D-Link DCM-100 Quick Install Manual
D-Link DCM-100 Quick Install Manual

D-Link DCM-100 Quick Install Manual

D-link dcm-100 network-cable modem: install guide
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Local Cable Service

Please contact your Cable Internet provider to find out the
procedure to register the modem with their network.
The Cable Internet provider will need the following modem information:
Modem Make and Model i.e., D-Link DCM-100
Modem Serial Number i.e., HQT10C000180 (normally found on the label at
the bottom of the unit.
Modem MAC Address i.e., 0050BA2F0804 (on the back of the modem)

Connecting The Cable Modem

Connect the external power adapter into
the connector labeled "POWER" and the
other end to the electrical outlet.
*NOTE: Use only the AC power
adapter supplied with the DCM-100
Cable Modem.

Before you start



Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for D-Link DCM-100

  • Page 1: Before You Start

    The Cable Internet provider will need the following modem information: Modem Make and Model i.e., D-Link DCM-100 Modem Serial Number i.e., HQT10C000180 (normally found on the label at the bottom of the unit.
  • Page 2 Connecting The Cable Modem Continued… Connect the coaxial cable provided for the Internet connection to the jack labeled “CABLE IN” in the back of the cable modem unit. Wait 1 to 3 minutes for the link light to illuminate. If the link light does not glow, please contact your broadband cable company for further instructions.
  • Page 3 Verifying The Modem Status Lights Power Indicator Verify the Cable Modem connections using the LED indicators Power: The Power LED will be “ON” after the modem has been plugged into an AC power source. Link: The Link LED will be “ON” when the connection from the cable modem to the local network is established.
  • Page 4: Test Your Internet Connection

    Test your Internet Connection Open the web browser to your favorite site. * Your cable service provider will provide the proper instructions to configure the cable software to use their Homepage and services. DIGITAL HOME SOLUTIONS Version 2.2...

Table of Contents