Operating Vacuum Cleaner; Elektrikli S¸p¸rgeyi Áalíètírma - LG V-KC902HT Series Owner's Manual

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How to use
Kullaní í mí í
Cord reel button
Kablo sarma d¸ëmesi
Control knob
Kontrol d¸ëmesi
H H o o w w t t o o o o p p e e r r a a t t e e
« « a a l l í í è è t t í í r r m m a a
• Pull out the power cord to the desired
length and plug into the socket.
• Place the control knob of the hose handle
to the required position.
• To turn off, slide control knob to OFF
• Press the cord reel button to rewind the
power cord after use.
• G¸Á kablosunu Áekerek istediëiniz
uzunluëa ayarlayín ve fièi prize takín.
• Hortum tutacaëí ¸zerindeki kontrol
d¸ëmesini istediëiniz konuma getirin.
• Kapatmak iÁin kontrol d¸ëmesini OFF
(KAPALI) konumuna getirin.
• Kullandíktan sonra g¸Á kablosunu geri
Áekmek iÁin kablo sarma d¸ëmesine basín.
When indicator light flashes and alarm sounds :
1. Dust tank is full
slide handle knob to OFF position and empty dust tank
2. Power is on without dust tank
slide handle knob to OFF position and reattach dust tank
3. Rotating plate in the dust tank is restricted because of obstruction
slide handle knob to OFF position and remove obstruction
O O p p e e r r a a t t i i n n g g v v a a c c u u u u m m c c l l e e a a n n e e r r
E E l l e e k k t t r r i i k k l l i i s s ¸ ¸ p p ¸ ¸ r r g g e e y y i i Á Á a a l l í í è è t t í í r r m m a a
I I n n d d i i c c a a t t o o r r a a n n d d a a l l a a r r m m s s o o u u n n d d
G G ˆ ˆ s s t t e e r r g g e e v v e e a a l l a a r r m m s s e e s s i i
• The indicator light of the hose handle
is on and alarm will sound when dust
tank is full.
After about 2 minutes, vacuum cleaner
will turn itself off and alarm will sound.
Empty the dust tank and reuse the
vacuum cleaner
• Toz haznesi dolduëunda hortum
tutacaëínín gˆsterge íèíëí yanar ve
alarm Áalar.
Yaklaèík 2 dakika sonra elektrikli
s¸p¸rge kendi kendine kapanír ve
alarm Áalar.
Toz haznesini boèaltín ve elektrikli
s¸p¸rgeyi yeniden kullanín
D D ìK K K K A A T T
Gˆsterge íèíëí yaníp sˆnd¸ë¸nde ve alarm Áaldíëínda:
1. Toz haznesi doludur
konumuna getirin ve toz haznesini boèaltín
2. Toz haznesi takílmadan s¸p¸rge aÁílmíètír
OFF (KAPALI) konumuna getirin ve toz haznesini yeniden takín
3. Toz haznesindeki dˆner levha, tíkanma nedeniyle hareket
getirin ve tíkanmaya neden olan nesneyi Áíkarín
P P a a r r k k m m o o d d e e
P P a a r r k k m m o o d d u u
• To store during vacuuming, for
example to move a small piece of
furniture or a rug, use park mode to
support the flexible hose and nozzle.
- Slide the hook on the nozzle into the
slot on the side of vacuum cleaner.
• S¸p¸rme ièlemi sírasínda makineyi
sabit tutmak iÁin (ˆrneëin k¸Á¸k
mobilya veya halí parÁalaríní
Áíkarmak iÁin), esnek hortumu ve
temizleme baèlíëíní desteklemesi
amacíyla Park sistemini kullanín.
- Baèlík ¸zerindeki kancayí
kaydírarak elektrikli s¸p¸rgenin yan
tarafíndaki yuvaya yerleètirin.
tutacak d¸ëmesini OFF (KAPALI)
tutacak d¸ëmesini
tutacak d¸ëmesini OFF (KAPALI) konumuna
S S t t o o r r a a g g e e
M M u u h h a a f f a a z z a a e e t t m m e e
• When you have
switched off and
unplugged the vacuum
cleaner, press the cord
reel button to
automatically rewind the
• You can store your
vacuum cleaner in a
vertical position by
sliding the hook on the
nozzle into the slot on
the underside of the
vacuum cleaner.
• Elektrikli s¸p¸rgeyi
kapatíp fièini
Áektiëinizde, kabloyu
otomatik olarak geri
sarmak iÁin kablo sarma
d¸ëmesine basín.
• Baèlík ¸zerindeki
kancayí kaydírarak
cihazín alt tarafíndaki
yuvaya yerleètirip
cihazínízí dikey biÁimde
muhafaza edebilirsiniz.


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