Table of Contents
  • Antes de la Instalación
  • Installation
  • Avant L'installation
  • Procedure D'installation
  • Position D'installation
  • Raccordement des Tuyaux
  • Prima Dell'installazione
  • Posizioni DI Installazione
  • Collegamento Delle Tubazioni
  • Antes da Instalação
  • Før Installationen
  • Εργασιεσ Εγκαταστασησ


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E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and
Hand over this installation manual to the next installation work
These multiple pipe connecting kits can be applied to the R410A
SET-FREE series:
Transport the product as close to the installation location as
practical before unpacking.
Do not put any material on the product.
Confirm the number of the following parts by referring to the model
printed on the package before unpacking.
Do not put foreign materials into the parts. Check to confirm that
no foreign materials are inside the parts before the fixing work is
Name of parts
Branch Pipe for Gas (Low) Line
Branch Pipe for Gas (High) Line
Branch Pipe for Liquid Line
Insulation for Gas (Low) Line
Insulation for Gas (High) Line
Insulation for Liquid Line
In any of these parts is not contained, please contact your
The end of the multi-Kits is finished as shown in the following
figures. Cut the end of the pipe to meet with the pipe size.
4 3 3 3 3 6


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Summary of Contents for Hitachi E-52XN

  • Page 1 Библиотека СОК  E-52XN E-102XN INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR MULTI-KITS Models: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN NOTE: Hand over this installation manual to the next installation work personnel. APPLICABLE OUTDOOR UNITS These multiple pipe connecting kits can be applied to the R410A...
  • Page 2: Installation Position

    4.2. INSTALLATION POSITION A: Outer B: Minimum Diameter Depth Horizontal Installation 5 O.D. <8 8 O.D. <12 Locate the branch pipes on the same horizontal plane. 12 O.D. <16 (Inclination Max. 30°) Make the straight length a minimum of 16 O.D. <25 0.5 m after the vertical bend.
  • Page 3: Antes De La Instalación

    E-52XN E-102XN MANUAL DE INSTALACIÓN DE KITS PARA CONEXIONES MÚLTIPLES Modelos: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN NOTA: Entregue este manual al personal que vaya a realizar la siguiente instalación. 1 UNIDADES EXTERIORES Estos kits para conexiones múltiples son compatibles con la serie...
  • Page 4 4.2. INSTALACIÓN A: Diámetro B: Profundidad exterior máxima Instalación horizontal 5 D.E.<8 Sitúe las bifurcaciones en el mismo plano horizontal.(Inclinación máx. 8 D.E. <12 30º) La longitud recta debe ser como mínimo de 0,5 m después de la 12 D.E. <16 curva vertical.
  • Page 5: Installation

    E-52XN E-102XN INSTALLATIONSHANDBUCH FÜR MULTI- KITS Modelle: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN HINWEIS: Übergeben Sie dieses Installationshandbuch dem mit nachfolgenden Installationsarbeiten beauftragten Personal. 1 GEEIGNETE AUSSENGERÄTE Diese Verbindungssets für mehrere Rohrleitungen können für die Serie R410A SET-FREE eingesetzt werden:...
  • Page 6 A: Außen- B: Mindesttiefe 4.2. INSTALLATIONSLAGE durchmesser 5 AD <8 8 AD <12 Horizontale Installation 12 AD <16 16 AD <25 Wählen Sie Abzweigleitungen in gleicher Höhe.(Neigungswinkel max. 30°) Die gerade Länge nach dem Vertikalabgang muss mindestens 25 AD <35 0,5 m lang sein.
  • Page 7: Avant L'installation

    E-52XN E-102XN MANUEL D'INSTALLATION DES MULTI-KITS Modèles : E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN REMARQUE : Remettez ce manuel d'installation au personnel chargé de la prochaine installation. 1 GROUPES EXTERIEURS COMPATIBLES Ces kits de raccordement à tuyau multiple peuvent être utilisés sur la série R410A SET-FREE :...
  • Page 8: Position D'installation

    4.2. POSITION D’INSTALLATION A : Diamètre B : Profondeur extérieur minimum Diam. ext. 5 <8 Diam. ext. 8 <12 Installation horizontale Diam. ext. 12 <16 Diam. ext. 16 <25 Placez les tuyaux de raccordement sur le même plan horizontal.(Inclinaison maxi 30°) Veillez à ce que la longueur droite Diam.
  • Page 9: Prima Dell'installazione

    E-52XN E-102XN MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE DEI MULTI- Modelli: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN NOTA: Fornire il presente manuale di installazione al personale addetto. 1 UNITÀ APPLICABILI IN ESTERNI Questi kit di collegamento a tubi multipli possono essere applicati alle...
  • Page 10: Posizioni Di Installazione

    A: Diametro B: Prof. minima 4.2. POSIZIONI DI INSTALLAZIONE esterno 5 D.E. <8 8 D.E. <12 12 D.E. <16 Installazione orizzontale 16 D.E. <25 Posizionare i tubi di diramazione sullo stesso piano orizzontale. 25 D.E. <35 (Inclinazione max.30°). Deve esistere un tratto dritto di almeno 0.5 m 35 D.E.
  • Page 11: Antes Da Instalação

    E-52XN E-102XN MANUAL DE INSTALAÇÃO PARA MULTI-KITS Modelos: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN NOTA: Entregue este manual aos técnicos de instalação. 1 UNIDADES EXTERIORES APLICÁVEIS Estes kits de ligação de tubagens múltiplas podem ser aplicados às séries R410A SET-FREE: 2 TRANSPORTE Transporte o produto até...
  • Page 12 4.2. POSIÇÃO DE INSTALAÇÃO A: Diâmetro B: Profundidade exterior Mínima 5 D.E. <8 Instalação Horizontal 8 D.E. <12 12 D.E. <16 Posicione as tubagens de derivação segundo o mesmo plano 16 D.E. <25 horizontal (inclinação máx. 30°). O comprimento recto mínimo, após curvatura vertical, é...
  • Page 13: Før Installationen

    E-52XN E-102XN INSTALLATIONSVEJLEDNING FOR MULTI- KITS Modeller: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN BEMÆRK: Giv denne installationsvejledning videre til evt. efterfølgende installationsteknikere. 1 ANVENDELIGE UDENDØRSENHEDER Disse multirørs-tilslutningssæt kan anvendes til R410A SET-FREE serien: E-162XN E-202XN 2 TRANSPORT Transportér produktet så tæt på installationsstedet som praktisk muligt før udpakning.
  • Page 14 A: Udvendig diameter Minimumsdybde 4.2. PLACERING VED INSTALLATION 5 U.D. <8 8 U.D. <12 12 U.D. <16 Vandret installation 16 U.D. <25 25 U.D. <35 Placér stikrørene i det samme vandrette plan. (Maks. hældning 30°) 35 U.D. <45 Sørg for at der er et lige rørstykke på mindst 0,5 m efter den lodrette bøjning.
  • Page 15 E-52XN E-102XN INSTALLATIEHANDLEIDING VOOR MULTI- KITS Modellen: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN OPMERKING: Het personeel belast met de installatie moet van een exemplaar van deze handleiding voorzien worden. TOEPASBARE BUITEN-UNITS Deze meervoudige pijpverbindingkits zijn van toepassing op de R410A SET-FREE serie.
  • Page 16 4.2. INSTALLATIEPOSITIE A: Buitendiameter B: Minimum diepte 5 B.D. <8 8 B.D. <12 Horizontale installatie 12 B.D. <16 16 B.D. <25 Plaats de aftakpijp op hetzelfde horizontale vlak. (Max. Helling 30º). 25 B.D. <35 Het rechte stuk moet minstens 0,5 m zijn na de verticale bocht. 35 B.D.
  • Page 17 E-52XN E-102XN INSTALLERINGSANVISNINGAR FÖR MULTI-KIT Modeller: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN ANM: Överlämna de här installeringsanvisningarna till den person som ska genomföra installeringsarbete 1 UTOMHUSENHETER SOM KAN ANVÄNDAS Dessa kit för att ansluta flera rör kan användas tillsammans med komponenter från serien R410A SET-FREE:...
  • Page 18 4.2. POSITION VID INSTALLERING A: Yttre diameter B: Minsta djup 5 O.D. <8 8 O.D. <12 Vågrät installering 12 O.D. <16 16 O.D. <25 Placera förgreningsrören på samma vågräta plan. (Lutning Max. 30°) Se till att den raka längden är minst 0,5 m efter den lodräta rörkröken. 25 O.D.
  • Page 19: Εργασιεσ Εγκαταστασησ

    E-52XN E-102XN ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙ∆ΙΟ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ ΓΙΑ MULTI- KITS Μοντέλα: E-52XN, E-102XN, E-162XN, E-202XN, E-242XN and E-322XN ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Παραδώστε το παρόν εγχειρίδιο εγκατάστασης στο προσωπικό της επόµενης εγκατάστασης. 1 ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΕΣ ΜΟΝΑ∆ΕΣ Αυτά τα kit σύνδεσης πολλαπλών σωλήνων µπορούν να εφαρµοστούν στις σειρές R410A SET-FREE series: 2 ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ...
  • Page 20 4.2. ΘΕΣΗ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ A: Εξωτερική B: Ελάχιστο ∆ιάµετρος Βάθος 5 O.D. <8 Οριζόντια Εγκατάσταση 8 O.D. <12 12 O.D. <16 Τοποθετήστε τους σωλήνες διακλάδωσης στην ίδια οριζόντια 16 O.D. <25 επιφάνεια. (Κλίση µέγ. 30°) Κάντε το µήκος ευθείας τουλάχιστον 0,5 m µετά...

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