Table of Contents


• The bed is supplied part assembled.
• The bed is assembled on location by the retailer's personnel.
• The installation must be carried out by a minimum of one person.
Packaging units:
Complete bed frame consisting of the mattress platform and head and foot end panels. Main control unit, hand control,
back & foot rest actuators and 2 height adjusting actuators.
In such a rare case, increase the distance of the bed from
3.1 Assemblage
use the same socket or temporarily disconnect such dev
Mounting instructions:
Instructions de montage:
• The assembly of the bed must be carried out by a minimum of one person;
Unpack the bed frame from carton 1 and make sure that the 2 wheels on the foot-
• Le montage du lit doit être effectué par au moins une
4.2 Hand control
board are in the locked position and the 2 wheels on the headboard are unlocked.
Déballez le cadre du lit du carton 1 et assurez-vousnt déverrouillées.
The backrest actuator should then be mounted under the bed frame again so that the
motor end is towards the centre of the bed and the extending ram is connected to the
moving back rest section of the mattress platform.
The electric functions of the bed are activated by the pa
Ensure all mounting pins are fully inserted through the bed frame mounting points on both
sides of the actuator and the spring loaded locking loops are in the closed position.
• The electric motors work if the corresponding buttons a
• It is possible to adjust different sections in both directio
Les boutons de la télécommande qui contrôlent l'angle du dossier contrôlent également le pliage
et le déploiement du lit.
• The hand control can be attached to the bed where
En appuyant sur le bouton pour baisser le dossier, le lit se déplie automatiquement jusqu'à ce
• The spiral cable allows freedom of movement.
qu'il soit à plat.
• Individual functions of the bed can be locked using th
Unhook the transport securing arm to let the bed begin to unfold. To do so you will need to manually push the 2 halves
of the folded bed together a little so that the hook can move free from the pin
The buttons on the handset that control the angle of the back rest also control the folding and unfolding of the bed.
4.2.1 Hand control use
By pressing the button to lower the back rest it will unfold the bed automatically until it is in the flat position.
Décrochez la tôle de verrouillage pour permettre au lit de commencer à se déplier. Pour ce faire,
vous devrez rapprocher un peu les deux moitiés du lit plié afin que le crochet puisse se dégager
de la goupille.
All the cables should be already attached to the control box and numbered 1 – 4 with a
tag on the opposite end where they connect into each actuator. The number inside the
control box (re circles above) should correspond with the same number on the other end
of each cable.
Number 1 cable should be connected into the backrest actuator.
Number 2 cable should be connected into Hi-Lo actuator at the foot end of the bed.
Number 3 cable should be connected into the backrest actuator.
Number 4 cable should be connected into the Hi-Lo actuator at the head end of the bed.
Pay attention to position the back and foot rest actuators correctly! They should
never be inverted.
Never attempt to unfold the bed a u t o m a t i c a l l y b e f o r e unhooking the transport securing
Once the bed frame is in the flat position and the backrest actuator has ceased moving, the bed is ready to be used.
Une fois que le cadre du lit est à plat et que le vérin du dossier a cessé de bouger, le lit est prêt à
être utilisé.
Made by NAUSICAA Medical S.A.S. / Approved by Ghizlane Labrosse (Biomedical Engineer)
The main control box comes already attached to the
knee break actuator with all the cables for the
actuators and the handset connected.
The knee break actuator should be mounted under
the bed frame so that the motor end (the end where
the cables connects to the actuator) is towards the
centre of the bed and the extending ram of the
actuator is connected to the moving knee break
section of the mattress platform.
In order to insert the securing pin into the end of the
extending ram you need to manually lift the knee
break and pull out the ram so that it is away from the
control box it is attached to, allowing you to insert the
locking pin. Please see image to the left.
Ne jamais essayer de déplier le lit automatiquement avant décrochage de la tôle de
Backrest adjustment
When the bed is in use these buttons
the backrest.
Leg support adjustment
When the bed is in use these buttons
the leg support (knee break).
Backrest and leg support combined a
When the bed is in use these buttons


Table of Contents

Table of Contents