Start-Up Operation; Pump Maintenance - Pentair Hydromatic Novus 4000 Installation And Service Manual

Standard electrical controls
Table of Contents


1 6. The display should say
is the current setting.
parameter determines what
type of alternation will be used.
If the controller is set for 1 or
2 pumps then this parameter is
not used. Use the procedure
in steps 3 and 4 above to make
any changes and go to the next
parameter. The options are:
NORMAL – The controller
will use normal sequential
alternation (1-2-3, 2-3-1,
1 JOCK – The controller
will use single jockey pump
alternation. Pump 1 is lead,
the other two pumps alternate
and pump 1 is turned off if
pump 2 or 3 is on.
17. The display should say MAX
ON AT ONCE X where X is the
current max number of pumps
that can be on at the same
time. This would normally be
set to the number of pumps the
station has unless some factor
(such as available power)
prevents proper operation with
all pumps running at the same
Use the procedure in
steps 3 and 4 above to make
any changes and go to the next
18. The display should say A OUT
LOW XX.X FT. where XX.X
is the level at which the analog
output signal is at its minimum
or 4 Ma.
This parameter
and the next one set up the
proportional scaling of the
analog output of the NOVUS
4000. Use the procedure in
steps 3 and 4 above to make
any changes and go to the next
19. The display should say A OUT
HI XX.X FT. where XX.X is
the level at which the analog
output signal is at its maximum
or 20 Ma. Use the procedure
in steps 3 and 4 above to make
any changes and depress the
MENU/NEXT button which
will complete setup and return
you to the main display.
1. Check junction box for
moisture. Moisture may cause
chattering of relays/contactors.
2. If pump is single phase with
start capacitor, start relay
and run capacitor in panel.
Check that pump White,
Black, and Red pow er wires
con nect ed
correct ly.
3. WARNING! Live voltage can
kill! Check incoming power
volt age to make sure that
it is correct for panel and
pump model.
4. Energize control panel. (Turn
on power to panel.)
5. Check overload relay and
verify reset mode (if overload
is sup plied).
6. WARNING! Live voltage
can kill! Check voltage to the
panel and at secondary of
control trans form er using a
voltmeter. If no transformer is
supplied, check volt age at the
circuit breakers.
7. With H-O-A switch in hand,
check dis charge to ver i fy the
pump is run ning. Check for
flow. On three phase power,
check to see if each pump
has prop er ro ta tion. Wrong
ro ta tion will give low flow.
8. Check full load current
with amp probe and compare
it with the name plate rat ing.
On three phase pumps, check
all three phases. On single
phase pumps, check black
pump lead.
9. Check operation of start relay,
if supplied on single phase
panels, per procedure in Item
#7 of Maintenance Instructions.
1 0. With H-O-A switch in Auto,
check float op er a tion and
response to control panel to
sequence of op er a tion, refer to
design specification.
1 1. Make sure H-O-A switch is left
in the Auto position after
start-up is completed.
Pump Start-Up:
Refer to pump Installation and
Service Manual.
pan el
WARNING: Before handling
these pumps and controls,
pow er first. Do not smoke or
use sparkable electrical devices
or flames in a septic (gaseous) or
possible septic sump.
will vary with operating and
environmental con di tions. It will
also vary with the specific type of
control supplied. The list herein is
a guide only.
1. Exercise breaker through
one cy c le. Be careful not to
overexercise as the break er
is not a switch ing device.
Excessive operations tend
to affect the trip curve of
the breaker.
2. Check contactors and relays
for excessive humming. This
turning pumps on and off
dis con nect


Table of Contents

Table of Contents