Checks During First Start-Up; Unit Operation Screening Checks; Regular Inspections - Remak CAKE Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

Air-handling units
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Regular Inspections

Inspection, checking and maintenance schedule, including a
list of checking steps, and their recording
Records of operating staff training, operation, inspections
and cleaning of the rotary heat exchanger (subject to guarantee

Unit Operation Screening Checks

The operating staff's checking activities must be focused on
the following:
The air-handling unit operation and functioning, leak ti-
ghtness of connections, inspection doors and service panels,
temperature of energy media and transported air.
The condition and operation of systems associated with the
air-handling unit, whose proper functioning is needed for proper
operation of the air-handling unit as well as for operation of the
entire air-handling system. These are:
M & C system
Water heater (VO) system – circuit, pump operation
and water filters (also in SUMX)
Cooling system
Sanitary installation - condensate drainage
Regular Inspections
The user will determine the intervals for regular inspections of the
air-handling unit according to the operating conditions, however,
at least once every three months. Within the framework of the
inspection, check the following:
Overall Check
Cleaning of all parts of the air-handling unit:
Min. 1x per year or more frequently, if needed (recommen-
ded cleaning solution – 10 parts of a dish washing cleaner or
similar agent, 45 parts of Isopropanol, 45 parts of water – pH
5–9, do not use cleaners containing active chlorine).
Max. 50°C when a steam cleaning equipment is used.
When a high-pressure cleaning equipment is used, there is a
risk of paint damage, especially in the elbows.
To remove heavy dirt and clean the corners, use soft
brushes to avoid damage to the metal or painted surface.
Using wire, hard plastic (rice) brushes of other abrasive agents
is prohibited.
First test clean a small area of the surface and then carry it
out on evenly on the whole surface to prevent possible differen-
ces in colour
Check the functionality of the condensate drainage
No traces of stagnant water must be found inside the unit.
Obrázek 21
Pour 1 litre of water
into the tray. This water
must be safely drained
through the drainage
from the tray.
Fan Inspection
Check the fan ope-
ration (strange noises
and excessive vibrations
of the unit) and, if needed, balance the fan, refer to the section
Unit First Start Inspection.
Check the impeller for cleanliness.
Check the impeller for integrity and free rotation.
Check the assembly screw connections for tightening.
Check the silent blocks for condition (damage).
Inspection of Dampers
Check the dampers for cleanliness.
Check the damper flaps for free rotation.
Check the damper flaps for full closing.
Filter Inspection and Replacement
Check the filters for condition and fouling (if fouled or da-
maged, the filter inserts must be replaced).
The used filter inserts must be disposed of in an ecological
Figure 22
of the unit. Check the sealing in the grooves. Insert the new filter
insert in the same way into the groove under the sealing until it
is seats on the end stop. When inserting a bag filter, be careful
not to catch the bags and damage or tear them. It is advisable to
perform regular inspections of the frame filters, especially if high
air humidity is present or if it fluctuates through the day.
Checking the Exchangers (Heaters, Coolers)
Clean the dirty heat exchanging surfaces of the heat-ex-
changers using a vacuum cleaner or hot-water cleaniner.
It is important to check the air-venting of the exchangers.
Permanently check the functionality of the condensate drai-
ning system (coolers).
Be very careful when cleaning the exchanger's fins to avoid
mechanical damage to the fins and injury caused by the sharp
edges of the fins. If taking the exchanger out of operation
during the winter season, the water must be completely
drained from the exchanger, and possible water residuals
must be removed, e.g. by blowing out the exchanger with
pressurised air; or the exchanger must be filled with a safe
antifreeze solution of water and glycol. Water residuals can
freeze in the exchanger and damage the copper pipes.
Steam Generator Check
All prescribed checks are included in the Installation Instructions
attached to the steam generator. Please follow these instructions,
especially the following:
When replacing filter in-
serts, always check the
condition of the sealing;
if damaged, replace the
sealing with a new one.
When checking or repla-
cing the filters, observe
the following steps:
When replacing the fil-
ter inserts, pull out them
from the guiding bars
towards the service side


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