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Summary of Contents for North EXPLORER LOW Series

  • Page 1 ASSEMBLY MANUAL / MONTAGEANLEITUNG EXPLORER EXPLORER All rights reserved 2020. Avero AB © All artwork and illustrations are owned by Avero AB, Sweden. Copying or reusing them is prohibited by law. For more information, contact us at Alle Rechte vorbehalten 2020. Avero AB © Alle Grafiken und Illustrationen sind im Besiztz von Avero AB, Schweden.
  • Page 2 ENG: WARNING! This trampoline requires a hole to be dug BEFORE it can be used. Jumping before digging a correct hole can cause serious injury. Check that the hole is intact frequently to avoid possible injury. SV: VARNING! Du måste gräva ett hål INNAN du använder den här studsmattan. Hop- pning innan det finns ett ordentligt hål kan leda till allvarliga skador.
  • Page 3 EXPLORER EXPLORER 300 360 430 350 420 500 300 64x 350 64x 360 80x 420 80x 430 96x 500 96x...
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  • Page 10 ENG: DO NOT dig before assembling springs and jump mat. The frame contracts and dimensions are altered. SV: Gräv INTE innan fjädrar och hoppduk blivit monterade. Ramen drar ihop sig under montering. NO: Grav IKKE før fjærer, oghoppeduk er montert. Rammeverket vil trekkes sammen ved montering. DK: Grav IKKE hullet før I har monteret fjedre og hoppedug da rammen trækker sig sammen ved montering.
  • Page 17 ! 4/8x ! 8x...
  • Page 19 ENG: DISSEMBLY To disassemble the trampoline, follow the assembly steps in reverse order. Do not attempt to disassemble any trampoline frame components before the springs and the trampoline mat have been removed. Use gloves to protect your hands from pinch points during disassembly. SV: NEDMONTERING: För att nedmontera studsmattan/skyddsnätet, följ de olika stegen för montering i omvänd ordning.