Canon 30-241 Ink Cartridge Reset – Pixma iP/MP/MX/MG Series
The following procedures may be used to reset the Canon printer ink level monitoring
following the installation of a refilled Canon 30, 31, 40, 41, 50, 51, 210, 211, 240, or 241
integrated ink cartridge. In most cases, the error/alert will need to be cleared to enable
printing. Ink waste container reset procedures are also provided below.
for multi-cartridge installation, the procedure(s) may need to be repeated twice.
A. Pixma iP/MP/MX/MG Ink Counter Reset*
a. At computer screen message, select 'Stop'/'Reset', 'OK', or 'Resume',
b. Select 'Stop'/'Reset', 'OK' or the 'Resume' button (triangle-circle icon) on your printer for 5
Printing may continue under the 'ink out' condition.
B. Pixma iP Ink Counter Reset**
a. Press and Hold the Resume (triangle-circle) button
b. Press and Hold the Power Button; hold both buttons for 5 seconds
c. Release the Resume (triangle-circle) button.
d. Press the Resume button 5 times.
e. Release the Power button. The blinking ink level/power light should go steady after a few
Printing may continue under the 'ink out' condition.
C. Pixma MP/MX/MG Series: General Printer & Ink Counter Reset***
a. Press the power button to turn off the printer.
b. Hold the "Stop/Reset" button while pushing the power button. While still holding down the
power button, release the "Stop/Reset" button and then push it twice in a row.
c. Wait approximately 20 to 30 seconds until the LED shows 0.
d. Push the "Stop/Reset" button four (4) times in a row.
e. Push the power button twice.
Turn off the printer by pushing the power button one more time. The printer is now reset.
Next, reset the cartridge ink counter:
a. Unplug the power and the USB cables from the printer.
b. Open the cartridge door and hold down the power button.
(UNIVERSAL RESET Procedure #1)
(Procedure #2)
(Procedure #3.a)
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