
Power Compartment Quick Guide
Issue: 01
Part Number: 31509970
Date: 2018-06-22


1. Powering off the system.
After the SUN2000 powers off, the remaining electricity and heat may still cause electric shock
and burns. After power-off, wait 5 minutes before servicing the SUN2000. Always wear
protective gloves when servicing the SUN2000.
If the SUN2000 is connected to the battery, ensure that a shutdown command is sent from the
app. Power off the system after the SUN2000 has shut down. If no shutdown command is sent
from the app, the SUN2000 will shut down after the power grid is powered off. The SUN2000
will wait for 1 minute and restart (not grid-tied) and charge the battery, which poses an electrical
hazard when you turn off the DC switch.
If Off-grid mode is set to Enable and Grid-tied/Off-grid mode switching is set to Automatic
switching for the SUN2000, ensure that a shutdown command is sent from the app and power
off the system only after the SUN2000 has shut down. If no shutdown command is sent from
the app, the SUN2000 will switch to the backup state after the power grid is powered off, which
poses an electrical hazard when you turn off the DC switch.
a. Send a shutdown command from the app.
b. Turn off the AC switch between the SUN2000 and the power grid.
c. Turn off the DC switch at the bottom of the SUN2000.
d. If a battery connects to the battery port of the SUN2000, power off the battery.
2. Before replacing the power compartment, ensure that the screw assemblies between the
maintenance compartment and mounting bracket have been tightened.
The power compartment of SUN2000-3.8KTL/5KTL/7.6KTL-USL0 and SUN2000-
9KTL/10KTL/11.4KTL-USL0 can be replaced in the same way. The following describes the
installation of the SUN2000-3.8KTL/5KTL/7.6KTL-USL0.
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.


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Summary of Contents for Huawei SUN2000 USL0 Series

  • Page 1 SUN2000-(3.8KTL-11.4KTL)-USL0 Power Compartment Quick Guide Issue: 01 Part Number: 31509970 Date: 2018-06-22 Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved. Prerequisites 1. Powering off the system. NOTICE • After the SUN2000 powers off, the remaining electricity and heat may still cause electric shock and burns.
  • Page 2 Procedure 1. Remove the maintenance compartment cover. 2. Removing the 10-pin signal terminal. 3. Removing the 2-pin enable terminal. 4. Removing the USB cable (only for the 4G 5. Removing the WLAN cable (only for the WLAN model). model). NOTE Do not remove the 4G module when removing the USB cable.
  • Page 3 6. Remove the DC cable. 7. Remove the AC cable and the fuse cable. SUN2000-3.8KTL/5KTL/7.6KTL-US SUN2000-9KTL/10KTL/11.4KTL-USL0 8. Remove the ground cable between the 9. Remove the external four M6 screws that power compartment and the maintenance secure the power and maintenance compartment.
  • Page 4 14.Reinstall the USB cable (only for the 4G model), or reinstall the WLAN cable (only for the WLAN model). 15.Reinstall the 10-pin signal terminal and 2-pin enable terminal. 16.Reinstall the maintenance compartment cover. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Industrial Base, Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen, People's Republic of China Postal code: 518129

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