Antenna Positioning For Qolsys Panel (Tabletop-Mounted Units); Emergency Panics; Police: Use When You Need Police Assistance; Police (Silent Alarm): Use When You Need Police Assistance But Do Not Want To Set Off The Alarm - Bell QS-9004-VRZ How To Use Manual

Security and automation panel
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8. Antenna positioning for Qolsys panel
(tabletop-mounted units)
Most panels are wall mounted (recommended). The following only applies if you requested your panel on a tabletop
stand instead of having it mounted.
On a tabletop, it is recommended that your Qolsys panel be placed where the antenna is able to hang down the back
of the table vertically as that is the best orientation. If this is not possible, straight out the back is best.

9. Emergency panics

You can use emergency panic buttons to notify the Security and Automation central monitoring station of different emergencies
in your location. Emergency panics are used when you need immediate assistance. Below are the types of panics, an example
of when you may want to use them and what each of them does.

9.1 Police: Use when you need police assistance

When someone is attempting to break in.
By selecting police emergency panic, you'll set off the alarm in your office (perhaps scaring away the potential intruder)
and notify us that you're in an emergency that requires police response. We'll contact you at your location by either two-way
voice or phone. We'll also notify police of the emergency at your location and request immediate response.
9.2 Police (Silent Alarm): Use when you need police assistance
but do not want to set off the alarm
When someone dangerous is inside your location but you do not want to let them know you're there, or they know
you're there but they do not want you to notify anyone.
By selecting the Police (Silent Alarm) emergency panic you will not set off the alarm in your location (which would alert the person
you have called for help) but we'll still be notified that you're in an emergency that requires police response. Two-way voice will
be activated in "Listen only" mode. No one in your office will be able to hear the operator in our central monitoring station but the
operator will be able to listen and monitor the situation in case there is additional information that can be provided to the police
response unit. At the same time, we'll notify police of the emergency at your location and request immediate response.

9.3 Fire: Use when you need assistance from the fire department

If your location is on fire, gather everyone up to exit immediately. Don't even take time to look for your cell phone.
On the way out you trigger Fire Emergency with two quick taps on your panel.
By selecting the Fire emergency panic, you'll set off the alarm siren in your location (perhaps alerting someone who is still
in the office location of the fire emergency) and notify us that you're in an emergency that requires a response from the fire
department. We'll contact you at your office by either two-way voice or phone. If you do not respond, we'll attempt to reach one
of your key contacts. We then notify the fire department of the emergency at your location and request immediate response.
9 ‒ How to use my Qolsys Security and Automation panel


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