Transport And Temporary Storage; Transport; Temporary Storage - Packo AX Instruction Manual

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When a new motor has to be installed
on the pump, you have to make sure
the maximum axial
movement of the shaft under a 10.000N axial
load is less than 0.3 mm. This maximum move-
ment must be guaranteed in cold and operational
warm condition. The fi xation has to be done in
the bearing on pump side so the thermal elonga-
tion of the shaft goes in the direction of the fan.
The reliability of control equipment (e.g. mass
fl ow sensor or liquid level sensor in a quench
reservoir) should be checked regularly.

3. Transport and temporary storage

3.1. Transport

The pumps are packed in our dispatch depart-
ment so that they will be free from any transport
damage, except in case of improper treatment.
The pump is to be transported in the original

3.2. Temporary storage

It is recommended to store the pump in dry (air
humidity less than 90 %) and dust free surround-
ings, free from impacts, vibrations or temperature
extremes. Motor windings and metal parts may
be affected by condensation. In that case, the
warranty will be invalid. When the pump is stored
The pump must be protected against all damages
from external sources.
PACKO pumps are classifi ed under Group II,
Categories 2 and 3. According to directive 99/92/
EC (ATEX 137), it is the responsibility of the user
to classify the zone and to choose the corre-
sponding protective and temperature class of
the motor.
The recommendations stated on the dec-
laration of conformity must be followed
packaging to the installation, where it is to be
unpacked. If the packaging is damaged, the sup-
plier or PACKO is to be notifi ed of any damage
that may have occurred before unpacking.
for a long time, the impeller must be turned by
hand every two months. This will prevent the
sealing faces from sticking together and the
motor bearings from being damaged.

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