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Hooking Up The Components - Nintendo Wii Fit Plus Getting Started


Figure 1-1:
The front
of the full
Wii Fit Plus

Hooking Up the Components

At this point we assume you already have your Nintendo Wii set up and
working, and at least one Mii stored on your console. If not, refer to the Wii
Operations Manual that came with your console or, for additional detail,
Wii For Dummies by Kyle Orland (Wiley Publishing). As for Wii Fit Plus, follow
these setup steps after inserting your disc and starting the game, and you can
be on your way to fitness and fun in no time flat:
1. Press A on your Wii Remote after you are comfortable with the
Wii Remote Strap Usage screen instructions or simply wait to
automatically proceed.
If this is your first time playing Wii Fit Plus, you will have to create and
save data and synchronize the Balance Board.
2. On the Wii Fit Plus save-data creation screen, press A on the Wii
Chapter 1: Getting Started

