Duramaxx 10028063 Manual page 9

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Local regulations or bylaws may determine the minimum age for using the device.
Wear sturdy footwear to protect against electric shock.
Should there be people in the water, do not operate the equipment. Risk of electric shock!
Take appropriate measures to keep children away from the equipment whilst it is running. There is a
risk of injury!
Do not use the equipment in the vicinity of fl ammable liquids or gases. Nonobservance will result in
a risk of fi re or explosion.
The Iransportalion of aggressive, abrasive (grinding eff ect), corrosive, combustible (e .g. motor fu-
els) or explosive liquids, salt water, cleaning agents and foodstuff s is not permitted. The temperature
of the liquid being transported must not exceed 3°C.
Store the equipment in a dry place and out of reach of children.
Caution! To avoid damage to the equipment and any possible person injury resulting from
Do not work with damaged or incomplete equipment, or with equipment that has been converted
without the approval of the manufacturer. Before initial operation, have a specialist check that the
required electrical protection measures are in place.
Monitor the equipment during operation (particularly in residential spaces, in order to detect automa-
tic switching off or dry running of the pumps in time.
Regularly check the function of the fl oat switch. Non-observance will invalidate all guarantee and
liability claims.
Piease note that the pump is not suitable for continuous operation (e.g. for watercourses in gorden
Check the equipment regularly for correct functioning.
Note that the lubricants used in the equipment may cause damage or contamination if they escape.
Do not use the pump in gorden ponds with fi sh stocks or valuable plants.
Do not carry or fi x the equipment by the cable or pressure line.
Proted the equipment from frost and from running dry.
Use only original accessories and do not carry out conversion work on the equipment.
Piease read the notes in the operating instructions on the topic of „maintenance and cleaning". Any
measures above and beyond these, particularly opening the equipment, are to be carried out by an
electrician. ln the case of repairs, always contact our service centre.
Electrical Safety
The equipment is not to be operated if there are people in the water. There is a risk of electric shock.
After erection, the mains plug must be freely accessible when the equipment is in operation.
Before operating your new pump, have a specialist check: The earthing, the protective multiple
earthing; the residual current circuit breaking must be compliant with the safety regulations of the
energy supply company and Fundion without fault, The protection of the electrical plug connections
from the wet.
If there is a risk of fl ooding, fi x the plug connections in an area that is safe from fl ooding.
Ensure that the mains valtage matches the specifi cations on the rating plate.
The electrical installation shall be according to national wiring rules.
Connect the equipment only to a socket with a residual current protection device (residual current
circuit breaker) with a rated current of not more than 30 mA; minimum fuse 6 amperes.
Before each use, check the equipment, cable and plug for damage. Defective cables are not to be
repaired, but rather replaced by new ones. Have damage on your equipment repaired by an autho-
rised specialist.
lf the power cable for this equipment is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, a custo-
mer service agent of the same or a similarly qualifi ed person in order to prevent hazards.
Do not pull the plug from the socket by the cable. Proted the cable from heat, oil and sharp edges.
Do not carry or fi x the equipment by the cable.
Use only extension cables that are protected from spray water and designed for outdoor use. Always
fully unroll a cable drum before use. Check the cable for damage.
Disconnect the mains plug from the socket before all work on the equipment, in case of leaks in the
water system, during work breaks, and when not in use.


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