Introduction - Foley Belsaw 200 Adjustment & Operation Instructions

Key machine
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The key machine is the locksmith's primary tool and one your best sources of income. The basic function of a
key machine is to duplicate keys accurately. It is a delicate piece of equipment and requires the maintenance
and care of any precision machine. It should be used for the purpose it is designed for and not for general
shop use. Once your key machine is set up and properly adjusted it will remain that way if you do not abuse it
through misuse. A good key machine, properly set up and adjusted, will accurately duplicate a key within one
or two thousandths of an inch. This accuracy is necessary to properly duplicate keys that will actually work.
A locksmith takes great pride in keeping his key machine set up for accurate duplication. Many key machines
in use today do not duplicate properly because they are not adjusted or operated properly. You have no doubt
heard the complaint of people who had keys duplicated in service stations, dime stores, and hardware stores,
only to find out that they didn't work when they tried to use the new key. The reason for this is not usually the
key machine, but the lack of experience on the part of the operator and improper set-up of the machine.
Your Foley-Belsaw Model 200 Key Machine has been designed with precision, accuracy, and versatility in
mind. Special features have been incorporated into the design to make it a combination key duplicating ma-
chine and a code cutting machine. These instructions will deal with the installation and operation of the ma-
chine for duplicating cylinder keys. Cutting keys by code and cutting flat steel keys will also be covered.
The location of your key machine is very important. It should be set up in a place in your shop that offers natu-
ral light if at all possible. A bench tool light should also be used. You should have enough work area to allow
for a key display board to be hung on the wall beside or behind the machine for easy accessibility.


Figure A

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