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Shutdown Procedure - Harman Stove Company Accentra Service Training

Includes all pellet burning units


Shut-Down Procedure
When you turn the stove to "Off", there is a protocol programmed into
the circuit board which will not allow the combustion blower to just stop.
Upon turning the stove to off, the only change is that the feed motor will
only run for about 7 seconds per minute. The combustion blower will also
slow down to help the fire to cool. When the fire cools to a exhaust
temperature of about 260 deg.F. The feed motor will shut off.
When, the exhaust temperature cools to around 90 deg., the combustion
blower will shut off.
Note: The PC-45 will continue to run the combustion blower for five
hours after the ESP probe cools. Also upon power-up, the combustion
blower will run for one minute, If turned to on, and back off during
that first minute,the combustion blower will run for the five hours.
Harman Pellet Service Training

