (0.7/1 Watt / 8 Ohm)
Electrical Pickup: All Wheels
2. Accessories
Although our models are highly detailed and ready to run straight from the box, we also supply optional
accessories to be fitted by the owner if they wish. Some of the accessories should only be fitted for static display
as they may affect coupling or running quality, these parts will be labelled as such below.
Please note: PVA based adhesive should be used for the fitting of accessories.
1 Steam Heat Pipe*
2 Screw-link Coupling*
3 Cab Steps
For display purposes only
4 Cab Doors
5 Next18 DCC Blanking Plate
FITTED models only. Can be used to replace the Sound
Decoder for use on analogue control without sound effects.
* Only fit if Standard Coupling has been removed.
3. Running-in
It is necessary that this Locomotive is 'run-in' to allow the mechanism and gears to settle. This requires the model
to be run without a load (wagons, coaches, etc.) for 30 minutes in each direction at half speed.
MR 1532 (1P) Tank Locomotive
Owner's Information
- Supplied with SOUND
E3174 Instruction Sheet



Summary of Contents for Bachmann MR 1532 (1P)

  • Page 1 MR 1532 (1P) Tank Locomotive Owner’s Information Many thanks for purchasing one of our Bachmann Branchline MR 1532 (1P) Tank Locomotives. A lot of care was taken producing your model and we hope you enjoy it for many years to come.
  • Page 2 4. Lubrication All Bachmann Branchline Locomotives are supplied ready lubricated and can be used straight from the box. Over time your locomotive will require some additional lubrication, when will depend on the frequency of use and storage, so please inspect your model on a regular basis.
  • Page 3 Selected accessories are available to purchase from your local Bachmann stockist to keep your new model in good order for years to come including: 36-567 – Bachmann Next18 DCC Decoder, add a DCC decoder to use your model on a DCC system such as Bachmann’s Dynamis Ultima system.
  • Page 4 3.22 of ZIMO’s ‘Small’ MX decoder manual available from 9. Spare Parts Selected spare parts are available from the Bachmann Europe Service Department. For further information and enquiries please contact the Service Department directly by email on or by phone 01455 245575.