Table of Contents


Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A200-L


Fig. 2: Warning plate locations ..................................... 7
Fig. 3: Locations of the rating plates ......................... 8
Fig. 4: Fitting the lifting gear...................................... 10
Fig. 5: Placing the turbocharger ................................. 11
Fig. 6: Compressor-end foot....................................... 12
Fig. 7: Turbine-end foot................................................ 12
Fig. 8: Oil temperature at the outlet.......................... 18
ment system.................................................................. 20
Fig. 10: Replacing the speed sensor .......................... 22
Fig. 12: Noise insulation, bellows .............................. 25
Fig. 15: Opening filter ring lock.................................. 35
Fig. 16: Attaching new filter ring ............................... 36
Fig. 17: Fitting new filter ring ..................................... 36
Fig. 19: Filter plug view................................................ 40
Fig. 21: Drain pipe diagram......................................... 45
Fig. 22: Weights of assemblies ................................. 55
Fig. 29: Fitting the bellows ......................................... 60
© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.
Fig. 32: Dismantling the wall insert (A255-L.. - A260-
L..) ..................................................................................... 63
Fig. 33: Moving out wall insert .................................... 64
Fig. 34: Putting down wall insert ................................ 64
Fig. 35: Dismantling the wall insert (A265-L.. - A280-
L..) ..................................................................................... 65
Fig. 36: Moving out wall insert .................................... 66
Fig. 37: Putting down wall insert ................................ 66
Fig. 38: Putting down wall insert ................................ 67
Fig. 39: Dismantling the diffuser ............................... 68
Fig. 40: Measuring axial clearance A .......................... 69
ler)..................................................................................... 70
smaller) ............................................................................. 71
smaller) ............................................................................ 72
Fig. 45: Fitting the nozzle ring holder........................ 74
Fig. 46: Dismantling the nozzle ring .......................... 75
Fig. 47: Put down the nozzle ring................................ 75
smaller) ............................................................................ 77
Fig. 54: Measuring axial clearance A .......................... 82
Fig. 55: Fitting the diffuser.......................................... 83
Fig. 56: Positioning wall insert.................................... 84
Fig. 59: Fitting the filter silencer ................................ 89
Fig. 60: Fitting the filter silencer ................................ 90
Revision R
October 2020


Table of Contents

Table of Contents