Master Section; Rear Panel Section - RedPlate Black-n-Blues Operation Manual

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RedPlate Black-n-Blues Operations Guide
Gain Control – Bypasses the section when rotated to zero, this control sets the amount of
signal for the first gain stage of the section. Low settings are smoother and higher settings are
more aggressive.
Drive Control – Sets the amount of distortion by controlling the level between the 2 gain
stages of the section. Pull this control to shift into more gain and girth for the distortion.
Level Control – Sets the output volume of the section. Higher settings are "bigger" and more 3
dimensional. Newer versions may have a HI CUT feature when pulled.
Presence Control – The presence circuit uses global negative feedback to remove low
frequencies which frees up bandwidth for more midrange and highs. Think of it as a tone control to
balance the relationship between highs and lows, especially when the amplifier is naturally
producing increased low end at louder volumes. The control clicks off when rotated to zero for no
Master Volume – This is an active control and actually adds gain at the higher settings. The
cleanest tones are achieved at settings below 7.
Domestic 45 Watt (USA):
Domestic 100 Watt (USA):





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