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Disclaimer Honeywell International Inc. (“HII”) reserves the right to make changes in speci- fications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult HII to determine whether any such changes have been made. The information in this publication does not repre- sent a commitment on the part of HII.
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The user may find the following booklet helpful: “Something About Interference.” This is available at FCC local regional offices. Honeywell is not responsible for any radio or television interfer- ence caused by unauthorized modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by Honeywell.
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5627 BT Eindhoven The Netherlands Honeywell International Inc. shall not be liable for use of our product with equip- ment (i.e., power supplies, personal computers, etc.) that is not CE marked and does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive.
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Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Information Honeywell complies with Directive 2002/96/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIA- MENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This product has required the extraction and use of natural resources for its pro- duction.
Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Getting Started Introduction ..............1-1 Out of the Box ............. 1-1 Captuvo SL22 ............. 1-2 Front View ............. 1-2 Back View.............. 1-3 Inserting the Battery ............ 1-3 Sliding the Apple iPod touch into the Sled ....1-4 Security Mechanism ............
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To Add an Output Sequence ......... 2-6 Other Programming Selections......2-7 Output Sequence Editor ........2-8 Partial Sequence ........... 2-8 Require Output Sequence ........2-9 Multiple Symbols............2-9 No Read..............2-10 Video Reverse ............2-11 Chapter 3 - Data Editing Prefix/Suffix Overview..........3-1 To Add a Prefix or Suffix: ........3-1 To Clear One or All Prefixes or Suffixes ....
Page 9
Codabar ..............5-3 Codabar Concatenation ........5-4 Code 39............... 5-6 Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF)......5-8 Full ASCII .............. 5-9 Code 39 Code Page..........5-9 Interleaved 2 of 5 ............5-10 NEC 2 of 5..............5-12 Code 93..............5-14 Code 93 Code Page..........5-14 Straight 2 of 5 Industrial (three-bar start/stop) ..
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UPC/EAN Version..........5-44 GS1 Emulation............5-45 TCIF Linked Code 39 (TLC39) ........5-46 QR Code..............5-46 Data Matrix ..............5-48 Data Matrix Code Page ........5-48 MaxiCode..............5-49 Aztec Code ..............5-50 Aztec Code Page ..........5-50 Chinese Sensible (Han Xin) Code ......5-51 Postal Codes - 2D............5-52 Single 2D Postal Codes: ........
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Appendix A - Reference Charts Symbology Chart............A-1 ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) ....A-4 Code Page Mapping of Printed Bar Codes ....A-6...
Note: Honeywell is not an authorized Apple repair center. Please return only your sled to us for repair. Honeywell is not liable for any non-Honeywell product shipped to our repair center. Note: Refer to your Apple iPod touch documentation for important product and safety information.
Captuvo SL22 Front View On/Off Front View Button Door Release Door Release Scan Button Scan Button Speaker Micro USB Port (for charging/syncing Charging Contacts (for charge base only) Audio Port 1 - 2...
Ensure all components are dry prior to mating terminals/batteries with periph- eral devices. Mating wet components may cause damage not covered by the warranty. We recommend use of Honeywell Li-Ion battery packs. Use of any non-Honey- well battery may result in damage not covered by the warranty. 1 - 3...
Battery Door Battery Sliding the Apple iPod touch into the Sled 1. Open the door by pushing the top toward the front of the sled. Note: Be careful the connectors are not accidentally damaged. 1 - 4...
Security Mechanism Note: To reduce the risk of the Apple iPod touch being removed or disengaging from the sled, we recommend that you lock the security mechanism. ® TORX (T5) 90° Security Mechanism 1 - 5...
Demo Apps To test scanning a bar code or to use the magnetic stripe reader, upload the Honeywell Captuvo mPOS Simulator application from the Apple App Store This application is for demonstration purposes only and does not process any data.
The Captuvo SL22 sled requires special application software. Please refer to for information regarding software. Reading Magnetic Stripe Cards Operating Temperature The maximum operating temperature range for the Captuvo SL22 is 0°C to 35°C (32°F to 95°F). 1 - 7...
Reading Techniques The sled has a view finder that projects a bright red aiming beam that corre- sponds to the sled’s horizontal field of view. The aiming beam should be cen- tered over the bar code, but it can be positioned in any direction for a good read. Linear bar code 2D Matrix symbol The aiming beam is smaller when the sled is closer to the code and larger when...
entire sequence will be saved to your custom defaults. When you have entered all the commands you want to save for your custom defaults, scan the Save Custom Defaults bar code. Set Custom Defaults Save Custom Defaults You may have a series of custom settings and want to correct a single setting. To do so, just scan the new setting to overwrite the old one.
Resetting the Factory Defaults This selection erases all your settings and resets the sled to the original factory defaults. It also disables all plugins . If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your sled, or you’ve changed some options and want to restore the sled to factory default settings, first scan the Remove Custom Defaults bar code, then scan Activate Defaults.
Input/Output Settings Good Read and Error Indicators Beeper – Good Read The beeper may be programmed On or Off in response to a good read. Turning this option off, only turns off the beeper response to a good read indication. All error and menu beeps are still audible. Default = Beeper - Good Read On.
Manual Trigger Mode When in manual trigger mode, the scanner scans until a bar code is read, or until the trigger is released. Normal mode offers good scan speed and the lon- gest working ranges (depth of field). Default = Manual Trigger-Normal. Manual Trigger - Normal Mobile Phone Read Mode When this mode is selected, your sled is optimized to read bar codes from...
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The default centering window is a 169x128 pixel area in the center of the sled’s field of view. The following diagram illustrates the default top, bottom, left, and right pixel positions, measured from the top and the left side of the sled’s field of view, which is 844 by 640 pixels.
Preferred Symbology The sled can be programmed to specify one symbology as a higher priority over other symbologies in situations where both bar code symbologies appear on the same label, but the lower priority symbology cannot be disabled. For example, you may be using the sled in a retail setting to read U.P.C. sym- bols, but have occasional need to read a code on a drivers license.
Low Priority Symbology To specify the low priority symbology, scan the Low Priority Symbology bar code below. On the Symbology Chart on page A-1, find the symbology you want to set as low priority. Locate the Hex value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart (inside back cover).
Output Sequence Overview Require Output Sequence When turned off, the bar code data will be output to the host as the sled decodes it. When turned on, all output data must conform to an edited sequence or the sled will not transmit the output data to the host device. Note: This selection is unavailable when the Multiple Symbols Selection is turned on.
5. End Output Sequence Editor Scan F F to enter an Output Sequence for an additional symbology, or Save to save your entries. Other Programming Selections • Discard This exits without saving any Output Sequence changes. Output Sequence Example In this example, you are scanning Code 93, Code 128, and Code 39 bar codes, but you want the sled to output Code 39 1st, Code 128 2nd, and Code 93 3rd, as shown below.
termination string for third code To program the previous example using specific lengths, you would have to count any programmed prefixes, suffixes, or formatted characters as part of the length. If you use the example on page 2-7, but assume a <CR> suffix and specific code lengths, you would use the following command line: SEQBLK62001241FF6A001342FF69001243FF The breakdown of the command line is shown below:...
Scan Discard Partial Sequence to discard partial sequences when the output sequence operation is terminated before completion. Scan Trans- mit Partial Sequence to transmit partial sequences. (Any fields in the sequence where no data match occurred will be skipped in the output.) Transmit Partial Sequence * Discard Partial Sequence Require Output Sequence...
each read. The sled attempts to find and decode new symbols as long as the trigger is pulled. When this programming selection is turned Off, the sled will only read the symbol closest to the aiming beam. Default = Off. * Off No Read With No Read turned On, the sled notifies you if a code cannot be read.
Video Reverse Video Reverse is used to allow the sled to read bar codes that are inverted. The Video Reverse Off bar code below is an example of this type of bar code. Scan Video Reverse Only to read only inverted bar codes. Scan Video Reverse and Standard Bar Codes to read both types of codes.
Data Editing Prefix/Suffix Overview When a bar code is scanned, additional information is sent to the host computer along with the bar code data. This group of bar code data and additional, user-defined data is called a “message string.” The selections in this section are used to build the user-defined data into the message string.
symbology to which you want to apply the prefix or suffix. For example, for Code 128, Code ID is “j” and Hex ID is “6A”. Step 3. Scan the 2 hex digits from the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual or scan 9, 9 for all symbologies. Step 4.
Step 1. Scan the Clear One Prefix or Clear One Suffix symbol. Step 2. Determine the 2 digit Hex value from the Symbology Chart (included in the Symbology Chart, beginning on page A-1) for the symbology from which you want to clear the prefix or suffix. Step 3.
Suffix Selections Add Suffix Clear One Suffix Clear All Suffixes Function Code Transmit When this selection is enabled and function codes are contained within the scanned data, the sled transmits the function code to the terminal. Charts of these function codes are provided in Supported Interface Keys starting on page...
Data Formatting Data Format Editor Introduction You may use the Data Format Editor to change the sled’s output. For example, you can use the Data Format Editor to insert characters at certain points in bar code data as it is scanned. The selections in the following pages are used only if you wish to alter the output.
you are programming. (See Primary/Alternate Data Formats on page 4-9 for further information.) Step 3. Terminal Type Scan the 0 9 9 bar codes on the inside back cover to program the sled for your terminal ID (you must enter 3 digits). Step 4.
or 3, depending on the format you are clearing. Scan the Terminal Type and Code I.D. (see Symbology Chart on page A-1), and the bar code data length for the specific data format that you want to delete. All other formats remain unaffected.
1252), page A-4 for decimal, hex and character codes. Insert symbology name B3 Insert the name of the bar code’s symbology in the output message, without moving the cursor. Only symbologies with a Honeywell ID are included (see Symbology Chart on page A-1).
Move the cursor to the beginning F7 Move the cursor to the first character in the input message. Syntax = Move the cursor to the end EA Move the cursor to the last character in the input message. Syntax = Search Commands Search forward for a character F8 Search the input message forward for “xx”...
Search forward for a non-matching character E6 Search the input message forward for the first non-“xx” character from the current cursor position, leaving the cursor pointing to the non-“xx” character. Syntax = E6xx where xx stands for the search character’s hex value for its ASCII code.
Compare characters FE Compare the character in the current cursor position to the character “xx.” If characters are equal, move the cursor forward one position. Syntax = FExx where xx stands for the comparison character’s hex value for its ASCII code. Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-4 for...
Data Format Required, Keep Prefix/Suffix Scanned data is modified according to your data format, and prefixes and suffixes are transmitted. Any data that does not match your data format requirements generates an error tone and the data in that bar code is not transmitted.
If you wish to hear the error tone when a non-matching bar code is found, scan the Data Format Non-Match Error Tone On bar code. Default = Data Format Non-Match Error Tone On . * Data Format Non-Match Error Tone On Data Format Non-Match Error Tone Off Primary/Alternate Data Formats...
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For example, you may have set your device to the data format you saved as Data Format 3. You can switch to Data Format 1 for a single trigger pull by scanning the Single Scan-Data Format 1 bar code below. The next bar code that is scanned uses Data Format 1, then reverts back to Data For- mat 3.
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Symbologies This programming section contains the following menu selections. Refer to Chapter 6 for settings and defaults. • All Symbologies • Interleaved 2 of 5 • Aztec Code • Korea Post • China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) • Matrix 2 of 5 •...
All Symbologies If you want to decode all the symbologies allowable for your sled, scan the All Symbologies On code. If on the other hand, you want to decode only a partic- ular symbology, scan All Symbologies Off followed by the On symbol for that particular symbology.
Codabar <Default All Codabar Settings> Codabar On/Off * On Codabar Start/Stop Characters Start/Stop characters identify the leading and trailing ends of the bar code. You may either transmit, or not transmit Start/Stop characters. Default = Don’t Transmit . Transmit * Don’t Transmit Codabar Check Character Codabar check characters are created using different “modulos.”...
When Check Character is set to Validate, but Don’t Transmit , the unit will only read Codabar bar codes printed with a check character, but will not transmit the check character with the scanned data. * No Check Character Validate Modulo 16, but Don’t Transmit Validate Modulo 16 and Transmit...
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Codabar Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 2-60. Minimum Default = 4, Maximum Default = 60. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length 5 - 5...
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Code 39 < Default All Code 39 Settings > Code 39 On/Off * On Code 39 Start/Stop Characters Start/Stop characters identify the leading and trailing ends of the bar code. You may either transmit, or not transmit Start/Stop characters. Default = Don’t Transmit.
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When Check Character is set to Validate and Transmit, the sled only reads Code 39 bar codes printed with a check character, and will transmit this character at the end of the scanned data. Default = No Check Charac- ter. * No Check Character Validate, but Don’t Transmit Validate and Transmit...
codes are read, deleting the first space from each. The sled transmits the appended data when it reads a Code 39 bar code that starts with a charac- ter other than a space. Default = Off. * Off Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF) Code 32 Pharmaceutical is a form of the Code 39 symbology used by Ital- ian pharmacies.
Full ASCII If Full ASCII Code 39 decoding is enabled, certain character pairs within the bar code symbol will be interpreted as a single character. For example: $V will be decoded as the ASCII character SYN, and /C will be decoded as the ASCII character #.
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and scan the value and the Save bar code from the Programming Chart the inside the back cover of this manual. The data characters should then appear properly. Code 39 Code Page Interleaved 2 of 5 < Default All Interleaved 2 of 5 Settings > Interleaved 2 of 5 On/Off * On Check Digit...
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When Check Digit is set to Validate and Transmit, the sled only reads Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes printed with a check digit, and will transmit this digit at the end of the scanned data. Default = No Check Digit. * No Check Digit Validate, but Don’t Transmit Validate and Transmit...
NEC 2 of 5 < Default All NEC 2 of 5 Settings > NEC 2 of 5 On/Off * On Check Digit No Check Digit indicates that the sled reads and transmits bar code data with or without a check digit. When Check Digit is set to Validate, but Don’t Transmit, the unit only reads NEC 2 of 5 bar codes printed with a check digit, but will not transmit the check digit with the scanned data.
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NEC 2 of 5 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 2-80. Minimum Default = 4, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length 5 - 13...
Code 93 < Default All Code 93 Settings > Code 93 On/Off * On Code 93 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 0-80. Minimum Default = 0, Maximum Default = 80.
and scan the value and the Save bar code from the Programming Chart the inside the back cover of this manual. The data characters should then appear properly. Code 93 Code Page Straight 2 of 5 Industrial (three-bar start/stop) <Default All Straight 2 of 5 Industrial Settings> Straight 2 of 5 Industrial On/Off * Off Straight 2 of 5 Industrial Message Length...
Straight 2 of 5 IATA (two-bar start/stop) <Default All Straight 2 of 5 IATA Settings> Straight 2 of 5 IATA On/Off * Off Straight 2 of 5 IATA Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information.
Matrix 2 of 5 <Default All Matrix 2 of 5 Settings> Matrix 2 of 5 On/Off * Off Matrix 2 of 5 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-80.
Code 11 <Default All Code 11 Settings> Code 11 On/Off * Off Check Digits Required This option sets whether 1 or 2 check digits are required with Code 11 bar codes. Default = Two Check Digits. One Check Digit * Two Check Digits 5 - 18...
Code 11 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 4, Maximum Default = 80. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length Code 128 <Default All Code 128 Settings>...
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that supports concatenation of neighboring symbols, and 4) the standard layout for bar codes on a blood product label. Use the bar codes below to turn concatenation on or off. Default =Off. * Off Code 128 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information.
Code 128 Code Page Code pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. If the data received does not display with the proper characters, it may be because the bar code being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the host program is expecting.
GS1-128 <Default All GS1-128 Settings> GS1-128 On/Off * On GS1-128 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 80.
Telepen <Default All Telepen Settings> Telepen On/Off * Off Telepen Output Using AIM Telepen Output, the sled reads symbols with start/stop pattern 1 and decodes them as standard full ASCII (start/stop pattern 1). When Original Telepen Output is selected, the sled reads symbols with start/stop pattern 1 and decodes them as compressed numeric with optional full ASCII (start/stop pattern 2).
Telepen Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-60. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 60. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length UPC-A <Default All UPC-A Settings>...
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UPC-A Number System The numeric system digit of a U.P.C. symbol is normally transmitted at the beginning of the scanned data, but the unit can be programmed so it will not transmit it. Default = On. * On UPC-A Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned UPC-A data.
UPC-A Addenda Separator When this feature is on, there is a space between the data from the bar code and the data from the addenda. When turned off, there is no space. Default = On. * On UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code Use the following codes to enable or disable UPC-A and EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code.
UPC-E0 <Default All UPC-E Settings> UPC-E0 On/Off Most U.P.C. bar codes lead with the 0 number system. To read these codes, use the UPC-E0 On selection. If you need to read codes that lead with the 1 number system, use UPC-E1 (page 5-30).
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UPC-E0 Addenda Required When Required is scanned, the sled will only read UPC-E bar codes that have addenda. Default = Not Required. Required * Not Required UPC-E0 Addenda Separator When this feature is On, there is a space between the data from the bar code and the data from the addenda.
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UPC-E0 Number System The numeric system digit of a U.P.C. symbol is normally transmitted at the beginning of the scanned data, but the unit can be programmed so it will not transmit it. To prevent transmission, scan Off. Default = On. * On UPC-E0 Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned UPC-E data.
UPC-E1 Most U.P.C. bar codes lead with the 0 number system. For these codes, use UPC-E0 (page 5-27). If you need to read codes that lead with the 1 number system, use the UPC-E1 On selection. Default = Off. UPC-E1 On * UPC-E1 Off EAN/JAN-13 <Default All EAN/JAN Settings>...
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EAN/JAN-13 Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned EAN/JAN-13 data. Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda. 2 Digit Addenda On * 2 Digit Addenda Off 5 Digit Addenda On * 5 Digit Addenda Off EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required When Required is scanned, the sled will only read EAN/JAN-13 bar codes...
EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Separator When this feature is On, there is a space between the data from the bar code and the data from the addenda. When turned Off, there is no space. Default = On. * On Note: If you want to enable or disable EAN13 with Extended Coupon Code, refer to UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Code (page 5-26).
EAN/JAN-8 <Default All EAN/JAN-8 Settings> EAN/JAN-8 On/Off * On EAN/JAN-8 Check Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. Default = On. * On 5 - 33...
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EAN/JAN-8 Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned EAN/JAN-8 data. Default = Off for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda. 2 Digit Addenda On * 2 Digit Addenda Off 5 Digit Addenda On * 5 Digit Addenda Off EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Required When Required is scanned, the sled will only read EAN/JAN-8 bar codes...
<Default All MSI Settings> MSI On/Off * Off MSI Check Character Different types of check characters are used with MSI bar codes. You can program the sled to read MSI bar codes with Type 10 check characters. Default = Validate Type 10, but Don’t Transmit. When Check Character is set to Validate Type 10/11 and Transmit, the sled will only read MSI bar codes printed with the specified type check character(s), and will transmit the character(s) at the end of the scanned...
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When Check Character is set to Validate Type 10/11, but Don’t Transmit, the unit will only read MSI bar codes printed with the specified type check character(s), but will not transmit the check character(s) with the scanned data. * Validate Type 10, but Don’t Transmit Validate Type 10 and Transmit Validate 2 Type 10 Characters,...
GS1 DataBar Expanded < Default All GS1 DataBar Expanded Settings > GS1 DataBar Expanded On/Off * On GS1 DataBar Expanded Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 4-74.
Trioptic Code Note: If you are going to scan Code 32 Pharmaceutical codes (page 5-8), Trioptic Code must be off. Trioptic Code is used for labeling magnetic storage media. * Off Codablock A <Default All Codablock A Settings> Codablock A On/Off * Off 5 - 39...
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Codablock A Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-600. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 600. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length 5 - 40...
Codablock F <Default All Codablock F Settings> Codablock F On/Off * Off Codablock F Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-2048. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 2048.
PDF417 < Default All PDF417 Settings > PDF417 On/Off * On PDF417 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-2750. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 2750.
MicroPDF417 < Default All MicroPDF417 Settings > MicroPDF417 On/Off * Off MicroPDF417 Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-366. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 366.
GS1 Composite Codes Linear codes are combined with a unique 2D composite component to form a new class called GS1 Composite symbology. GS1 Composite symbologies allow for the co-existence of symbologies already in use. * Off UPC/EAN Version Scan the UPC/EAN Version On bar code to decode GS1 Composite sym- bols that have a U.P.C.
GS1 Emulation The sled can automatically format the output from any GS1 data carrier to emu- late what would be encoded in an equivalent GS1-128 or GS1 DataBar symbol. GS1 data carriers include UPC-A and UPC-E, EAN-13 and EAN-8, ITF-14, GS1-128, and GS1-128 DataBar and GS1 Composites.
TCIF Linked Code 39 (TLC39) This code is a composite code since it has a Code 39 linear component and a MicroPDF417 stacked code component. All bar code readers are capable of reading the Code 39 linear component. The MicroPDF417 component can only be decoded if TLC39 On is selected.
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QR Code Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-7089. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 7089. Minimum Message Length Maximum Message Length 5 - 47...
Data Matrix < Default All Data Matrix Settings > Data Matrix On/Off * On Data Matrix Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-3116. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 3116.
page A-6), and scan the value and the Save bar code from the Programming Chart on the inside the back cover of this manual. The data characters should then appear properly. Data Matrix Code Page MaxiCode < Default All MaxiCode Settings > MaxiCode On/Off * Off MaxiCode Message Length...
Aztec Code < Default All Aztec Code Settings > Aztec Code On/Off * On Aztec Code Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Mini- mum and Maximum lengths = 1-3832. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum Default = 3832.
and scan the value and the Save bar code from the Programming Chart the inside the back cover of this manual. The data characters should then appear properly. Aztec Code Page Chinese Sensible (Han Xin) Code < Default All Han Xin Settings > Han Xin Code On/Off * Off Han Xin Code Message Length...
Postal Codes - 2D The following lists the possible 2D postal codes, and 2D postal code combina- tions that are allowed. Only one 2D postal code selection can be active at a time. If you scan a second 2D postal code selection, the first selection is over- written.
Postnet On Also see Postnet Check Digit, page 5-55. Postnet with B and B’ Fields On InfoMail On Combination 2D Postal Codes: InfoMail and British Post On Intelligent Mail Bar Code and Postnet with B and B’ Fields On Postnet and Postal-4i On Postnet and Intelligent Mail Bar Code On...
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Planet Code and Postal-4i On Planet Code and Intelligent Mail Bar Code On Planet Code, Postnet, and Postal-4i On Planet Code, Postnet, and Intelligent Mail Bar Code On Planet Code, Postal-4i, and Intelligent Mail Bar Code On Postnet, Postal-4i, and Intelligent Mail Bar Code On Planet Code, Postal-4i, and...
Planet Code Check Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should be transmitted at the end of Planet Code data. Default = Don’t Transmit. Transmit Check Digit * Don’t Transmit Check Digit Postnet Check Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should be transmitted at the end of Postnet data.
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China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) On/Off * Off China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5) Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 2-80. Minimum Default = 4, Maxi- mum Default = 80.
Korea Post <Default All Korea Post Settings> Korea Post * Off Korea Post Message Length Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 5-2) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 2-80. Minimum Default = 4, Maxi- mum Default = 48.
Serial Programming Commands Note: This section is for developers’ reference only. The serial programming commands can be used in place of the programming bar codes. Both the serial commands and the programming bar codes will pro- gram the sled. For complete descriptions and examples of each serial program- ming command, refer to the corresponding programming bar code in this manual.
Query Commands Several special characters can be used to query the device about its settings. What is the default value for the setting(s). What is the device’s current value for the setting(s). What is the range of possible values for the setting(s). (The device’s response uses a dash (-) to indicate a continuous range of values.
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NAK Indicates the command was good, but the Data field entry was out of the allowable range for this Tag and SubTag combination, e.g., an entry for a minimum message length of 100 when the field will only accept 2 characters. When responding, the device echoes back the command sequence with the status character inserted directly before each of the punctuation marks (the period, exclamation point, comma, or semicolon) in the command.
the Minimum Message Length (MIN) is set to 2 characters; the Maximum Message Length (MAX) is set to 60 characters; and the Default setting (DFT) has no value. Resetting the Custom Defaults If you want the custom default settings restored to your sled, scan the Activate Custom Defaults bar code below.
Menu Commands Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Product Default Settings Setting Custom Set Custom Defaults MNUCDF Defaults Save Custom MNUCDS Defaults Resetting the Activate Custom DEFALT Custom Defaults Defaults Resetting the Factory Remove Custom DEFOVR 1-10...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Preferred Symbology PRFENA1 *Off PRFENA0 High Priority PRFCOD## Symbology Low Priority PRFBLK## Symbology Preferred PRFPTO#### Symbology Timeout (*500) Range 100- 3000 Preferred PRFDFT Symbology Default Output Sequence Enter Sequence SEQBLK Editor...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Prefix Add Prefix PREBK2## Clear One Prefix PRECL2 Clear All Prefixes PRECA2 Suffix Add Suffix SUFBK2## Clear One Suffix SUFCL2 Clear All Suffixes SUFCA2 Function Code *Enable RMVFNC0 Transmit Disable...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Primary/Alternate Primary Data ALTFNM0 Data Formats Format Data Format 1 ALTFNM1 Data Format 2 ALTFNM2 Data Format 3 ALTFNM3 Single Scan Data Single Scan-Primary VSAF_0 4-10 Format Change Data Format Single Scan-Data VSAF_1...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry EAN/JAN-13 2 Digit 2 Digit Addenda On E13AD21 5-31 Addenda *2 Digit Addenda Off E13AD20 5-31 5 Digit Addenda On E13AD51 5-31 *5 Digit Addenda Off E13AD50 5-31 EAN/JAN-13 *Not Required...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry MSI Check Character *Validate Type 10, MSICHK0 5-36 but Don’t Transmit Validate Type 10 and MSICHK1 5-36 Transmit Validate 2 Type 10 MSICHK2 5-36 Chars, but Don’t Transmit Validate 2 Type 10 MSICHK3...
Page 124
Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry QR Code Msg. Minimum (1-7089) QRCMIN 5-47 Length Maximum (1-7089) QRCMAX 5-47 *7089 Data Matrix Default All Data IDMDFT 5-48 Matrix Settings IDMENA1 5-48 IDMENA0 5-48 Data Matrix Msg. Minimum (1-3116) IDMMIN 5-48...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Chinese Sensible Default All Han Xin HX_DFT 5-51 (Han Xin) Code Code Settings HX_ENA1 5-51 *Off HX_ENA0 5-51 Chinese Sensible Minimum (1-7833) HX_MIN 5-51 (Han Xin) Code Msg. Length Maximum (1-7833) HX_MAX...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Combination 2D InfoMail and British POSTAL8 5-53 Postal Codes Post On Intelligent Mail Bar POSTAL20 5-53 Code and Postnet with B and B’ Fields Postnet and Postal- POSTAL14 5-53 4i On...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Combination 2D Postal-4i and POSTAL19 5-53 Postal Codes Postnet with B and (continued) B’ Fields On Planet and Postnet POSTAL12 5-53 Planet and Postnet POSTAL18 5-53 with B and B’ Fields Planet and Postal-4i POSTAL13 5-54...
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Serial Command Setting Selection Page # Indicates a numeric * Indicates default entry Combination 2D Planet, Postal-4i, POSTAL28 5-54 Postal Codes Intelligent Mail Bar (continued) Code, and Postnet Planet, Postal-4i, POSTAL29 5-54 Intelligent Mail Bar Code, and Postnet with B and B’ Fields Planet Code Check Transmit PLNCKX1...
Healthcare Housing Cleaning Directions (Healthcare unit only) Honeywell is not responsible for any damage to the Apple iPod touch. Since the Apple iPod touch can be affected by these cleaning agents, be sure to remove the Apple iPod touch before cleaning the sled.
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• The battery is in the battery well. • The battery has been charged for at least 4 hours. • Make certain that the Honeywell Captuvo mPOS Simulator application from the Apple App Store is loaded. Is the sled having trouble reading your symbols? If the sled isn’t reading symbols well, check that the symbols:...
Material Authorization number (RMA #). You should do this prior to returning the product. Limited Warranty Honeywell International Inc. ("HII") warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship and to conform to HII’s published specifications applicable to the products purchased at the time of shipment. This warranty does not cover any HII product which is (i) improperly installed or used;...
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This includes but is not limited to: cables, power supplies, cradles, and docking stations. HII extends these warranties only to the first end-users of the products. These warranties are non-transferable. The duration of the limited warranty for the Captuvo SL22 is one (1) year. 8 - 2...
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Reference Charts Symbology Chart Possible AIM ID Code ID Symbology AIM ID Modifiers (hex) ( m ) All Symbologies (0x99) Australian Post A (0x41) ]z m Aztec Code 0-9, A-C z (0x7A) British Post B (0x42) Canadian Post C (0x43) China Post Q (0x51) Chinese Sensible Code (Han Xin...
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Possible AIM ID Code ID Symbology AIM ID Modifiers (hex) ( m ) GS1 Composite ]e m y (0x79) GS1 DataBar ]e m y (0x79) InfoMail , (0x2c) Intelligent Mail Barcode M (0x4D) Interleaved 2 of 5 ]I m 0, 1, 3 e (0x65) Japanese Post J (0x4A)
Page 135
Possible AIM ID Code ID Symbology AIM ID Modifiers (hex) ( m ) UPC-A with Extended c (0x63) Coupon Code UPC-E E (0x45) UPC-E with Add-On E (0x45) UPC-E1 E (0x45) Note: “m” represents the AIM modifier character. Refer to International Technical Specification, Symbology Identifiers, for AIM modifier character details.
Page 136
ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252 Note: This table applies to U.S. style keyboards. Certain characters may differ depending on your Country Code/PC regional settings. Non-Printable Characters DEC HEX Character (Code) DEC HEX Character (Code) NULL DATA LINK ESCAPE (DLE) START OF HEADING DEVICE CONTROL 1 (DC1) (SOH)
Page 137
Printable Characters (Continued) DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character < > <DEL> Extended ASCII Characters DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character € € « Ö ¬ × ‚ Ø ƒ ® Ù „ ¯ Ú...
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Extended ASCII Characters (Continued) DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character Œ · â ¸ ã Ž ¹ ä º å » æ ‘ ¼ ç ’ ½ è “ ¾ é ” ¿ ê • À ë –...
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the one the host program is expecting. If this is the case, select the code page with which the bar codes were created. The data characters should then appear properly. Code Page Standard Description CP ISO646 2 (Default) ISO 2022 Automatic National Replacement Characters CP Binary...
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Sample Symbols Matrix 2 of 5 GS1 DataBar 6543210 PDF417 (01)00123456789012 Car Registration Postnet Zip Code Data Matrix QR Code Test Symbol Numbers 4-CB (4-State Customer Bar Code) 01,234,567094,987654321,01234567891 ID-tag (UPU 4-State) J18CUSA8E6N062315014880T...
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Sample Symbols Aztec Micro PDF417 Package Label MaxiCode Test Message Test Message...
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Programming Chart Save Discard Reset Note: If you make an error while scanning the letters or digits (before scanning Save), scan Discard, scan the correct letters or digits, and Save again.
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Honeywell Scanning & Mobility 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 CAPTUVOSL22-UG Rev A 7/12...
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