Pen And Plate Resistance Welding Accessory - Labfacility L60+ Manual

Thermocouple & fine wire welder
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Pen and Plate Resistance Welding Accessory

The kit consists of a Copper Plate with a black lead and a Cop-
per tipped spring-loaded pen with appropriate red lead. The
leads are terminated in 4mm banana plugs which connect to
the corresponding sockets on the front of the L60+ Welder.
It is suitable for welding ribbon materials of ferrous and higher
resistance metals such as Nickel & Chromium alloys. It will not
weld low resistance metals such as Copper, Silver, Gold or
In use, the materials to be joined are placed on top of the oth-
er on the copper plate and the pen tip is applied with moder-
ate pressure. The weld is then triggered by the switch on the
L60+ or footswitch (if used). Test welds will determine opti-
mum settings for material size and composition. We recom-
mend that the Operator starts off with a Medium Energy set-
ting and check the state of the weld. The energy setting can be
increased if the weld pulls apart easily or lower if the weld is
too severe. With flat materials, a pattern of welds may be
made to increase the strength of the joint.
If necessary the plate can be cleaned with fine wire wool, and
the welding pen tip may be cleaned with a find grade emery
cloth if necessary.
Please note that during welding done using the pen/plate Ar-
gon will not be utilised and therefore should be turned off at
the front of the welder.
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