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Warming Up And Cooling Down - Nintendo Wii Fit Plus Getting Started


Part I: Wii Fit Plus

Warming Up and Cooling Down

Before you start doing any of the activities in Wii Fit Plus, the program
reminds you to warm up; however, no warm-up activities are provided
outside of Warm Up, found under the Lifestyle category of Wii Fit Plus
Routines, which is described in Chapter 4. As a general rule, before beginning
any type of physical activity, it is important to elevate your body temperature
and get the muscle groups you'll be targeting moving. Contrary to popular
belief, stretching is not recommended as part of your warm-up because
stretching cold muscles can cause pulls and tears, potentially leading to
serious injury. If you wish to stretch, do so at the end of your workout when
your body has been put through its paces and is already warm, and be sure
to stretch only within your limits.
The best way to warm up is with light aerobic exercise — just enough to
break a sweat and test how your body is responding. This can include
activities like jogging in place, jumping rope, or performing jumping jacks.
If you'll be performing strength-based movements, it's a good idea to also
warm up the general areas you'll be working, such as with push-ups for upper
body or bodyweight squats for lower body. Whatever you do, keep the
activities low impact and low stress. Generally speaking, a good warm-up
should approximate the activity or activities you'll be performing and last
only five to ten minutes, but feel free to adjust as needed to sufficiently
elevate your body's temperature.

